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Posted By: kgnos Notation problem - pgmusic.ttf - 03/19/13 08:28 PM

I just upgraded to the full audiophile version 2013 Mac.

Notation won't work (It worked in all earlier versions). Said it missed the pgmusic.ttf font. I installed several times, selecting to copy the fonts. Rebooted several times. Then I started to put the fonts in different locations: /library/fonts, user/livrary fonts, system/library/fonts, each time rebooting, but BB13 still won't find the fonts and notation won't work.
Quite frustrating, having paid over 500 $, and now it won't work...

Already lost about 10 hours without finding a solution, it's quite disappointing...

Please help!

BTW, using a Mac Pro, Mountain Lion 64 Bit - BB12 worked on the same machine.


Posted By: fgrittner Re: Notation problem - pgmusic.ttf - 03/19/13 09:06 PM
Contact PGMusic. Use the Live Chat feature on the website.
Posted By: Andrew - PG Music Re: Notation problem - pgmusic.ttf - 03/19/13 09:32 PM
Hello Kurt,

That's strange

You launched the "Band-in-a-Box Setup" installer file on the USB hard drive, and the "install music fonts" option was checked?

In the /Library/Fonts folder on your Mac HD, you should see six pg*.ttf files. (Previous versions of Band-in-a-Box used something called "PG Music font suitcase", however BB2013 no longer uses that).

If you see those files and notation still isn't working, re-launch Band-in-a-Box. If still not working, there must be something unusual going on.
Posted By: kgnos Re: Notation problem - pgmusic.ttf - 03/20/13 01:39 PM

I did all this already, in fact several times. I found out that the installer installs the fonts in user/name/library/fonts.

I also moved them to /Library/Fonts, rebooted, to no avail.

I googled and searched, but I could not find a solution.

However, you could update the FAQ - The newest Mac version there is 2011 and still recommends to decompress and install the PgMusic Suite Fonts (which I also tried but didn't work either).

Might it be a preferences problem? I had older versions (which worked)

The fonts are showing up in the mac "Schriftartensammlung" (font collection?), so the problem seems to lie with bb.

Hoping for more help...;-)

Posted By: Andrew - PG Music Re: Notation problem - pgmusic.ttf - 03/20/13 05:43 PM
A couple of ideas/questions

Click on your Mac HD and Get Info (command+I). Is the Format 'case-sensitive'? This could cause some strange issues in BB.

Also, what is the exact name of your HD - are there any unusual characters? Or is it just called Macintosh HD.

Click on your /Library/Fonts folder and Get Info. Under sharing and permissions, do any users have "no access"?

You can return BB to factory settings by deleting the files in your /Applications/Band-in-a-Box/Preferences folder. Before doing so, you can make a backup of the prefs by duplicating the folder and renaming it Prefs Backup.

Thanks, yes we should update the FAQ topic.
Posted By: kgnos Re: Notation problem - pgmusic.ttf (solved) - 03/21/13 04:18 PM

thanks for the ideas.

I tried something new. I installed BAB13 on my Macbook pro - worked like a charm. Then I compared - everything the same, font locations, fonts showing up in Fontbook.

I tested some text programs and found a difference - Word on my Macbook showed all pg fonts, word on my Mac pro only Two.

So, even if Fontbook on both machines showed all the pg fonts, I began to suspect something there.

I googled to look for font problems in Mountain Lion, and I found a solution in the article:

I lost some more hours because my mac pro wouldn't like to start in safe mode, but found out it worked also after a normal boot; opening terminal and entering

sudo atsutil databases -remove

This cleans up the font caches, and after doing this an rebooting, now it works.

Thanks again

Nice work! Glad it's fixed.
Hi I'm new to this forum and have the same problem but the above command line did nothing for me. So I tried this and it worked for me on my macbook pro running OSX mavericks:

- Get this freeware Permissions Reset:
- Drag the /Library/Fonts folder to the app and hit Reset

No restart required.

-Nor Eddine Bahha
Font Designer
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