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Posted By: eddie1261 Does anybody here do a podcast? - 10/14/23 01:41 AM
But here's the kicker. NOT about music. I am putting together a system to do scammerbaiting (Still in progress as I have to add a virtual machine to let the scammers connect to), with the holdup being another micro-pc arriving and some specific cables to connect to this new console I bought.

It's a Rodecaster Pro. It has 4 XLR inputs, 4 headphone outs, Bluetooth, and an input to connect a cell phone so I can take calls. (Though I'd never give out my real number anyway.) I also has a connection through USB so you can play sounds from your computer. In my case that would mean I can call and take calls on a VOIP phone and stream it with volume control through the console. There are also 8 pads play back sounds, and you can have as many banks of 8 as the onboard RAM will allow. I have 32 soundbytes of me saying things in Hindi and 8 of my songs loaded and I have 14% of the onboard RAM left. It's a nice little unit for anybody interested in podcasting. It would work well to do live stream music shows as well, though I have not yet learned it well enough to turn off onto that road just yet.

I'd be interested in know how many people here do a podcast, music or non-music related. Just to discuss podcasting, hosting...

Attached picture 20231013_205927.jpg
Posted By: Guitarhacker Re: Does anybody here do a podcast? - 10/14/23 02:26 AM
Scam baiting..... You mean like 419?
Posted By: eddie1261 Re: Does anybody here do a podcast? - 10/14/23 03:00 AM
Yep. And refund scammers. SS scammers... So far I have busted 2 money mules. I really need that new PC to run the VM on so they can connect to me. Also need to configure and learn how to use the fake bank so they can try to steal from me.
Posted By: AudioTrack Re: Does anybody here do a podcast? - 10/14/23 05:54 AM
Eddie, you must really like Pierogi then wink
Posted By: eddie1261 Re: Does anybody here do a podcast? - 10/14/23 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by AudioTrack
Eddie, you must really like Pierogi then wink

He is THE best at it. Then Kitboga. The rest fall in line as wannabe types. One guy, and I will not name names, has an entertaining Twitch stream but he seems to know little about audio because his mic is too loaded on the front and and his mic has been clipping for 2 years now. And the wannabes all have an attitude and if you let them know their audio stinks they immediately give you attitude like "If you don't like the stream watch something else."

So, just like in music, you have scambaiters that are songwriters and scambaiters that are copy bands... One guy literally stole another's patter word for word. Many overuse the voice changer, much like a guitarist will overuse his new pedal at first and makes the pedal the star instead of the player. Some rush their product to the live stage, and start doing it with just a cheap USB mic, no video, no scenes in their OBS presentations... And the ones who cheap out all say things like "I don't want anybody to know who I am so they don't retailiate." Okay, you have scammers who work for $40 a week. And you are afraid of them because you think they can suddenly afford plane fare to the US and know exactly where that one face of 375 million lives in one of 50 states, none of which they can identify? I'm not concerned. LOL!
Posted By: AudioTrack Re: Does anybody here do a podcast? - 10/14/23 12:50 PM
Eddie, I somehow think you'll be good at this.
(previous call center experience would be a bonus wink )
Posted By: eddie1261 Re: Does anybody here do a podcast? - 10/14/23 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by AudioTrack
(previous call center experience would be a bonus wink )

Oh, I gots me some of that!!!

I had an SS scammer on the phone the other day and part of their script is that your SS number was used to rent a car in Texas. I let him go for a about 20 minutes, asking inane questions to derail him, and then said "So listen Sanjay, or what ever your name really is, ober dere where you live in that 3rd world s**thole country, have YOU ever rented a car? Because over here, nowhere on a rental car application are we asked for a social security number. And you said I rented a 2012 Toyota Corolla? Nobody rents 11 year old cars. (Now playing a series of Hindi phrases I made for a soundboard, I said) You are a scammer. Stop stealing from people. Get an honest job. Be better at life. You will end up in jail. You understand me?"

That's where he hung up.

I need more prep to try and get those 2 hour calls.
Posted By: AudioTrack Re: Does anybody here do a podcast? - 10/14/23 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by eddie1261
Originally Posted by AudioTrack
(previous call center experience would be a bonus wink )
Oh, I gots me some of that!!!
Yes, I already figure that out. I remember about the caller that forgot their password....
Posted By: Guitarhacker Re: Does anybody here do a podcast? - 10/14/23 02:46 PM
I've done similar things with the folks who call wanting a donation for a political party. One guy was wanting something like a $100 minimum donation to help a certain candidate running for president. I strung him along for a bit saying things like... Oh yes, absolutely. Yes, that is spot on. Yes I support that as well.... After I had him thinking this was going to be an easy $100+ donation for his candidate..... I told him that yes, absolutely, however, I will be sending that donation to his political opponent's campaign..... Click.... he hung up on me.

I've read some of the interesting stories on that 419 scam baiter website and some of that stuff is hilarious. I don't have the time to stay engaged with a scammer to draw it out as long as some of those folks do. However, my hat is off to anyone who gets a scammer to spend a significant amount of THEIR ill gotten money in the attempt to get that big score from what they are thinking is a sucker.
Posted By: eddie1261 Re: Does anybody here do a podcast? - 10/14/23 02:56 PM
I have also set up a profile on a dating site as a female to see if I get any romance scammers. THEY are a lot of fun. Most are in Nigeria and steel photos of handsome men but will never video chat or the obvious reasons.
Posted By: musiclover Re: Does anybody here do a podcast? - 10/14/23 04:15 PM
I used to string a few along too, some became very foul mouthed at the end when they realized the game was up.
Had the lady who told me that I couldn't judge her, that she had a job supporting her child, and then there was the guy who told me that he only scams people out of small amounts like £100 and how many relatives he had to support.
Used to have landline but only mobile (cell) phone now, actually got one today on it, about an accident I was supposed to have had.
Posted By: eddie1261 Re: Does anybody here do a podcast? - 10/14/23 04:44 PM
I love messing with them! I'm hardly waiting to get the catfishing scammers going.

But back to topic, does anybody here do any kind of podcast? I'm looking for personal experiences about who the best hosts are, specifically the best FREE hosts, opinions about how long a podcast is effective before users drift out, what kind of things you cast about...

I may do some episodes about my personal songwriting experiences, talking about the backstory behind the song, how PG software was instrumental (see what I did there?) in the creative process, and possibly get into plugging the software. I don't know how many people are actually going to hear the podcasts, but if it sells a few units for PG, so be it.
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