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Posted By: Limau Cannot Edit File - 09/11/23 01:10 AM
Hi, I am running BIAB 2018, and it has developed a problem where a new file cannot be edited after being saved. It gets weirder. When changing the tempo, the two tempos play at the same time, although the new tempo progression is lower in volume. I have uninstalled the application and reinstalled it from the USB drive, but it did not change the problem.
Posted By: Chantelle - PG Music Re: Cannot Edit File - 09/11/23 11:02 AM
What kind of file are you trying to Edit? Is it a Band-in-a-Box MGU/SGU, a MIDI file or something else?

Do you have an audio file that has the same name as your Band-in-a-Box song in the same folder?
Posted By: Limau Re: Cannot Edit File - 09/11/23 06:56 PM
Thanks for the reply. They are SGU Band In A Box files. In some cases, the folder contains files of the same name which are rendered to m4a as backing tracks.
Posted By: Chantelle - PG Music Re: Cannot Edit File - 09/12/23 12:20 PM
Try renaming the audio files to something else so they no longer match the file name of the SGU. Then see if that helps with hearing double during playback.
Posted By: Limau Re: Cannot Edit File - 09/12/23 08:33 PM
I'm in Australia, hence the delay. I have moved all the m4a files to a seperate folder. This appears to have solved both problems. Thanks.
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