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Posted By: Nome Notation display error - 11/10/12 03:13 AM
has anyone else had the bar lines double in the middle of a piece? I've only had this problem since installing 12.5 on my Macbook Pro a few weeks ago. I'm attempting to print a standard 40 bar tune which I've doubled the length & added a tag. From the 4th line on, some bars lines are double & from the 6th line, all of them are!?!
Posted By: PeterGannon Re: Notation display error - 11/10/12 10:39 PM
You may need to email the song to (referencing this thread). In general, double lines should only occur when you have a part marker. If you have part markers on all of those bars, that would explain it.
Posted By: Nome Re: Notation display error - 11/12/12 08:13 AM
OK have sent the problem version.
However I've now achieved a successful rewrite & think I found part of the cause of my woes was an incorrect setting for the tag to begin in the same bar as it was to jump from, i.e. bar 80.
I will e-mail the rewrite as well.
Posted By: Nome Re: Notation display error - 11/12/12 08:37 AM
I just tried shrinking my double length version back to normal length again. First thing I checked was the additional song settings, & I had the same problem with the tag starting bar moving to the same bar as it was to jump from!?!
I then had to rewrite the tag notation too!
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