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The chords on the songs I'm working on seem to go on forever, like almost 100 bars, and I've been too lazy to figure out what must be an easy way to send the playhead back to a point in the song so it plays a part over again to 'minimalize' my song. Some kind of marker that says, stop here and go to bar 3 and play from there.
Hope I'm making sense and any help is much appreciated.
Ok, checked with the PG folks and maybe many of you knew this I didn't) but for those that don't, it's not possible to do this with the MAC version (yet). I put in a request to the developer and apparently it's already on the wishlist. I was a bit surprised such a function is not doable.
frown drives me nutes
mine run for a couple of pages
can't wait until they get BIAB for mac up to speed
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