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Posted By: Mike sings We made it to the finals!!!! - 07/06/10 08:44 PM
Unbelievable! The Dutch team made it to the World Cup finals!!! The last time that happened was 32 years ago
Opponent will be Spain or Germany. Personally I hope it will be Germany.
This Sunday the finals will be played. I am to perform at a large club on a touristic island here in the Netherlands. There will be a lot of Germans and Dutch folks at that gig...I sure am looking forward to the game and the gig!!!
Posted By: Curmudgeon Re: We made it to the finals!!!! - 07/06/10 10:32 PM
You're Dutch and rooting for Germany?

Hope you do well on your gig.

Don S.
Posted By: Mike sings Re: We made it to the finals!!!! - 07/06/10 10:45 PM
I just want to see Germany as an oponant in the finals. That would be an awsome game. Check this comercial and this comercial and you'll know why we want Germany in the finals

As far as I'm concerned either Germany or Spain are allowed one more victory in this World Cup: the one either of them needs to make it to the finals

Posted By: jim111 Re: We made it to the finals!!!! - 07/07/10 01:07 AM
Congrats to the Dutch team for making the finals and, even more, congrats to you for scoring a fun gig. However, this old hillbilly doesn't quite understand the first commercial. Of course, I think it's fantastic that the walls are happy but..... :>) Maybe you can explain it to me.

Posted By: Mike sings Re: We made it to the finals!!!! - 07/07/10 12:21 PM

However, this old hillbilly doesn't quite understand the first commercial. Of course, I think it's fantastic that the walls are happy but..... :>) Maybe you can explain it to me.

To apreciate this one you need to know Derek Ogilvie who claims he can read babies minds and claims to be able to communicate with ghosts. He is the one parodied by the "room-whisperer".
Orange is the national color of the Netherlands, and therefor the color our team (known as "Oranje") wears.
The one color "Die Mannshaft" (the German team) doesn't want to see in their dressing room!
Posted By: MarioD Re: We made it to the finals!!!! - 07/07/10 01:16 PM
I will be watching and rooting for the “Oranje”!

Of course the sound will be off because I can not stand those dam Vuvuzelas
They have ruined this World Cup, at least for me
Posted By: John Conley Re: We made it to the finals!!!! - 07/07/10 01:17 PM
Lots of horn beeping and oranje flags and shirts paraded downtown yesterday at 1600 when the Dutch won. The Dutch club was full, lineup out the door. They have a band I have sat in on, the Tomatoe Soup Band. They want be back to play tuba, maybe in September. I also play, um um (looks furtively around) accordion, in said band once in a while. Liechtensteiner Polka ya ya anyone? Good LUCK on Sunday.
Posted By: CeeBee Re: We made it to the finals!!!! - 07/07/10 03:03 PM
Deutschland Deutschland über Alles....

My wife's German so I'm biased, but it's only a game after all. May the best team win
Posted By: jim111 Re: We made it to the finals!!!! - 07/07/10 07:06 PM
Ah-ha!!! hahahaha

Thinks for explaining.

Posted By: DrDan Re: We made it to the finals!!!! - 07/07/10 11:41 PM
Looks like you and Spain, Best of Luck...
Posted By: MikeK Re: We made it to the finals!!!! - 07/08/10 01:21 PM
Would have LOVED a Holland vs. Germany finals! Well, now you have to beat Spain. They looked good against Germany (we have to work for a third place finish now).

Since Germany is "out", I'll be cheering on the Dutch neighbors!!!

Posted By: GDaddy Re: We made it to the finals!!!! - 07/08/10 01:44 PM
Wow....Hope you win IT ALL!! WHAT AN UPSET THAT WOULD BE...


Posted By: BlueTurbit Re: We made it to the finals!!!! - 07/11/10 02:48 PM
Paul the octopus predicts Spanish win! LOL
Posted By: DrDan Re: We made it to the finals!!!! - 07/12/10 01:35 AM
I guess all know by now - Spain Won!
Posted By: MikeK Re: We made it to the finals!!!! - 07/12/10 02:08 PM
Ugly/boring game, but Spain was clearly better. Most deserving team won IMHO.
Posted By: Mike sings Re: We made it to the finals!!!! - 07/13/10 09:17 PM
In a fantastic and tantalizing game, dominated by our wonderful Dutch team, our national heroes won a glorious silver medal in the World Cup finals. The fame of Oranje and our victorious nation will be envied true-out the world.
The treacherous and vicious Spanish team also competed for the title.

All kidding aside. The better team won. Spain is the deserved World Champion.

I had to make some extra effort to make the gig a success, though. Most people had to reset before they could enjoy the party.....
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