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When I use the TC Helicon harmonizer in BIAB and then try to open in Real Band-audio track is out of sync. Have spent hours on the phone with tech support to no avail. No problem importing from BIAB into Real Band unless the harmonizer had been used.
One solution would be to have a harmonizer in Real Band! I tried to download the Antares demo Harmonizer but could not figure out how to install it.
Do other Audio tracks recorded in RB or imported to RB from BIAB come out okay?

In other words, need to *isolate* whether or not this is happening only on tracks imported that have the TC on them.

The problem is with only vocals recorded in BIAB and then imported into RB. All other Real and MIDI instruments are fine
As of last night-the vocals with and without the harmonizer are not synced up.
Sounds like it is time to look into the soundcard type and its own settings perhaps.

What are you using for a soundcard, brand and model?"

Also, what is your Operating System and Service Pack?

Sound Card is M-Audio Mobile Pre-USB
XP Pro Service Pack 3
Just currious about this one. I put a post to your request to have TC Helicon Harmonizer added to RB, I exported a vocal track from RB, then imported to BIAB then applied TC Helicon Harmonizer to the track and exported as four harmony tracks. Imported them back into RB. Everything lined up here?

I had to set the import point to the beginning of the vocal track in RB (of course).
How do I set the import point to the beginning of the vocal track in RB?
When you click on import wave file

Audio/Import Wave (<CTRL><F3>)

you should get a dialogue to select a wave, next screen has the heading

Import Wave File

It has a time co-ordinance and there are to the right to the time two buttons one with a Single "<" and one with Two "<<" the double << will move you to the very start of the track, the Single < will move you to the start of the current bar.

In my case the Voice started as a pick up on a bar. I went to the audio edit window and bumped up the zoom to make it easy to pick the exact starting point.

I then returned to the tarck window the insert point was at the time I had set it to on the Audio window.

I then imported By selecting a blank trake. The insertion point is remembered as I move from track to track if I click on the extreme left of the track (Where the name, track number etc are).

you could also take note of the start of the track wave on the track when you export
I was hoping that there would be a quick fix (box to check or uncheck) that would allow me to import from BIAB to RB-but is seems like the software for some odd reason is not doing what it should be doing. Is it something that I am doing wrong?

I was under the impression that files created in BIAB are supposed to be able to be easily imported into Real Band.

I appreciate your help-its just frustrating when the software says it should be able to do something that if it works would save hours of extra work on my part.

If I could figure out the exact time in BIAB where the vocals come in it seems like it should be easy start the vocal when imported into RB at the exact same time.
So even if when imported the vocals don't line up I should be able to adjust the blank space before the vocals begin so that they will line up exactly.
There may be a global setting in your RB that needs addressed.

Start bar position is the first place to look.

Where would I look for Start bar position?
I just tried generating Real Bass and it was totally out of sync.

Where would I look for Start bar position?

On the right side under the Prefs button where it says, "Bar Offset".

This may or may not be your problem, but a -2 there will account for any countin bars BIAB imposed.

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