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"Drag n Drop Acid Loops in RB Will Auto Stretch to Key/Tempo"
This would make things quicker than opening the Loops window and searching.
Drop Loops.MP4
Drop Loops.WMV

until there is a decent loop browser in RB you can just use FreeCommander , with it you can find and preview Loops instantly wav,mp3,mid etc.. To get instant preview go to Tools > Settings > View > Viewer > untick last 3 boxes > Quick view > Multimedia auto start playback
Freecommander is good for a lot of things. It can be real handy.
I cannot get it to autostretch. Is there a setting I missed?
Originally Posted By: Stephan326
I cannot get it to autostretch. Is there a setting I missed?

nor can I that is the problem.
I do know that the loops must contain the original Key/Tempo information in the header of the wav file. Whether yours do or not I don't know. You must also have the correct key/tempo set in RB (not the default key of C).
I don't experiment much with Acid. smile
If you put the loops in the Loops folder in the Realtracks folder, and are using RealBand 2014, then they will auto stretch, and auto transpose according to the chords of your song. This is different than having to place them manually, as advised above.
This is how to pick a loop (how it is at the moment)

How To Pick A Loop.mp4
How To Pick A Loop.wmv
I will take a look at home tonight but i believe you can build folders inside of the loops folder to have them under catagories. but once it goes through the process it is a bit quicker from them on, and they are there.
Thanks for making the videos. They are very helpful. 'Free Commander', (from the video) looks like a good tool to use with RealBand when using external loops that don't require tempo stretching or transposition. But I didn't get to install it, as it wanted to install some kind of browser toolbar (MySearchDial) that promised to "change the way the way you surf the web"... no thanks! Is there a way to install that Free Commander without that ?

>>> This is how to pick a loop (how it is at the moment)

The delay shown in the video only should happen the first time you pick a loop in the session, and if you haven't used any BiaB related functions in that session yet. The first time you use any BiaB related function, there is a delay, to start up the BiaB engine, which is then ready for any BiaB function. So the delay you are showing in your video isn't related to the Loops per-se. If your video showed using the dialog a second time in the session, there would be no delay.

The 'Audition' button in the Loops dialog launching Windows Media Player is a different issue, and that delay will be eliminated in a future (free) patch (ie we haven't yet hooked it up for the instant preview as we have done for RealTracks, RealDrums and Styles demos.) When that's done choosing loops should be faster (if you need to audition them).
Thanks Peter, that really will help. I see what SR means, but it is so true that delay goes away on the second loop. Also am I right about the folders setup, we can add multiple folders and separate the loops bu type and still see them right?
>>> Also am I right about the folders setup, we can add multiple folders and separate the loops bu type and still see them right?

Yes. For example,if you make a folder called "Strat Power Chords", then you will see all the loops listed for the whole Loops folder, including the ones in Strat Power Chords.

But if you type a filter with something like "Strat Pow" then you will only see the Loops in the Strat Power Chords folder. (unless you have other loops with "Strat Pow" in the name of course.
Don't download it from CNet or brothersoft
you think you are getting the installer but it is there's.
Softpedia guarantees that FreeCommander XE 2014 Build 650 is 100% Clean, which means it does not contain any form of malware, including but not limited to: spyware, viruses, trojans and backdoors.

How many loops have you guys got ? some nature sound, Tambourines and cowbells ?

going loopy.mp4
going loopy.wmv

free commander.mp4
free commander.wmv

Cool i will spend some time setting it up
This is just Acid & Pro Tools the others do it but the video would be too long.

Acid PT.mp4
Acid PT.wmv
Softpedia guarantees that FreeCommander XE 2014 Build 650 is 100% Clea

Thanks. That worked, and I got it running. How did you get it to preview WAV files? When I double click on a WAV file, it launches WMP.
When I click on menu help-Contents, it says help file (FreeCommander.chm) not found (and there is no help file in the folder). Maybe helpf file is not included with the free version?
While i agree with you on Acid's loop capability being superb, i think we have to also realize that looping was, has and always will be the core feature of Acid. I remember (having literally starting this journey as an acid pro user) how clunky Acid Pro was with other processes other than loop work. Rb does many more things that acid loops, and that is not it's prime directive. This is a recent add on, and i am sure it will get better in time. I am sure of this due to Peter's interest in your very interesting thread.

It will be interesting to see as RB progresses in time does it develop the ability to access the BiaB engine quicker, and more internally.
Originally Posted By: solidrock
..To get instant preview go to Tools > Settings > View > Viewer > untick last 3 boxes > Quick view > Multimedia auto start playback
Originally Posted By: Robh
While i agree with you on Acid's loop capability ....

Once RB has quick access and Drag n Drop I will donate my Acid to the poor. I just want to be able to do it all in RB because of the many things it is capable of that no other DAW has.
There is brilliant musical ingenuity behind it, it just needs a more professional interface, then you would not need any other DAW.
I agree, but, it is going to take time, and some of it may not happen. I have to remind myself, there is a reason these other programs do not do what BiaB/RB does, they do not know how to add all that to what they already do, without adding a buttload of problems.

It is also hard to make RB do everything Sonar, or Acid, or studio one, or Logic does. Some of these software are pretty buggy because of all the stuff added for years, i worry adding full on Acid capability , full on Reaper capability, full on Sonar capability to RB will introduce a lot of problems. The more you ask any platform to do, the more you add the possibility to make it unstable. I would like to see a little more refinement on the automation envelopes, and maybe fix the VSTi issues, and add maybe a bit better audio editing. and then work on making things generate a bit faster.

But please don't try to add in all the major features of half a dozen different programs. It would end up being a complete hot mess.

I believe this, cause i have watched the other forums for years now, Sonar went from stable to shakey, and is still fighting to come back from there.

I think the melding of Powertracks, and BiaB is a tall order, and it shows in the struggle Rb has to open up the BiaB engine each time it is opened.

Anyway it is very interesting to watch the development, and i often wonder just what Peter's vision of where he would like to take Rb in the long run.
Don't go to extremes here just make it do the common things associated with DAW's that's it end of story. Anyway history shows what happens, I remember asking for DI guitars "no man you can't do that, that won't work, not possible...." I love it when the impossible becomes reality.
No i understand and agree, but some of those features took other DAWs decades to get. I have used Cakewalk since the 90s and it is just now really getting some of this, and some of these features that are wanted are also very buggy in those DAWs still.

Sonar just got real comping this year!!!

The time stretch is only a few years old, and most DAWs except Acid have just bought into this in the last 5 years or so. Zplane, and others are now available to all.

RB is already light years ahead of those in some areas, and light years behind in others.
Easy quick way of dropping loops to RB until we get a drag n drop loop selection window. You can do half/Double time etc.

Rubber Band Audio Processor

It uses the same engine as BeatCleaver

RubberBand with Realband.MP4
RubberBand with Realband.WMV

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