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Posted By: marcost Turn off auto save? - 08/30/09 04:49 PM
Hi I want to turn off the slooooow autosave that starts when I regenerate my songs. I think I managed to turn this off in ver 2009 but it's back now I have upgraded to 2009.5 and I can't find the right box to un-check...?


Posted By: MartinB Re: Turn off auto save? - 08/30/09 05:05 PM
'Backup most recent audio take' in the Audio Preferences or 'Create backup file when overriding a .SEQ file' in the File Preferences?
Posted By: marcost Re: Turn off auto save? - 08/30/09 08:22 PM
thank but no, both those are unchecked and it still does it. Takes a couple of minutes, even if I only want to regenerate one bar. Really frustrating

'Number of Undo levels' cannot be set to zero either.

Any other ideas?

thanks again
Posted By: WienSam Re: Turn off auto save? - 08/30/09 08:50 PM
Restore to factory settings and a re-boot?
Posted By: MartinB Re: Turn off auto save? - 08/30/09 09:25 PM
Is there anything like a factory reset with RealBand?

Rereading the original post, I am now wondering how this 'auto save' looks like in the first place. When I regenerate the song here, I see just the tracks getting regenerated - no save actions taking place ->

The generation/regeneration of RealTracks sure takes its time, yet that wasn't originally meant?
Posted By: marcost Re: Turn off auto save? - 08/30/09 09:46 PM
Hi to clarify, this happens before the re-generation process starts - In the same place as the re-generation progress dialog (top of my screen), appears the text 'saving undo data' and a % count up to 100. Once this is done, the song or section is generated. The time for this save gets longer and longer as my song gets longer/more bars & tracks etc.

Posted By: Rachael Re: Turn off auto save? - 08/30/09 09:51 PM
When I'm regenerating a single track, I first select the whole track, cut, and then generate. I don't see the 'saving Undo' message this way. The Undo message is a mystery to me also. Often time when I'm generating a part of a track that has no data on it, the message comes up.

Posted By: MartinB Re: Turn off auto save? - 08/30/09 10:06 PM

Hi to clarify, this happens before the re-generation process starts - In the same place as the re-generation progress dialog (top of my screen), appears the text 'saving undo data' and a % count up to 100. Once this is done, the song or section is generated. The time for this save gets longer and longer as my song gets longer/more bars & tracks etc.

Ok now, this happens here too whenever I right click and select 'Regenerate Track'. Odd enough, regenerating some RealTrack happens very swiftly such that I have a hard time to recognize the progress percentages whereas when regenerating RealDrums I may watch the progress percentages slowly approaching their 100% mark.

I don't see any Save percentages at all when I right click and select 'Generate All'.
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