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Posted By: Sonny Ray VST file folder in RealBand? - 02/22/14 09:18 PM
I need a clarification about a VST FX plugin folder I created in RB: I spoke to Support this morning about a problem I was having getting RB to recognize a new plugin. During our online discussion about the problem, I mentioned that I had created a VST FX plugin folder in RB (I did this almost a year ago) and that's where I stored the FX plugins I use with RB. I was told that I shouldn't have that folder in RB, and that I should move it out of the program files. No reason given.

The folder doesn't seem to have caused any operational problems using RB, although sometimes the FX won't show up immediately when I'm running RB and open an FX to tweak a track (but eventually does open).

Thanks in advance for any clarification and thoughts on the matter.
Posted By: seeker Re: VST file folder in RealBand? - 02/22/14 10:09 PM

In the course of events did create a "Steinberg" folder.
In this do have VstPlugins folder. Steinberg does reside in Program Files(x86).
Also Cakewalk/VstPlugins folder exists in Program Files(default name for 64bit).

Think Steinberg invented VST nomenclature to the plugins.

Also within the steinberg folder are many other folders, some I put there,
and some were installed via installation software.

Also in the steinberg folder are 22 VSTi name.dll files, including couple of
name.ini files. Blessed to have many of these SANS Kontakt(ooohhh).

When doing additions to BIAB and/or RB seems to be the place to go.

Now some software installs do put VST elsewhere. Their right I guess.

Also a lot of these in the steinberg folder are found by Cakewalk Sonar.

If the PG folks mentioned to not put it somewhere, I'd follow their recommendation.

What is mentioned above would possibly be different with many other users.

Again, many miles to go on this journey we are on.
Posted By: Sonny Ray Re: VST file folder in RealBand? - 02/23/14 03:14 AM
Thanks, Frank B for the comment.

I did move the VST folder out of RB and into Programs (x86). When I opened a song I had been working on, all the FX I had been using were missing from the tracks. When I tried to install the FX I had been having the problems with, I got the same message I had been getting before that the FX wasn't a VST folder - of course it is, and it's also a 32bit file.

When I moved the VST folder back to RB where it has been for nearly a year, I could once again install the new FX in question.

So I'm wondering why not have a VST folder with FXs in Real Band? I have had trouble before loading other VST 32bit FXs from other file folder locations, but been successful when the FXs were in the RB VST folder.

I should have asked support my "why not" question, but didn't, and was hoping someone on this forum would know.

Regards and best wishes,
Posted By: solidrock Re: VST file folder in RealBand? - 02/23/14 04:43 AM
Yea it should not matter where you have them, I have some all over the place and they still work, not all plugins install themselves in a common VSTPlugins folder. So is it just a new plugin that won't open in RB, because there is a lot I found that won't open.
If the folder is on an external USB it might be a bit slow to open.
Posted By: multitracker Re: VST file folder in RealBand? - 02/23/14 05:57 AM
It's better to have them located in a neutral location such as the Steinberg one mentioned, because you may have other audio programs that alsoneed to access the vsts.

If you install them in the Realband folder and later on install a newer version of RB, not sure but the new install might not retain your original folder. That is not an issue if it is stored elsewhere.

The reason your songs can't locate the vst folder after moving it is because it is looking for the old path you originally set to the RB folder.

Posted By: Mac Re: VST file folder in RealBand? - 02/23/14 01:23 PM
Originally Posted By: multitracker

If you install them in the Realband folder and later on install a newer version of RB, not sure but the new install might not retain your original folder. That is not an issue if it is stored elsewhere.

If you install a newer version "right overtop" of the older version, the Installer does not delete anything that is not part of the new version.

VST's, Songs, etc. have always been right where I left them after doing that every year with not only RB, but PT and BiaB as well.

Posted By: Guitarhacker Re: VST file folder in RealBand? - 02/23/14 05:55 PM
I've seen it both ways. In and out. I generally let the VST install where it wishes by default and then tell the programs that need to access it where it can be found.

Anytime you move that folder, the programs that have access to it will not know where to find it so you will get the "missing plug in's" notification. If you re-point them to the new location, all should be good.
Posted By: Sonny Ray Re: VST file folder in RealBand? - 02/24/14 01:10 AM
Thanks to everyone for their comments. I installed the 2014 version without any problem to the VST Folder or its contents.

Rather then fix something that's not broken (on my computer, that is), I made a copy of the VST folder and put it in my Program folder, so now I have a copy if anything happens to the RB folder.

Thanks again - keep on rockin'
Posted By: Guitarhacker Re: VST file folder in RealBand? - 02/24/14 12:51 PM
Originally Posted By: Sonny Ray

Rather then fix something that's not broken (on my computer, that is), I made a copy of the VST folder and put it in my Program folder, so now I have a copy if anything happens to the RB folder.


I hope you renamed it. Even just calling it VST_BACKUP or something like that.

Sometimes having 2 folders with the exact same name can really be confusing to the computer. I recall something like happening to me with VST called Jamstix. It didn't like to have 2 folders with the same name on the computer.

Aside from that, a back up is always a good idea.
Posted By: Sonny Ray Re: VST file folder in RealBand? - 02/24/14 09:12 PM
Thanks for the good advice - I just renamed the file.
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