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Posted By: Freespirit Ubuntu mute - 05/19/10 10:45 PM

Help please,I have just installed from Cd Ubuntu Linux,from having Windows vista,and now I have no sound,the players seem to be running but again no sound,and this includes internet play-back
I have HP Pavilion Entertainment PC Laptop,with 266GB free space!!

Cheers Graham
Posted By: Oren Fisher Re: Ubuntu mute - 05/20/10 04:55 AM

I have operated an HP laptop very much like yours with Ubuntu (desktop version), and it performed flawlessly with both audio and video.
Very likely, the Linux audio drivers that run your soundcard need to be adjusted. The Ubuntu forums are your best resource - very few people on this forum can help you, because PG Music software is not compatible with Linux.

This thread will get you the information you need:
Ubuntu audio
Posted By: silvertones Re: Ubuntu mute - 05/20/10 10:27 AM
If you installed Lucid 10.04 this has been reported by some. Be happy it's only audio. When i upgraded to 10.04 it hosed my whole system as it booted up to a totally Black screen. Video card issue. Also VERY common complaint with 10.04
Posted By: Noel96 Re: Ubuntu mute - 05/20/10 11:33 AM

What type of files are you trying to play?

Posted By: Noel96 Re: Ubuntu mute - 05/20/10 11:35 AM
Hi John,

Something like that happened to me a couple of upgrades ago with Ubuntu. These days, I never upgrade. I simply re-install. Since I have a separate /home partition, it's not a problem because all my settings (email, internet, etc.) are stored in /home. It's only the root directory that needs to be formatted during the re-installation process.

Posted By: silvertones Re: Ubuntu mute - 05/20/10 12:03 PM
Yeah same here /home on separate partition. Lucid took a giant step forward in the graphics arena however that rendered some of the old machines like mine with a problem. They have a work around for it but i had to reinstall 9.1 and this does what I need so I'll sit still for a few months. 9.1 will have support until 4/2011.

Have you installed 10.04?
Posted By: Mac Re: Ubuntu mute - 05/20/10 12:35 PM
"Drivers, drivers, drivers..."
Posted By: JBlatz Re: Ubuntu mute - 05/20/10 01:11 PM

Don't limit your choices to only Ubuntu. Download and burn other Live Cd distibutions and then test each one for functionality before installing it. You will find a list of possible distros at from which to choose. Personally I prefer those that have a long term support (LTS). I have been using Mint 5 (supported through April 2011) for my everyday internet Pc, so I still have a while to go before I'm forced into even considering an upgrade. By the way, if your Pc is too old and slow for the newer releases, you might check out and test some of the distros, like Puppy Linux, which are designed for older Pcs and their limitations.
Posted By: silvertones Re: Ubuntu mute - 05/20/10 07:01 PM
Yes you are right about drivers. It's just like when Vista came out. This new version doesn't have drivers that support older hardware.This is kind of contrary to what Linux has been all about. If I'm going to have to upgrade my computer it'll be to run Win 7.
Posted By: jford Re: Ubuntu mute - 05/20/10 07:09 PM
What does an Ubuntu Mute sound like? Do they make them for different instruments?
Posted By: silvertones Re: Ubuntu mute - 05/20/10 07:30 PM
Can't tell you John I've never heard one.
I can tell you though that I don't like the new theme. It's totally black. Everything blends in together. I guess it's the latest in computing. Can't hear or see anything.
Posted By: jazzmammal Re: Ubuntu mute - 05/20/10 09:01 PM
Just curious. What is the appeal of Linux? I know from this forum that it's very useful to boot into Linux if you have a bad virus infection because you can go into the Windows root directory since Windows is not running, and delete it. That makes sense but what else is so hot about it especially in the context of PG Music when none of these programs run under it? I can see the point of using it for internet surfing if you constantly seem to have problems with viruses or other things but Firefox, Chrome, having some AV protection and just being careful seems to handle that just fine for me and many others so what gives?

Btw, isn't the Unbutu Mute that Kenyan gadget that turns a didgiredoo into a zither when it's run through an analog flamulator?

Posted By: tonymoloney Re: Ubuntu mute - 05/20/10 11:48 PM
In a terminal type alsamixer.
You will then get a graphic display of all your mixer settings. Make sure that there is "00" under each of the vertical bar charts and not "M"
"M" means that that channel is muted.
BTW if you want to experiment with running BIAB under Ubuntu, then you need to install WINE. This will then give you a pseudo C: drive and will let you run the BIAB .exe files and install onto that drive. You might have some problems setting up MIDI but it works for me.
Posted By: JBlatz Re: Ubuntu mute - 05/21/10 12:05 AM

Just curious. What is the appeal of Linux? I know from this forum that it's very useful to boot into Linux if you have a bad virus infection because you can go into the Windows root directory since Windows is not running, and delete it. That makes sense but what else is so hot about it especially in the context of PG Music when none of these programs run under it? I can see the point of using it for internet surfing if you constantly seem to have problems with viruses or other things but Firefox, Chrome, having some AV protection and just being careful seems to handle that just fine for me and many others so what gives?


I like the freedom of surfing anywhere I want to go without being careful.
I like the freedom of not having to download Windows updates to keep my Windows PC secure.
I like the freedom of not having to bog down my Windows PC with security programs.
I like the freedom of not having to have Gate's permission to install the operating system on my internet PC.
I like the freedom of not having to image my internet PC.

These are a few of the appeals I can think of at the present time. Maybe other users can add some appealing reasons.
Posted By: JBlatz Re: Ubuntu mute - 05/21/10 02:14 AM

BTW if you want to experiment with running BIAB under Ubuntu, then you need to install WINE. This will then give you a pseudo C: drive and will let you run the BIAB .exe files and install onto that drive. You might have some problems setting up MIDI but it works for me.

Do you have any problem with Biab finding the "pgmus.ttf" file for the notation view for Biab? I've been running an old version of Biab from a usb drive in Mint 5 and, though the songs play just fine, when I try to go to the notation window I get a "can't find pgmus.ttf" message. I have the font file in the Window's system folder of Wine. Is that the same location on your setup?

Posted By: tonymoloney Re: Ubuntu mute - 05/21/10 07:12 AM
My font files are in the windows/Font file (that's Font with a capital F)
Posted By: rharv Re: Ubuntu mute - 05/21/10 06:28 PM

I like the freedom of surfing anywhere I want to go without being careful.
It IS safer, but saying 'without being careful' makes it sound bulletproof.
Posted By: JBlatz Re: Ubuntu mute - 05/21/10 10:20 PM
Thanks Tony, that did it. For some reason Wine didn't create that folder, so I added it and moved the ttf files to that folder. Now I can view the notation windows.
Posted By: JBlatz Re: Ubuntu mute - 05/21/10 10:31 PM
It IS safer, but saying 'without being careful' makes it sound bulletproof.

Thanks for the link.
Linux about as bulletproof as one can get. Since I am using it is a Linux internet PC, if I get tagged, I'll use the Live Cd and be back up running a lot quicker than I would be with a Window's machine. Your much appreciated link contains a section entitled "The Reality". I employ similar procedures for any download destined for Windows and I would urge others to do so also.
Posted By: rharv Re: Ubuntu mute - 05/21/10 10:44 PM
Cool. I know lots of users can use Linux safely with relative ease... but when someone new asks "why use it?" and the answer is 'I surf without being careful' it can be misleading. That link, by the way, was the first return when googling 'ubuntu virus'. There are many more sites and reports, depending on flavor of Linux. It is safer to surf in Linux, but it bothers me to see people misled on it.
Surf safe!
Use Linux, or No-Script, or whatever you feel comfortable with, but never surf carelessly. We all count on each other for that.
Posted By: Noel96 Re: Ubuntu mute - 05/22/10 01:02 AM

Yeah same here /home on separate partition. Lucid took a giant step forward in the graphics arena however that rendered some of the old machines like mine with a problem. They have a work around for it but i had to reinstall 9.1 and this does what I need so I'll sit still for a few months. 9.1 will have support until 4/2011.

Have you installed 10.04?


I've put 10.04 onto 3 machines now. Installation was straightforward. One of the computers had to download a driver(s) for graphics but, other than that, no issues. The oldest of the computers that I installed it on was 4 years. This latest version of Ubuntu seems to boot a little quicker than the previous versions.

Posted By: Noel96 Re: Ubuntu mute - 05/22/10 01:40 AM

What is the appeal of Linux?

Hi Bob,

I have BIAB 2007 running in Ubuntu but I don't use it too much. My main reasons for using Linux are:
  • There is a huge repository of free and open-source software readily available and easily installed. Many of these programs are exceptionally good.
  • I have Ubuntu on a separate internal hard-drive and I use it to back-up my song files. My reasoning is, rightly or wrongly, that since the Ubuntu drive is formatted in ext3 and not NTFS (as required by Windows), any Windows virus that I might get, is less likely to damage the Ubuntu drive. I use a little resident program in Windows that lets me see my Linux drive and so transfer is pretty easy.
  • Ubuntu automatically reads NTFS formatted drives so I can access, and use, my Windows drive directly from Ubuntu.
  • Ubuntu has been very sturdy on the internet.
  • Friends who run both operating systems have had instances where the Windows drive stopped working and having Linux on the system allowed them to access important data from Linux. Ubuntu has also given them internet access to look for solutions for their Windows problems.
  • I set my Windows email client to download the email only. When I go into Linux, I also download the email. In Ubuntu, however, I have the email client set to delete the mail from the server. This ends up giving me two copies of my emails. I have found this very useful. I use Thunderbird in both Windows and Ubuntu and thus it's very easy to keep address books up-to-date with both operating systems.

Posted By: silvertones Re: Ubuntu mute - 05/22/10 10:37 AM
My Internet computer is a little old. Almost 10 years so I have a graphics issue. 9.1 does what i need and is supported for another year. The devs already know they have an issue and will fix it. they just didn't want to hold up the release. There is a temp fix I might try.
I have 2 laptops that sit side by side. 1 for internet ( linux) and 1 for RealBand & Biab ( Windows) they are networked together and share very nicely. I even share the printer that's hooked to the Linux box. I have Avast on the Linux box to scan specific files destined for the Win box.
On the Linux box I run:
1. GUFW Firewall
2. Firefox withe the No Script & Browser Defender add-ons.
3. I have disabled ping in the GUFW.

When I check my Linux box at GRC Shields up I "do not exist " on the internet. With dialup my IP changes each time I log on.
Posted By: jazzmammal Re: Ubuntu mute - 05/22/10 08:05 PM

I have BIAB 2007 running in Ubuntu but I don't use it too much. My main reasons for using Linux are:
...There is a huge repository of free and open-source software readily available and easily installed. Many of these programs are exceptionally good.

OK, so most of these programs are good. Good at what? That's what I'm asking.
I guess my level of computing ability would rank somewhere in the upper third maybe. I'm not some pro IT guy but I know what I'm doing, I build all my own PC's. I work at a CPA firm, very professional, I'm on the web all day doing research at government sites or big name commercial sites, we use all the pro level MS office stuff plus some accounting programs that cost us about 15K a year. Some of that carries over to home. The thing is, I've never had a virus attack even though virtually everyone else I know has. Usually when I dig into it it's not a virus at all or I find something like this: A good friend who is not very computer savvy wanted to search Google for something about the California penal code but he misspelled penal. Ya gotta pay attention. Guess what he got a blast of porno, didn't know how to exit it and wound up in one of those loops where one site went to another until he had something like 20 windows open and his machine completely locked up. I managed to clear it without reinstalling everything. He had also uninstalled Avast because it was too confusing. That kind of thing has never happened to me. Ever. I already know 95% of all the bad stuff comes from either porno or casino sites, I don't go there and that's it. I never open email with attachments I don't know either. Some of them are very clever and what I try to do is copy just the text and send them to my friends as a warning to try to teach them how to avoid this. It's slowly working.
My point is I'm not worried about internet surfing (and of course now that I've said that, I'll probably get nailed and will post here asking for help..sigh) but I am always interested in something new that may do something useful. Most of what I read about Linux is basically what JBlatz said, it boils down to he can't stand Bill Gates and wants to stick it to him. Ok, I get that. He mentioned he hates doing the Windows update dance. It does it at 3am automatically. Big deal.
What can Linux actually do that I can't do now perfectly safely?
Can it run all my DAW programs especially Real Band? Does it use an open source audio editing program that's better than Adobe Audition? Can it create MS Office compatible files so if I do some work at home I can put them on a thumb drive and open them up at work? Can it run video editing programs that are better than VirtualDub for free or Vegas Studio at a price?

Posted By: silvertones Re: Ubuntu mute - 05/22/10 08:41 PM
One of the things the Linux community asks is that we don't preach about it so I invite you to download a copy and give it a whirl. Choose the "try" first. It'll give you a feel. If you want to go further choose the "install" and then choose "install inside windows". This gives you a functioning system however it can be removed just like a program with Windows"add/remove programs. After that you can do a real install along side Windows. If you go for the final option let the partition manager set up partitions.
Have fun
Posted By: JBlatz Re: Ubuntu mute - 05/23/10 01:35 AM

OK, so most of these programs are good. Good at what? That's what I'm asking. <Snip>
What can Linux actually do that I can't do now perfectly safely? <Snip>

Actually, it appears you are doing an excellent job of protecting your computer assets. You employ the proper tools and procedures and you restrict your Internet surfing to governmental and big name commercial sites which undoubtedly go to great lengths to keep their sites safe for both legal and economic reasons.

As for me, I once repeatedly asked myself the same questions you are asking about Linux. Like you, I kept my Window's PC locked down and only visited sites known to be safe. Fortunately for me, a friend of mine talked me into giving it a try just to see if it was all hype, so I installed it on an old machine and surfed every viral laden site I could find. I even captured numerous viruses in the process but none of them trashed the OS. Bottom line, I took a chance and now that I have found the freedoms I mentioned ealier, I can let my curiosity and research into how things work lead me into the darker areas of the Internet where I definitely would not want to take even a fully armed Window's PC. Like others, I am not convinced it is 100% safe, but at least now I am not afraid to go into a dark room if that room may contain some information I seek. For example, at the present moment, to better defend my WiFi connection when I use it, I really would like to know how Aircrack and some other tools work to defeat protected WiFi connections. This means I may again be visiting some dubious areas of the Internet.


Most of what I read about Linux is basically what JBlatz said, it boils down to he can't stand Bill Gates and wants to stick it to him. Ok, I get that. He mentioned he hates doing the Windows update dance. It does it at 3am automatically. Big deal.

Please don't misquote me.
I said "I like the freedom of not having to have Gate's permission to install the operating system on my Internet PC." which is a far cry from "he can't stand Bill Gates and wants to stick it to him." Like you I have to use Windows for many activities both at home and at work, especially Excel (VBA) and other Window's programming tools. I would be at a loss without them so definitely I don't want to stick it to Bill Gates. I use Linux primarily for one purpose, the Internet.

I said "I like the freedom of not having to download Windows updates to keep my Windows PC secure" which is not quite the same as "he hates doing the Windows update dance." I don't mine the updates and I understand the need for them, but I have found that without having to add them to my Window's PC that I can more or less keep that PC's OS in the same pristine condition it was in when I first built the machine and installed Windows. I have read stories of a Window's update harming the system and Av updates doing damage (just yesterday I read an interesting article about the McAffee fiasco ), but fortunately, since I neither have to run Window updates nor AV updates, I don't have to worry about such things on my Window's PC.


Can it run all my DAW programs especially Real Band? Does it use an open source audio editing program that's better than Adobe Audition? Can it create MS Office compatible files so if I do some work at home I can put them on a thumb drive and open them up at work? Can it run video editing programs that are better than VirtualDub for free or Vegas Studio at a price?

I don't use Adobe Audition, VirtualDub, or Vegas Studio because I don't have those products. I haven't tried Real Band either. I can say Open Office will open my xls files, but the included VBA code is a no go because that is designed for Windows and its data structures. Personally, I use my Window's PC for those things which Window's does best which is almost everything and Linux for the one thing it does better, safer surfing. By the way, for any "newbie" wishing to experiment with Linux, I urge you not to dual boot or any way mix the two in an installation. Sometimes it is easy to make mistakes. Instead, install the Linux Os on an old or second PC all by itself. If you bork the installation, it makes for an easier do-over.
Posted By: jazzmammal Re: Ubuntu mute - 05/23/10 06:07 AM
Cool, JBlatz. I was sort of "reading into" what you said, unfairly it seems. I'm not knocking Linux because I know nothing about it except what I read here and there. The impression I get is it's mostly for safer surfing. That's interesting that you needed a protected PC to do some research on those crack sites. If you're deliberately seeking out sites like that to dig around for intel you need all the help you can get.

Posted By: rharv Re: Ubuntu mute - 05/23/10 10:12 AM
Suddenly I like JBlatz a lot more!

I agree with him that when researching things such as he is Linux is MUCH better. My concern was a newbie coming into Linux (which started this thread). I think it is good to show them the benefits, but to imply they can just use Linux and go anywhere on the internet (especially using dual-boot) is irresponsible. Using a Linux boot that can 'see' the windows files is self-defeating! They need to know it is not magically bullet proof and still has risks their for their windows files (and their friends' systems too). JNaltz did say he could go on the internet and be careless which is what I had issues with. Akways be careful. I can see now that he id indeed careful.

That said, I appreciate any research and work being done on security, carry on JBlatz
Posted By: silvertones Re: Ubuntu mute - 05/23/10 11:32 AM
Now to be fair to Windows and Bill Gates.
Canonical issued there next version Lucid Lynx 10.04 before it should have been. This is typical of larger companies but to me is not in keeping with the Linux philosophy. They knew they had issues with drivers for NVidia and ATI machines but said nothing. Now folks are upgrading and booting to a totally black/blank screen. There is no fix other then a total reinstall of the previous release.
Posted By: Oren Fisher Re: Ubuntu mute - 05/23/10 09:35 PM
Canonical Ltd. co-ordinates the development of Ubuntu Linux, but is principally engaged in selling their services as technical support for users who require professional quality computing performance. The newest version of any of their operating systems is to be treated as "in development", or a "beta" version.

If you have downloaded and installed version 10.04 without reading this Version Release Notes , then you have not attended to the details that result in a good computing experience, in Linux or Windows. Do your homework, and then act responsibly, no matter what your chosen software.

In each of the Ubuntu operating systems, there are recommended Long-Term-Support versions for those individuals who want solid performance without all the latest toys included. Go with that version. No surprises, and lots of free technical assistance in the forums.
Posted By: silvertones Re: Ubuntu mute - 05/25/10 09:39 PM
You are correct. After a careful reread of the release notes I realized the error of my ways. I thinks others may have fallen the same way. The upgrade the second time was absolutely flawless. I didn't have to tweak a thing. Everything in 10.04 was exactly as it was in 9.1. Networking, Samba, dialup, printing everything. The networking is actually more stable as well.
Posted By: Oren Fisher Re: Ubuntu mute - 05/25/10 11:20 PM
Glad to hear it, John! It took me a long time to figure out how Canonical manages their releases - there is a lot of hoopla about the latest version, very much like how Microsoft hypes a new O/S. Unfortunate, really...

The folks at Linux Mint have a much more conservative approach to upgrades, based on Ubuntu, but far more carefully developed. I would recommend Mint for a general-purpose, low-maintenance Linux operating system.

Ain't it fun though...?
Posted By: JBlatz Re: Ubuntu mute - 05/25/10 11:58 PM

The folks at Linux Mint have a much more conservative approach to upgrades, based on Ubuntu, but far more carefully developed. I would recommend Mint for a general-purpose, low-maintenance Linux operating system.

I'll second Oren's recommendation about Mint, and I'd like to point out that this type of installation accident is the reason why most users, especially new ones, should install Linux on a separate hard drive instead of trying to create dual boot system.
Posted By: silvertones Re: Ubuntu mute - 05/26/10 10:53 AM
Yea after what happened this release I'd agree. Out of the gate with the new release there were 2 bugs.
1. If you had NVidia or ATI or Intel video card you'd boot to a black screen.
2. Dual boot along side Windows grub wouldn't boot Windows

Imagine the horror and reformatted drives for those that got the black screen AND couldn't boot Windows. The fix is simple IF you know how.

As Oren said 'tis fun.
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