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Posted By: yjoh What are these files? - 01/28/12 11:16 AM
Hi everyone,

In my separate drive where I save my BB songs, Rb tracks and so forth, I have some folders that I haven't created. at least not intentionally.

There are no names, just a long string of letters and numbers. When I click to see what they are some are empty and the rest are applications called " MpMiniSigStub "

Can someone tell me what these files are for, are they necessary for something to operate properly and if not can I delete them.

Space is of prime importance and I don't want a lot of unnecessary folders clogging up my drive.

Many thanks
Posted By: Noel96 Re: What are these files? - 01/28/12 12:39 PM
Hi yjoh,

I put the above file name into Google and was led to the below information at Microsoft Security Essentials knowledge base.

MSE knowledge base answer

Posted By: John Conley Re: What are these files? - 01/28/12 01:28 PM
Folders take up so little file space it's ridiculous.

My memory says less than 2 bytes.

If you have tens of thousands of them, well that's a problem.

On the contrary my new digital camera runs 20MB per shot, and if I'm using HDR then I get 3 shots, or maybe 5. 100 mb for one shot? When a 100 mb hard drive first came out people were in AWE. Now if you don't have a 1TB drive somewhere you are looked at like some pioneer with a horse. If you are running XP, less than 1GB of memory and a 300 mb hard drive on one of those monitors that weighs 30 pounds and has 24 inches sticking out the back, and a dial up modem the word is Luddite.

LOL! Of course there are now Luddites, neo-luddites, avant garde luddites, and the worst maybe be republican-reform-neo-paranoid-Luddites. Scary!!!

The best software to examine a system from the viewpoint of disk usage comes with unix where df and du have been used since cave man times to list the files on a system in order of biggest to smallest. Very cool.
Posted By: yjoh Re: What are these files? - 01/28/12 11:36 PM
Hi Noel,

Thanks for the link. I've put them in the recycle bin for now but haven't deleted them.
At least they aren't important to BB. I like to know why folders are there when I haven't put them there. I'm a need to know person and like things organised. Many thanks again.

Hi John,

I'm from the Atari STE days. I remember paying around $300 for an extra 3 meg of ram.
Took my total to a huge 4 meg!It was fantastic.

I was still using it with my Notator SL until 6 years ago when the programme started to crash out on me. I'm still getting used to these massive amount of room that audio and video files take up. I seem to be needing more and more storage space. it's been quite a learning curve. New computer system,software and internet. I think I'm just above luddite at the moment but still have a soft spot for the old Atari. It sure was easy to use!

Keep making music guys and thanks for the support!
Posted By: John Conley Re: What are these files? - 01/29/12 12:03 AM
Ha, I have an 8" ss sd diskette here. 128k I think. I ran an aged A/R I bought and rewrote in Business Basic to run a 200 person billing for a Nursing Home. I ended up with 20 of them. (Homes) So I had 2 floppy drives, backup on one. Sets of 5 per home times 20, filed, indexed, man what a chore.

Keep pluggin'.
Posted By: yjoh Re: What are these files? - 01/29/12 12:29 AM
Good heavens! I didn't know 8" disks existed.

Definately do not miss those floppy disks! What a pain. I have boxes of the things stored along with the Ataris and all the software I bought to go with it.

I keep everything. There's gear spread over 3 rooms, under the bed and in hubby's shed. Never know when it might come in handy or some museum wants it. LOL

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