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Posted By: redguitars Recording Audio-Backwards? - 08/12/10 02:19 PM
Hello all,
I'm an old analog person and I used to be able to record audio on Tape to play backwards.
Just a flip over the reel or a cassette.

Is it possible to take a recorded audio track, like with PowerTracks or any other software and reverse the track so it will play backwards?
I am talking audio only, not midi.
Like a recorded guitar lick or a drum beat. I used to love doing this sometimes.

Thank in advance, Wayne
Posted By: Matt Finley Re: Recording Audio-Backwards? - 08/12/10 03:01 PM
Oh, yes. It's a standard function on some digital audio editors. On Adobe Audition, it's Effects, Reverse. In other words, it's so popular an effect, it has its own command not buried inside some other menu, such as normalize or pitch correct are. So, someone must be using it a lot.

If you don't have such an editor and would like one file flipped, send me a PM with your email address.
Posted By: rharv Re: Recording Audio-Backwards? - 08/12/10 04:59 PM
The free Audacity will reverse an audio file also.

I requested this in PTW many years back ...
Posted By: redguitars Re: Recording Audio-Backwards? - 08/12/10 05:22 PM

I use PTW all the time. I thought it might be hidden in there somewhere. Guess not.
I find it hard to believe it's not a common feature.

I'll try Audacity. I have Ableton something that came free with my Alesis Mixer but I never installed it.
My recording needs are very simple and I've been using PowerTracks forever. I'm used to it.
I know all the effects and it's all working. Guess I'm a bit afraid of rocking my boat.

The fact is that before digital recording on my PC I was still using a 4 track Cassette. lol

With Audacity, will my VSTs from PG music work?

Thanks again, Wayne

p.s. I use PTPW 12, BIAB 2009.5, Gateway Core 2 Duo, 2Gbs RAM, two 500Gbs Hard Drives-RAID system-though I have no idea what RAID does?
Posted By: jford Re: Recording Audio-Backwards? - 08/12/10 05:27 PM
Just save your track to a WAV file, open it in Audacity, reverse the file, bring it back into your project in PTPA.

You may even be able to drag and drop it to accomplish the same thing.

Of course, you'll have to line everything up with the reversed track.
Posted By: redguitars Re: Recording Audio-Backwards? - 08/12/10 05:34 PM
Thanks, great idea.
Then I won't have to learn a whole new program.
Reverse the track then bring it right back and play with it in PTPA.

I don't want to spend time learning new software. lol
I started with Cubase and Cakewalk on an Atari ST when it was just MIDI.
Before I began using my PC for audio recording, I still used a 4 track cassette machine.
3 out the 4 songs on my "Soundclick" page were recorded using a Tascam 424.

Thanks, Wayne
Posted By: redguitars Re: Recording Audio-Backwards? - 08/12/10 05:36 PM
once I bring it back into PTPA, I'll just slice it and dice it!
Posted By: Matt Finley Re: Recording Audio-Backwards? - 08/12/10 05:47 PM
Or, since it's now backwards, dice and slice it.
Posted By: redguitars Re: Recording Audio-Backwards? - 08/12/10 06:09 PM
Mid-Hudson Valley?
Ever hear of a little town named Rifton, NY?

Posted By: Curmudgeon Re: Recording Audio-Backwards? - 08/12/10 06:47 PM

Just save your track to a WAV file, open it in Audacity, reverse the file, bring it back into your project in PTPA.

Thanks John, I tried it out just for kicks and learned something.

Not sure what I would ever use it for, though.

Don S.
Posted By: Matt Finley Re: Recording Audio-Backwards? - 08/12/10 07:10 PM

Mid-Hudson Valley?
Ever hear of a little town named Rifton, NY?


Sure, Wayne, it's just across the river, near Kingston. I'm closer to Connecticut.
Posted By: jford Re: Recording Audio-Backwards? - 08/12/10 07:19 PM

Not sure what I would ever use it for, though.

I guess you could use it if you ever tried to do a cover of The Beatles' "Revolution 9" from the "White Album".

Not that you would want to...
Posted By: Rob Helms Re: Recording Audio-Backwards? - 08/12/10 07:20 PM
Now there is a retirement home standard for ya John!!! Where's DannyC We gotta get him started on that project!
Posted By: rockstar_not Re: Recording Audio-Backwards? - 08/14/10 05:04 PM
This is a feature in Windows Sound Recorder - going back as far as Windows 3.1 - just an FYI.

Posted By: rharv Re: Recording Audio-Backwards? - 08/14/10 05:42 PM

Thanks, great idea.
Then I won't have to learn a whole new program.
Reverse the track then bring it right back and play with it in PTPA.

I still used a 4 track cassette machine.
3 out the 4 songs on my "Soundclick" page were recorded using a Tascam 424.

Thanks, Wayne

That is how most of us do it, get the job done and bring it back to whatever DAW you are comfortable with. Speeds up the workflow.

I still have a 424 laying arund here in a drawer somewhere.. We used to use Fostex reel to reels too.
Digital is so much better.
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