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Posted By: Knightsounds MIDI tracks on RealBand - 02/10/13 05:41 PM
I am using the 2013 version of Band in a Box and RealBand. When I insert riffs into RealBand it adds an additional MIDI track of the same riff. I do not want do I turn this activity off?
Posted By: rharv Re: MIDI tracks on RealBand - 02/10/13 08:39 PM
I have no idea, you should submit it to support
Leaving the 'Generate realchart' unchecked has no effect and that's where I thought it would be.
Posted By: Knightsounds Re: MIDI tracks on RealBand - 02/11/13 12:01 AM
I have requested information from support. I will post their response to this issue when I receive it.
Posted By: Knightsounds Re: MIDI tracks on RealBand - 02/22/13 05:18 AM
I exchanged several emails with product support without much help. About the only thing they could tell me was to uncheck the "generate real chart" in the preferences. I had already done this before I contacted them and it does not stop the midi copy of the inserted rift. At this time I am using the track drop down and removing the track with the midi data.
I'm not sure they know what the issue is or maybe it's not a big issue for them.
Anyhow, I still love the version 2013 of Band in a Box and RealBand! The backup tracks that I make in my studio using Real Tracks, my telecasters, wife's piano and using a Boss BR1600 for the final mix, rivals anything that comes out of the big boys studios!! They must hate PG Music...or wait...they might be using Real Tracks!!
Posted By: Rob Helms Re: MIDI tracks on RealBand - 02/22/13 03:33 PM
Knightsounds, I find this program so powerful for just what detail. Always amazed at what I can make. Funny thing is I keep learning and going back over song file, that keep getting better!
Posted By: Knightsounds Re: MIDI tracks on RealBand - 02/22/13 11:10 PM
I very much agree with you. Some of the new RealTracks in the 2013 version are really awesome...not to take away anything from earlier versions. I am really serious when I speak about the quality of the music that can be made using RealBand in conjunction with my other "stuff". I've had many people upon hearing a CD that I've put together in my little home studio ask, "Where did you get that recorded at?".
I could not have imagined before RealBand the professional quality music that can recorded in a small studio.
Now it does take some work and you are always learning something new...but can it be work if you're fooling with music!!
As I read posts from some of you old veterans, I can't help but be a little envious of the knowledge y'all have of this program.

J M Knight
Posted By: rharv Re: MIDI tracks on RealBand - 02/23/13 12:07 AM
You'll learn the program over time. As mentioned often; ask lots of (relevant) questions here on the forum.
The 'old veterans' here are willing to share knowledge.
That's why I stick around and keep learning.

Posted By: Knightsounds Re: MIDI tracks on RealBand - 02/24/13 05:43 PM
And let me add, I really appreciate the willingness to help by forum members. I have been able to solve issues based on this information.
Now, I'm getting a little perplexed at having to use the track drop down to remove duplicate midi tracks for the rifts I insert in RealBand. It might not seem as much of an issue but having to remove these tracks or keep them and have them "clutter" up the tracks you are working with can be a little perplexing! Does anyone else have this problem or is it just my particular setup?
Also, I'm interested in putting a picture into KnightSounds but I'm not sure how to go about this.

Joe Knight
Posted By: rharv Re: MIDI tracks on RealBand - 02/24/13 07:17 PM
I think others have had this issue, may be worth contacting support about so it is on their hitlist for fixes.

In the Tips forum there is a good thread on posting pitures with clear directions.
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