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Posted By: Phestus New Mac update for BIAB - 11/17/15 10:12 PM
I have been away from BIAB for several years now and when I was using it, it was PC ver 11. I have now shifted to Apple Mac and would like to upgrade to the latest version for Mac. Can anyone tell me when the next new version of BIAB for the Mac will be issued. I know they usually upgrade for the PC sometime around December. Does that hold true for the Mac version also? Thanks in advance for any answers I may get.

Best Regards,

Posted By: Jim Fogle Re: New Mac update for BIAB - 11/17/15 11:17 PM

Generally speaking, Windows (PC) new versions are released during the month of December while Mac versions are during the month of June.

However, as they say in the commercials, "past performance is no guarantee of future performance". PG Music does not announce new versions beforehand.

The most recent Mac release was updated October 23.
Posted By: solidrock Re: New Mac update for BIAB - 11/17/15 11:17 PM
Mid year usually.
Upgrade from 2013 or earlier or crossgrade
Posted By: Phestus Re: New Mac update for BIAB - 11/18/15 04:45 PM
Thanks to both of you for the answers. Maybe I'm wrong, probably am, but it seems that the PC version may have a few more features than the Mac version. I still have my PC with BIAB 11 on it and could upgrade to the latest PC ver but I would prefer to go the Mac way if there are no major differences. I have looked at the charts and am somewhat undecided. I would like to have the latest version, so I could wait until December for the PC update. Updating to the Mac version now would mean, in the long run, that I have to pay for two upgrades. I'm 78 years old and retired, so I don't want to spend money unnecessarily. I am certainly open to recommendations from those who are a lot more up on such things. Many thanks for reading my ramble. I look forward to your responses.

Posted By: wbe Re: New Mac update for BIAB - 11/18/15 04:52 PM
Hello, I'm using the Mac-version and can't recommend it. PGMusic is still letting the Mac-version far behind. A lot of features are missing in comparison to the Windows-version. Its is quite annoying that they don't even mention the differences between these two versions on their website.
Posted By: Jim Fogle Re: New Mac update for BIAB - 11/18/15 05:42 PM
I have the pc edition and do not have access to the Mac version so I'm not an authority and can just give my opinion and impressions.

My opinion: If you have the capability to install and run it I suggest you get the pc edition.

Based on the number of forum posts the pc edition is vastly more popular than the Mac edition. More forum users can support the pc edition versus the Mac edition.

The pc edition has more features than the Mac version (so I've read multiple times in various forum posts).

The pc edition ships with RealBand. The Mac edition has no equivalent and RealBand is worth having for the multiriff feature alone even though RealBand can do much more.

I am not aware of ANY feature or Advantage the Mac edition offers over the pc edition.
Posted By: Phestus Re: New Mac update for BIAB - 11/18/15 11:22 PM
Hello WBE and Jim,

I really appreciate your response to my questions. You have confirmed what I thought to be the case. The PC edition is much superior to the Mac version. I currently have BAIB 11 installed on an ASUS PC laptop and am very satisfied with everything except the latency problem. I have to find a solution to that before I can be completly satisfied that I will be able to fully use it on a PC. I bought an M-Audio M-Track to try to eliminate the problem but it didn't help at all. I will gladly accept any and all suggestions anyone has for helping me with the latency problem. Again, thanks for the information. You have helped me make up my mind.

Posted By: Jim Fogle Re: New Mac update for BIAB - 11/18/15 11:32 PM
I'm not understanding why latency should be an issue, especially since you have a M-Audio M Track interface.

The audio interface will combine the sound you are sending to the interface (typically microphone or instrument) with the sound coming from the computer (Band-in-a-Box instrument tracks audio output) and blend the two audio signals together for you to hear through the headphones. This is taken from the M-Audio website:

"Improved Monitoring for Better Recordings
M-Track offers ultra-low latency monitoring of the input signal—either through the speakers or via headphones. The monitor mix knob adjusts the balance between the direct inputs and the playback from your computer software. In addition, the input signal(s) can be monitored in stereo or mono using the convenient Stereo/Mono switch. This makes it easy to record new parts or add parts to an existing composition. The Headphone output offers its own level control."
Posted By: Island Soul Re: New Mac update for BIAB - 11/19/15 10:17 AM
I have the Mac version only because I use a Mac for most of audio work. I also do some audio production such as mixing and recording and some sound design. I find the Mac version to be pretty good but I can understand why the Windows version is better since most people have a PC.
Posted By: Phestus Re: New Mac update for BIAB - 11/19/15 03:49 PM
Hello Jim and Islansoul,

Thanks to both of you for your replies. Got a long way to go before i feel somewhat competent with BAIB.

Jim. Thanks for the info on M-Audio M-Track. I have d/l the manual and will get back at it this afternoon. I'm sure I have been doing something wrong in my setup. Hopefully, I can get it running as it should. Now, all I have to do is wait for the 2016 version to come out. Then I'll be off and running. Thanks again for your help. BTW, since I now plan to be working with the PC version of BAIB I will shift my attention to the Windows part of the forum and this will be my last post to the Apple Mac forum. See you on the PC forum!

Thanks Everyone,

Posted By: solidrock Re: New Mac update for BIAB - 11/19/15 04:32 PM
The Win version is way head of the Mac at the moment, but there are die hards that only want "Mac", put Win down but don't mind using Intel, but will only use Mac religiously so that's what they are stuck with until it catches up with WinBB and WinRB. But if you are ambidextrous you can use the Win and Mac without feeling unloyal or guilty or embarrassed or infidelity, you can use Mac with WinOnX or Parallels Desktop or Boot Camp or a 2nd HD with Win on.
Apple now don't have any qualms using the Intel, developed by all the Windows users, I have an old G5 sitting beside me that weighs 10 ton and an Intel Mac that I can lift with one finger.
Posted By: solidrock Re: New Mac update for BIAB - 11/19/15 07:12 PM
If you have decided to use another hard drive in your Mac or Boot Camp

Posted By: wbe Re: New Mac update for BIAB - 11/23/15 05:13 PM
It has not nothing to do with "using the Mac religiously" , that I use the Mac. I wouldn't use a Mac , if it would not be the better audio-computer and a lot ot other people are believing the same. E.g. you don't need a Asio -driver , which makes a lot of troubles (my experiences). You don't have a antivirus-program, which is slowing down the system etc. So, PGMusic is doing no good to treating the Mac-community worse than the Windows.
Posted By: solidrock Re: New Mac update for BIAB - 11/23/15 05:57 PM
Sorry wbe it was not aimed at you, I agree having Mac also that it is behind but the win version has taken decades to build to where it is now, I think they are working very hard to catch up in what must be a absolute nightmare to do. I think making the move to offer BB to Mac is a good one, even though this has stopped the a new version of BB & RB for Win being released twice a year. The suggestions above only gives you more "Options" for using the Win version on Mac. I have a friend with an Mac Retina 15" Laptop who uses it for photo work and I suggested getting a 28" 4K LED Monitor (3840 x 2160) UHD resolution for $400, but the Apple Geniuses said she would be better paying $1400 for An Apple 27"(2560x1440) QHD resolution. Sorry I just get this all day long that's why I'm a bit sharp on these things lol.
Posted By: AudioTrack Re: New Mac update for BIAB - 11/24/15 02:08 PM
Hi Phestus

Re: Latency Issue

Maybe you are using MME drivers and not ASIO drivers for your audio. MME may give latency issues. Switching to ASIO may resolve this.

From the Help file:
Now there’s almost no latency (delay) for audio or software synths! By using an ASIO audio driver, software synths like the Coyote WT will play with almost no latency (delay is only 5-10ms). So you’ll hear the sounds instantly, and be able to play along using MIDI Thru with the same ultra-low latency.

Posted By: solidrock Re: New Mac update for BIAB - 11/24/15 06:36 PM
Originally Posted By: VideoTrack
Hi Phestus

Re: Latency Issue

Yes you are right there Trev, Jim sorted it for him in the other forum
Posted By: Phestus Re: New Mac update for BIAB - 11/29/15 01:47 AM
Just came back to check on things with this thread and find there have been more answers posted. A very big thank you to all who have posted to this query. I hope there have been others,like myself, who have benefitted from all the good info posted here. I agree that audio and video are probably much better served by having an Apple. However, since I already have BIAB11 in use on my PC, I will also load 2016 onto the PC and go from there. I hope I'm not making a mistake but if I am I'll just have to live with it. What I really like about this forum is that there are many users of both systems and they are all ready and willing to answer questions and share their experiences. A novice like me can use all the help he can get. Many Thanks To All...

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