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Posted By: John Conley Out of Hospital - but very deaf - 06/09/10 11:21 PM
So I got home after 10 days. Down 50 pounds. Have a machine and feeding tube into my um part lower than yer stomach.

I have tinnitus so bad from chemo that I can't hear women. I swear. And most music sounds way off. I'm in a torture chamber until it goes away, and then they do it once more.

Waiting for a homecare nurse to come and hook me up and teach us how to use the pump, I have boxes full of brown stuff that has protein and other nutrients. Yum.

And I am going to have too much time on my hands, with nothing to do.

I was hoping music. Oh well, anyone have a sound card with 4 connections they don't understand running on XP?

Or want to discuss..never mind. I'll put Gravol, Morphine, and other yummy stuff in the tube about 10 pm and hope for a nights sleep.

Posted By: Gary Curran Re: Out of Hospital - but very deaf - 06/10/10 01:35 AM
I have no way of even having a glimpse of what you're going through, and honestly, I don't want to.

All I can say is that I send you my best wishes and thoughts to get better as quickly as possible.

Posted By: John Conley Re: Out of Hospital - but very deaf - 06/10/10 01:49 AM
Thx Gary. They insist I'm going to forget about all this in 6 mos when I'm back to 'normal'. At the moment if I had to do it again..well..that would be a very tough decision. Even here where it's 'free'.
Posted By: lkmuller Re: Out of Hospital - but very deaf - 06/10/10 01:54 AM
Hi John, been there, done that, and can tell you with absolute certainty that this will pass, my friend, this will pass.
Posted By: WienSam Re: Out of Hospital - but very deaf - 06/10/10 02:28 AM
Hang in there, John. And keep up your sense of humour - its great!
Posted By: John Conley Re: Out of Hospital - but very deaf - 06/10/10 02:59 AM
Thanks to all the best wishes. I will travel as soon as I'm better, I'm more convince about the fact I have all this cash tied up in a 5 bedroom house I don't need, and all the places I wanted to go have never happened.

You wait long enough, and the government just takes their share, and I end up scattered to the 4 corners of the wind, my travel never happening. So, I've got some planning to do.
Posted By: toucher Re: Out of Hospital - but very deaf - 06/10/10 03:41 AM
Sorry to hear about your travails John, wishing a quick and full recovery.
Posted By: PgFantastic Re: Out of Hospital - but very deaf - 06/10/10 08:07 AM
1 Peter 5:7 (New King James Version)

7 casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.

1 Peter 5:10 (New King James Version)

10 But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you.

I hope the best for you! You are in my prayers, God bless!

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Posted By: silvertones Re: Out of Hospital - but very deaf - 06/10/10 11:13 AM
I've been through that with the wife. She had high dose chemo with stem cell rescue. Three weeks in the hospital getting chemo high enough that it totally destroyed all of her blood cells. Then they give her stem cells back and hope they grow new blood. She was not at all cognitive for 3 weeks. She got through the other side and is well today. You will be too. Take it a day at a time.
Posted By: Noel96 Re: Out of Hospital - but very deaf - 06/10/10 11:33 AM
John, you are one amazingly extraordinary guy. I don't know how you do it Every good thought that I can muster is going your way.

All the best,
Posted By: John Conley Re: Out of Hospital - but very deaf - 06/10/10 11:36 AM
Freedom of choice.

Do not quote Scripture to me.

It's rude and insulting.

Preach on the street corner or elsewhere.

And DO NOT send me religious PM's. And by the way, I know all the stuff you posted and the references, I just have made up my mind.

I can quote you more shocking stuff in your own Bible but I won't stoop that low as to try and derail your personal beliefs.

And the well wishes are warmly received.
Posted By: Notes Norton Re: Out of Hospital - but very deaf - 06/10/10 11:50 AM
Hang in there. My sister went through this. Keep the faith, things will get better.

And don't forget, you have a lot of friends here pulling for you (myself included).

Posted By: lkmuller Re: Out of Hospital - but very deaf - 06/10/10 02:35 PM
John, we know you're sick. We know it's no fun. But that's still no excuse to be a jerk about it. Someone here is trying to wish you well in his own way. Reading your response to him revulsed me. Hope you get better, in health AND attitude.
Posted By: Gary Curran Re: Out of Hospital - but very deaf - 06/10/10 02:44 PM
I've seen some of your replies to people being 'religious' to you, but I hadn't suspected that you actually felt that way. Please forgive me if I've been one of those people in the past, I will attempt not to do it again, but also please forgive me if, in the future, I forget and I do send you a message that has my beliefs in God in it, it will not be intentional.

That aside, I still wish you a very speedy recovery, and one not bogged down by the things that you don't feel are appropriate for you.

Posted By: CeeBee Re: Out of Hospital - but very deaf - 06/10/10 06:02 PM
John, I understand where you're coming from and applaud your views, the use of scriptures and preaching can be a pain.
You and Don are two amazing guys and I wish you both the inner strength you need to master these situations. Stick to yer guns..
Posted By: Joe Gordon Re: Out of Hospital - but very deaf - 06/10/10 06:53 PM
John, All I have for you.........All my warmest "Get Well Soon" wishes! I'm sure EVERYONE here really feels the same. Regards again, Joe G.
Posted By: Wyndham Re: Out of Hospital - but very deaf - 06/10/10 07:26 PM
Well John they might have screwed up your hearing for a bit, made you sicker than a dog, given you food that, I don't know what but you've still got plenty of fight left in you. That good, real good.
Plan that trip, it's beautiful out there, plenty to see and do, taste,smell, feel, Just don't cop a feel, cause they'll put you in the "Hoose Gow" If you get a chance to visit North Carolina, stop in for a visit. We've got great BBQ down here. I'll even show you how to make pottery. Maybe you can show me how to play an instrument. Plan for a good future, make it happen. Wyndham
Posted By: MarioD Re: Out of Hospital - but very deaf - 06/10/10 11:19 PM

John get well soon.


I have tinnitus so bad from chemo that I can't hear women.

Keep this in mine when you are better. If the wife starts talking about all the things that need to be done you can have a “convenient relaps” ----
Posted By: John Conley Re: Out of Hospital - but very deaf - 06/11/10 02:10 AM
I get a Watchtower magazine every time I'm out of the house. I have no idea who is doing it.

There was a Pentecostal Prayer meeting on the edge of my driveway when I came home from the hospital. My neighbour of 20 years told my wife that I was given cancer by God.

My Mother started a 200 person 'prayer' chain.

I am very religious, and believe deeply in God.

I expressed an opinion on my freedom of religion. There should be none here. It's divisive, and has never, in the history of man, been solved.

I am growing weary of people shoving everything in my face. I get alternative therapies, via 'friends' who don't believe in conventional medicine. Drink this juice and forget chemo. The same guy believes vaccines are poison. I guess he wasn't around like I during the polio years when every summer fever sent your parents into a tizzy.

I make my choices. It's hard to understand how this seems to upset people from south of me, where they are supposed to believe in freedom of religion. I have one, I don't need yours, nor your interpretation of one, thank you just the same.

Gather in a circle and sing Kum by Yah, or however it goes. On a beach at sunset.
Be warned, I can't hear it...
Posted By: Gary Curran Re: Out of Hospital - but very deaf - 06/11/10 03:10 AM
You know, John, you truly have a way of cutting through the crap, and I'm glad you did.

Thank you.

Posted By: lkmuller Re: Out of Hospital - but very deaf - 06/11/10 03:28 AM
I truly wish you the best. I am not a religious person but have learned how to accept people the way they are and treat them with respect. I even accept you, the pompous jerk that you are. I would hate to be your neighbor, but then you'd really hate to be mine. Let's leave it at that. You will not receive any further communications from me.
Posted By: critter Re: Out of Hospital - but very deaf - 06/11/10 06:26 AM

See here we go again, My wife and I said we will not do chemo or anything, when the time comes, pow, that's it, say good night. We go to church and all that but when it's time, see yah. If it gets to tubes and stuff, screw it just let it be because the money factor isn't worth it, well in the USA. We have lived a good life mind you only 60 years, but I would rather see young children benefit from the new drugs. God decides when we go, to prolong it, well, just isn't right. The US doesn't need my money, s**t thet can't fix oil spills...........end of discussion!!!!!!!!
Posted By: jazzband Re: Out of Hospital - but very deaf - 06/11/10 09:48 AM
Hi John

I have never understood your humour but i do now,its the type that will get you through this traumatic period of your life and is something we could all do with but very few of us have it,well done mate you are a (just gone to get the dictionary) aspiration to us all,if you can bottle it i`ll have some, anyway keep it up,hope you are comimg in this direction when you start to travel we need some humour in this country at the moment, Good luck

best wishes Dave hoskins
Posted By: John Conley Re: Out of Hospital - but very deaf - 06/11/10 11:28 AM

Rick Nelson Garden Party

Went to a garden party, reminisce with my old friends,
A chance to share old memories and play our songs again.
When I got to the garden party, they all knew my name,
No one recognized me, I didn't look the same [4] .

But it's all right now, I learned my lesson well.
You see, you can't please everyone, so ya gotta please yourself.
Posted By: CarlosEArellano Re: Out of Hospital - but very deaf - 06/13/10 04:35 PM

Every night at bedtime, my wife and I pray with our son in his bed as an union act. We believe, freely, without sectarian tyings, full-throated biblia hysterias or 'fashion dress' sunday congregations. So we teach our son that love come from his heart temple, that indifference to the world around is intolerable and a bad thing that affects the whole world as an epidemic. He learn the blood flowing through the veins of God is the fluid of the love of all human beings together, without selfishness. Last night, during that nightly magic and spiritual moment, I told Gabriel (son) about the health of a friend who has demonstrated his dedication, wisdom, humanity and love in more than 4,900 messages to us in a place named PGMusic forum. Gabriel issue a loud 'WOW' that is a lot! I want to send John 5,000 of my desires and hopes for him get better soon, please daddy tell john it' . In that magical moment you was part of our family John.

Get well soon amigo!
Posted By: plotzie Re: Out of Hospital - but very deaf - 06/13/10 06:24 PM
About music?
Posted By: filkertom Re: Out of Hospital - but very deaf - 06/14/10 04:54 AM
Aiee. Many, many good thoughts, John. Hope you're much better very soon.
Posted By: Mike sings Re: Out of Hospital - but very deaf - 06/14/10 12:38 PM

John, hang in there man. Hope you'll feel better very soon. Know that a lot of people from around the Globe are thinking of you.
Posted By: Superbron Re: Out of Hospital - but very deaf - 06/16/10 06:12 PM
Hi John,

Hope you'll be hearing lots of this great music from these forum again soon.


Posted By: Dan Tong Re: Out of Hospital - but very deaf - 06/23/10 12:04 AM

Since you can't do your music too well at this point, perhaps catching up on your reading would be a good alternative to fill your time during your recovery.

If you tell me what sort of books you like to read (thrillers, SF, science, biographies, history, etc.) and if you want some suggestions I would be delighted to send you a list.

Best wishes,

Posted By: Flatfoot Re: Out of Hospital - but very deaf - 06/23/10 02:55 AM
Hi John!

Very sorry to hear of your troubles. My thoughts are with you. Please accept my best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Posted By: John Conley Re: Out of Hospital - but very deaf - 06/23/10 12:47 PM
I bought a Kobo reader and have about 15 books I want to read that I've downloaded.

On the plus side I had the last chemo and only have 4 radiations to go.

I have a bit of a scare about my hearing, they did reduce the last platinum treatment amount but no promises, and I found out its 3 months more to a year with a feeding tube. That peeved me to no end, the stuff they don't tell you up front, or I was in too bad of a condition to hear them. I guess I would have agreed in the end, when it's that or the alternative I guess it's a no brainer...
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