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I moved up from 2010.5 to 2015. While running it, and trying to get the program to recognize the disk I keep my Real Tracks folder on, I was prompted to erase "unnecessary files." I believe they may have been all m4a's? Anyway, I read up on it and PG Music says that starting with version 2011 they eliminated the need for a lot of audi files that used to be needed. I hit the button to purge the folder. Back in 2010 the Real Tracks ran from Set 1 to Set 101.
when the operation was done, it said that 70GB of files had been eliminated! Seems like a lot. Now when I try to play my old files I mostly get silence and the occasional instrument that pops through. I AM GUESSING this is attributable to the deletion of so many files.
So, do I have to re-install the old 1-101 files in their entirety and hope that the new Real Tracks (which are probably stripped down) will work?

Did anyone else have this problem when this new feature became available? Any suggestions?
I am running a 2015 MacBook Pro that is running El Capitan. El Capitan was running my BIAB sessions perfectly before this.
There shouldn't be a problem like this, at least I've never heard of it before.

Let's just work with one Realtrack. Tell us about one Realtracks that isn't working, and then tell us if the folder exists, and how many m4a files are in it.
For example, rt363 ..... pedal steel, background ev 085
That should have a folder of that name in the realtracks folder, and there should be 7 m4a files in it.


I suspect the issue is something different that maybe you didn't install the new version on top of the old one, and that's why the files are missing. For example, maybe your old realtracks are in a different folder than /applications/band-in-a-box/realtracks and the program can't find them.
Thanks - I will get back to you when I get back to may Mac tomorrow. And thanks for the attention from the top - I mean, PG is Peter Gannon, right?
For now I have re-installed my 2015.5 RealTracks and DrumTracks. I paid the $15 shipping charge for the Mini-HD that has 2015 on it so I hope it arrives via expedited shipping. As soon as I have that I will be able to see if I can get everything running properly.

I have had some trouble getting BB2015 to recognize my peripheral hard drive where I am storing the RealTracks files. It keeps not finding the folder and I have to do multiple tries to "choose" another hard drive before it takes.

It is also asking me to purge "unnecessary" files. I think I will wait till the hard drive arrives in the mail - - - not going to go through a re-install again.

Would anyone like to say how PG got BIAB working while severely cutting the amount of files in the RealTracks folder? I am hoping it works because then I would put it on my MBookPro. I can't now because I only have the 256GB SSD installed.
I downloaded all of the content (waiting on shipment of Mini-Drive). For the most part things are working. What is not is that I put the new Real Tracks in the correct BIAB folder but BIAB would not find them. I did select the option that instructs BIAB where to look and i took a couple of times for it to "take." I did use the "Rebuild" button but upon rebuild it kept saying my files were not in the folder (though they are). My RT Demo folder selections seem to play despite this though the Rebuild feature continues to say the RT files are not installed.
Still, I have things pretty much working. I am guessing that when the mimi-drive arrives all of these problems will resolve.

OVERALL, this is a fantastic update. And I have looked ahead at the Windows 2016 video demo and the improvements in that are stunning - I am hoping the new chord interface (which allows typing the lyrics in the bar space) and the new Styles Search Function make it into the new 2016 Mac version.

Is your peripheral hard drive an external hard drive connected to your computer through a usb port? If so have you tried plugging the drive into a different usb port? Also, in the desktop pc world, most front panel usb ports are not able to provide as much current or operating power to a connected device as the usb ports located in the rear of the computer so if you have a choice, connect external hard drives to the rear of your desktop or use an external power supply to power the device.
Jim, can't erase this post scroll down for link to a video.
keep scrolling down for video
Link to video showing the problem.
Thanks for the video. The error message isn't about your real tracks folder. It is about the st2 soloist files that are supposed to be present in your soloists folder in applications band-in-a-box soloists folder How many st2 files are in the folder, there should be more than 1,000. Maybe you didn't install them. And specifically check for the Realpedj.st2 showing in your video as missing

Stand by for new video.

I have all of the "thousands" of files needed in the Soloist folder loaded. Including the realpedj.ST2 - - - - I had everything working. Then I installed the v.106 and now BIAB can't find any of the styles.
It was working - then I installed BIAB 2015 V.106 (the download PG provided is still v.104) and now things are not working again.
AND YES, my Style folders on the MacBook are full.
Style not being Found
The video won't play, it shows up as private.
>>> now BIAB can't find any of the styles.

If you run the Band-in-a-Box program from /Applications/Band-in-a-Box, then it will find all the styles present in /Applications/Band-in-a-Box/Styles

If it "can't find any of the styles", then be more specific about the messages you are getting. For example, choose menu Help- Display Log Text file, and post in the first 20 or so lines of that text file here.
Sorry about that. It should play now:
Styles Not Found

I am running it from the within the Main BIAB folder in which all of the folders are present although I am still directing it to find the Tracks on the peripheral hard drive.
I did look into the Styles folder and they all seem to be there. I simply installed the "FULL BIAB 2015" download that was made available to me after my purchase was made online.

My mini-hard drive arrives in a few hours from Vancouver. According to your video instruction I should be able to plug that in, open BIAB, and everything should run correctly. That will be enough for me if so!

On your video, you don't show the styles folder, to show that you have lots of style in there including the one that is not found.
And you don't show the folder tree to show that the folders are present in the same folder as bandinabox application in the applications folder.

And also, you aren't loading the song by using the file open menu command, or the song button. You are double clicking in finder. Try using file open. Because if you have multiple installations, and double click finder to launch songs, you might be opening a different installation.

Try the following.
1 launch band-in-a-box by double clicking the application from the band in a box applications folder
2 use file open menu command to load a song
3 if you get style not found look in the /applications/band-in-a-box/styles folder and see if that sty file exists (note that it is the styles folder, not the soloists folder as shown on your video)
Thanks for all your help, Peter. But I did get the Fedex shipment today with the mini-USB2 Drive.
I have saved my problem installs and when there is more time I will go back and follow your instruction so I can get a better grip on how all this works so I can better troubleshoot in the future.

I made a transfer from your mini-drive to my 7200rpm peripheral drive and have put the mini-drive away for backup and safe keeping - plus I don't want to use the only two USB ports on the MacBook Pro. But it went smoothly.

Everything is working and it all sounds great. Also, your packaging has gotten perfectly professional - better than what shipped in 2015 - great box!

Also, the the progress you made on your product since 2010 is simply stunning. Everything works better and sounds better. Rendering is so much quicker and accurate. I used to have trouble with the pianos going from chord to chord - they would often flurple and glitch. Everything is much smoother and seamlessly connected now.

And all the new features are amazing. You folks are really thinking through everything. And, as I have previewed the Windows 2016 vids, I am very excited about some of those features coming to the Mac.

Glad you are still working with Brent Mason (glad he recruited Paul Franklin. Could Randy Kohrs be next?).

Anyway, thanks for your personal attention to my questions. I can't wait till June for the next release!

>>Everything is working and it all sounds great.

That's great Kevin. Glad things got working.
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