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Posted By: critter Strange problem - 01/24/14 05:17 AM
I made up a song in biab as always and then sent it to RB. When trying to make changes to soloist Brent Mason, such as pan and volume, when I rewind and start over all the settings revert back to what they were in the beginning. 2014 ultra plus pak. This is the first song I put together with the new pak. All other tracks stay where I want them, what's up?
Posted By: solidrock Re: Strange problem - 01/24/14 07:39 AM

have a look if you have nodes under the wav, expand the track down, you can right click delete all nodes.
Posted By: Guitarhacker Re: Strange problem - 01/24/14 02:08 PM
You should be able to edit the nodes.... deleting them simply does away with whatever control they were having. Perhaps not the desired results you wanted.

I don't use RB as a DAW but in my DAW, I can delete, add, and edit the nodes as needed to make that envelope do what I want it to do.

I can also click and drag the sections between the nodes up and down, right and left as well as the individual nodes to have the automation do exactly what I want it to do, where I want it to do it.

Envelopes and automation are your best friends.
Posted By: solidrock Re: Strange problem - 01/24/14 08:46 PM
With Proper Envelope Editing, clip or track base you choose to have it, it is not put in automatically without you knowing as in RB:
Envelopes Vol Pan.mp4
Envelopes Vol Pan.wmv
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