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Posted By: cklester How to Hear Plugged-In Guitar - 10/02/15 01:14 AM
How do I hear my audio input in RealBand? That is, how do I monitor the input, I guess would be the correct terminology. I primarily want to hear my guitar through RB's effects dealio.
Posted By: solidrock Re: How to Hear Plugged-In Guitar - 10/02/15 07:46 AM
Audio Settings
Enable Input Monitoring
(ASIO Only) – When this checkbox is enabled (and ASIO is selected in the Driver Type combo) then RealBand will take the ASIO input signal from input port number 1 and send it to output 1 so that you will hear the input through the speakers. You can apply real time effects to the monitored input by selected "Input" in the top combo box of the DirectX/VST Real Time Effects dialog. You can then select up to 4 DirectX or VST effects.

If you don't have an ASIO sound card use

Posted By: Guitarhacker Re: How to Hear Plugged-In Guitar - 10/02/15 08:42 AM
You will likely need to run a good external sound card or interface and ASIO drivers to do this effectively.

All that processing takes time...from the input of the original signal through the processing and out to the speakers.... Anything more than about 10ms will show up as latency or an apparent delay in the "live music". 20ms becomes bothersome and generally anything north of 50ms is impossible. I've seen latency in the 250ms+ range a few times.... on the factory sound card in my lappy with it's MME driver..... A very distinct echo/delay.

You can try ASIO4ALL and you can adjust the latency settings to try to get the delay as low as possible. As for me and how I record my guitars.... I get the sound from my amp or the POD that I like and want to use. I record it straight in as unprocessed audio.

My interface immediately puts the input on the output so I can hear it in real time. Waa Laa... no latency. Another option is to use the guitar sim and record clean unprocessed guitar straight in and then apply the sim as a VST/FX after the fact.

Figure out the method that works best for you and use that one. There's no right or wrong way, just the way that works for you.
Posted By: cklester Re: How to Hear Plugged-In Guitar - 10/02/15 03:39 PM
A-ha! Thanks, guys! I'll try that tonight when I get back to the recording studio. :-)
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