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Posted By: Sandra Sherman Is my singing any good? - 02/19/12 09:57 PM
I have a serious question. My coach says, in order to become more succesful I need to sing. Thing is, I`ve never sung in my life before (if you don`t include the shower thing, LOL).

We`re going to release a Gypsy CD (not a homemade one; we have a label) and there should be 2 or 3 vocal tracks on it. We can`t hire a singer, because it`s supposed to be my project (I`m the leader).

Now here`s a demo track of a Kinks song that I`ve covered in our gypsy style:

Please be honest. Don`t tell me just good stuff, because you don`t want to hurt my feelings. Personally I think I would need a lot of vocal training to be good enough for the CD.

Bass: BB Realtrack
Guitars and Vocals: Me

Posted By: DrDan Re: Is my singing any good? - 02/19/12 10:09 PM

Please be honest. Don`t tell me just good stuff, because you don`t want to hurt my feelings. Personally I think I would need a lot of vocal training to be good enough for the CD.


Go for it gal, absolutely nothing wrong with your vocal tone which would prevent you from singing. Do work with a vocal teacher to get you breathing, phonics, articulation and confidence up.

Oh, and I expected a much stronger German accent ?
Posted By: Sandra Sherman Re: Is my singing any good? - 02/19/12 10:12 PM
Thanks! What does "phonics" mean?
Posted By: Mac Re: Is my singing any good? - 02/19/12 10:21 PM
That's good singing.

You have a good ear, pitch is not a problem, that's good. Many who try to pick up singing don't have that advantage.

You are already well out in front of many I hear who think that they should be singing in front of people...

You also have great timing, phrasing, and best of all, are using AIR to make your sound, moving that air past the vocal chords with a nice, relaxed sounding throat.

All of it shows that you have good musical taste.

That's 90% of the requirements right there.

That said, you have to decide for yourself whether or not you want to put in the time and repetition that it takes to develop that good voice. If it is fun for you, not a problem. But if you should find it to be a task, might be necessary to rethink the situation.


My coach says, in order to become more succesful I need to sing.

If you find that you LIKE adding the singing to your repertoire, then it is not a problem.

If, however, you find that you do not necessarily like nor want to add singing to your performances, bear in mind that there are *many* successful instrumentalists in the world who do not sing a single note onstage.

If the latter is the case, you may want to consider finding a different coach!

Posted By: Sandra Sherman Re: Is my singing any good? - 02/19/12 10:33 PM
Thanks Mac. Those are some very good points you made. It`s not really that I don`t want to sing, I like it. But as a pro guitarist I can tell the difference between "ok" and a real pro. Maybe I`m a perfectionist...

So I think, I`ll go for the vocal lessons. But it`s good to hear, that there is something there already, because I really wasn`t sure.

Posted By: bobcflatpicker Re: Is my singing any good? - 02/19/12 10:45 PM

Here's a little different point of view.

Your vocal chops are definitely not up to the high standards of your guitar playing. I agree with your own evaluation when you said:


Personally I think I would need a lot of vocal training to be good enough for the CD.

You didn’t mention a time table for the release, but only you know if you have the time to take the vocal lessons and have them bear fruit in time for your release.

You also mentioned this:


We can`t hire a singer, because it`s supposed to be my project (I`m the leader).

Because it is your project and you are the leader, only you can make the decision to hire a singer. If you want your CD to be the best it can be, and you know a singer, (or singers, since you have 3 vocals), that will make those songs better, there’s nothing wrong with a guest vocalist.

It’s still your project and you are still the leader.
Posted By: Sandra Sherman Re: Is my singing any good? - 02/19/12 10:55 PM
Thanks Bob, for your honest words.

I know a very succesful Gpysy Band here in Austria. They mix Gypsy music with traditional Viennese music. For about half their songs they have a famous singer on the CD. It became quite succesful. Now, here`s the problem: Every promoter /club owner wants them with the original singer. Now they can only play when the singer`s got time too. They kinda made themself dependant from him.

My CD is due in Autumn, I`ll try to get some vocal lessons before!

Posted By: Rob Helms Re: Is my singing any good? - 02/19/12 11:01 PM
Sandra, I think you have the ability to sing, the notes are there. Obviously there are a few pitch problems, and mostly flat not sharp. But many are right. As said the timing is good, and you already know proper phrasing. Some good coaching and hard work it should shape up. Dive in, and sing a lot, work at it as you did with the guitar.
Posted By: John Conley Re: Is my singing any good? - 02/19/12 11:06 PM
Don't worry too much, just do it. I waited. Then it's sort of too late. Everyone says 'blues'. Well, I know about 10 or so actual blues songs, and it was never my preference.

I'm not much of a coach or critic, but I'll give a listen later. For now my grandson, who will be 3, and my wife who'll be a lot older than that are wearing googles he found, elastic bands on the wrist, (must be id?), and dancing to red hot chili peppers with pink on deck. Not my thing either but he's a dancing fool!

Look, the thing is, will others listen?

BTW,the local universities music programs have tons of first year people who have the voice, some training, and want to do this kind of thing. I'm mentoring keyboard players, for free, because I have gear, a studio, and want to.

I'm officially too old to or lack the desire to go out and hear new acts. I'm in bed by 10 p.m., no matter who's house I'm in...
Posted By: Kemmrich Re: Is my singing any good? - 02/19/12 11:12 PM
I think adding a few vocal songs to your set (one out of 4 or 5 songs) would make the set more interesting (more variety) for the audience. I say take the lessons and be the best you can be.
Posted By: MitchC Re: Is my singing any good? - 02/19/12 11:15 PM
Sandra...go for it ! Put in the time with the coach. You make a great point about 'guest artists'...then the hiring venue want's that guy or gal and you're in a corner. Do it yourself. You've got a great head-start. A few pitch issues, but most singers do, so just do it... assuming you have the desire and committment to develop and get better.

I'd like to hear this same tune down a whole step maybe. Times in the tune when you're pushing your range. Go lower keys until you gain a bit more upper range ?
Posted By: Danny C. Re: Is my singing any good? - 02/19/12 11:47 PM

As stated by many above you are already ahead of the curve, especially with phrasing, which in my humble opinion, other than staying on key is the most important part of any vocal. Heck phrasing is also, again in my ears anyway, is what separates many musicians from the pack even with instrumentals. With this said my first choice would be for you to go for it and with the help of your vocal coach do the vocals 100% yourself. Second choice, and only if you are not yet comfortable carrying the vocals yourself, would be to use another singer but also include your own vocals even if in some minor way as a duet or in a background role for starters.

But the bottom line is that you and only you can make that decision.

Break A Leg!
Posted By: Mike sings Re: Is my singing any good? - 02/19/12 11:56 PM
Sandra, I'm sorry but I have to agree with Bob. Your singing (on this recording) is not up to your (high) playing standard. In my opinion you have two options:

1: Hire a singer. You hire other musicians and a singer is nothing more or less than that. It does not mean you are no longer the bandleader (think Moonlight Shadow by Mike Oldfield) You want (and need) this level of vocals Vaya Con Dios - Johnny

2: Learn to sing yourself. Find a good vocal coach and work hard. You know the drill...

Yes, your singing is good enough for karaoke-bars and the odd gig for friends with a hobby band. It is not that bad. But please don't do this right now at your normal gigs. It will bring the high quality of your gigs and your music down.

I hope you know I don't write this to bring you down.
Posted By: MarioD Re: Is my singing any good? - 02/20/12 12:01 AM
Sandra, I also say go for it! You are one fantastic guitarist and now you are also a very good singer. As suggested you could go to a vocal instructor to take you over the top, not that it is all that far for you! That is the route I would go if I have a voice like yours. The other option is to use pitch correction, as noted your were a little pitchy, but be it far from someone like me with no vocal chords what so ever to criticize. Personally with a voice like yours I would take Mac’s advice and get a good vocal instructor.

I also agree with Jazzmandan as I didn’t hear a foreign, at least foreign to me , accent!

Ps, now I’m even a bigger fan of yours!
Posted By: Brallan Re: Is my singing any good? - 02/20/12 12:11 AM
Hi, Sandra:

I would like to offer a little perspective, and perhaps soften the blows you have just received...

I like your voice, there's a lot of promise there, but I would agree, maybe not for a CD right now.

BUT... it really depends upon your time horizon, that is, how soon you want to record. If you have some lead time, weeks or months, then, by all means, sing as much as you can at your gigs, in the shower, etc., and I will bet that with practice and increased confidence, you will be CD-ready in a few weeks or months.

Good, luck, and do not give up... (I have been listening a lot to Eliane Elias, who, IMO, is not a natural singer, yet, she is very effective.)

Besides, since when do Gypsies required trained voices?
Posted By: silvertones Re: Is my singing any good? - 02/20/12 12:36 AM

Sandra, I'm sorry but I have to agree with Bob. Your singing (on this recording) is not up to your (high) playing standard. In my opinion you have two options:

1: Hire a singer. You hire other musicians and a singer is nothing more or less than that. It does not mean you are no longer the bandleader (think Moonlight Shadow by Mike Oldfield) You want (and need) this level of vocals Vaya Con Dios - Johnny

2: Learn to sing yourself. Find a good vocal coach and work hard. You know the drill...

Yes, your singing is good enough for karaoke-bars and the odd gig for friends with a hobby band. It is not that bad. But please don't do this right now at your normal gigs. It will bring the high quality of your gigs and your music down.

I hope you know I don't write this to bring you down.

I agree with Mike. Too much space at this point between the level of expertise of your playing & singing however I personnally think that as a pro musician you'll get were you need to be if you want.You know what's needed.One thing to take into account. I doubt anyone ever told Sinatra he needed to learn to play guitar. So.........
Posted By: Pat Marr Re: Is my singing any good? - 02/20/12 12:43 AM

I want to weigh in by saying that I really like your voice! The melody to your song was not easy for a vocalist... it had a lot of steps that require a precise landing, and you handled them very well.

In my opinion vocals don't have to be perfect if they are presented with enough style to make them interesting and musical. You have a very styistic approach to singing, and for me it works. You already sound better than most of the live acts I've heard performing locally.

As already mentioned, there is a different standard for singing live and singing on a CD. I think you have a GREAT live voice... but it does err on the side of style rather than pitch perfection. Once you commit the song to a permanent record, there's always the chance that you'll look back later and wish it had been perfect.

There are many possibilities, but considering the following facts:
1) you ARE a perfectionist...
2) you DO plan to take lessons...
3) you will be singing in live performances as well...

my recommendation is to go ahead and sing on your CD, then use Melodyne to clean up any aspect of the performance that does not meet your high professional standard. As you take voice lessons, you'll grow into the CD performance. When you perform live for people who have heard the CD, they will recognize that you are the same person who sang on the CD.

Good luck in your project! You are a very talented person, and I have great respect for your various abilities!
Posted By: jford Re: Is my singing any good? - 02/20/12 01:11 AM
Hi, Sandra - First of all, I really enjoyed that. What I heard in your voice was nervousness because I don't think you believe you can do it yet. As was said, practice, practice, practice. You'll get more comfortable with it and it will flow more naturally.

But for me, I'd buy your CD.
Posted By: eddie1261 Re: Is my singing any good? - 02/20/12 02:17 AM
I hear 2 things. One is that you don't believe you can sing. I sensed that you were kind of holding back. Belt it out to the back row and just let it rip.

Back when I played regularly I was the 2nd singer in my band. Since I took 18 years off, I lost it. I don't sing anywhere like I used to. But you know what? Critics be damned. It took me a long time to decide where I stood about it, and it took many people to tell me this, but this is my voice, I don't get to exchange it for another one, and damn it, I am going to sing. End of discussion.

Just be careful to pick a key that fits your range, continue to work with your coach to expand your range and work on your breathing.

I hear the native ability and the talent in there. Stay at it.

PS I wonder if you would do something for us. Would you sing something in your native language and post it? I wonder if maybe singing in English is making your brain work in too many directions at once. Just a thought.
Posted By: Curmudgeon Re: Is my singing any good? - 02/20/12 02:36 AM
Hi Sandra,

I enjoyed the track. My observation is that as the track progressed you were running short of breath which contributed to your slight pitch problems

You may need to work on building up your wind, especially on a song of that type.

I wish you well.

Don S.
Posted By: MitchC Re: Is my singing any good? - 02/20/12 02:42 AM

Be encouraged...please ! You are MASTER CLASS guitarist...period. But that does not mean that your vocals need to match that ability. You say you are doing 2,3 vocal tunes for the CD, right ? So these tracks are 'incidental' to the project. Not meaning to demean or lessen their value, but the emphasis on the project is the instrumental aspect, correct ?

I've heard tons of CD's by great instrumentalists that are 'just OK' vocalists (1 or 2 vocal tracks per CD)...SO WHAT ? As long as it's a heartfelt performance (the hardest part I think) people will relate.. DO IT !

Be encouraged ! Practice... and let us hear the final results. I'm in for the CD purchase !
Posted By: multitracker Re: Is my singing any good? - 02/20/12 03:06 AM

I enjoyed listening to you do this song, a great song that fits your style. Because I place a high value on vocal quality I was prepared to be quite critical if necessary. However, I found your vocal quality to be very pleasant, and a good match with your song material. Your voice is clear, on pitch, has interesting rhythmic variance in different parts of the song, and keeps the listener interested. I'm sure that with additional training you could be even better, but you are already a long ways towards your goal. If, according to your coach, singing will bring you more success, then I am quite sure you will find that success. You are certainly already very accomplished on your instrument.

Best of luck,
Posted By: Danny C. Re: Is my singing any good? - 02/20/12 04:11 AM

One thing I left out in my 1st reply. . . I'd bet your guitar playing did not start at the level at which you are currently playing, so keep in mind you have just started the singing journey. You will get better with each practice session and performance as you are a too good musician for that not to happen and that will without a doubt in my mind, translate to stronger vocals.

Edited portion: Remember Herb Alpert, strong trumpet player? I also remember that while he was never know for his voice his heartfelt rendetion of This Guys IN Love With You was a big and memorable hit.

Posted By: Sundance Re: Is my singing any good? - 02/20/12 07:23 AM
Hi Sandra,

Since your project isn't until autumn. Find a "professional vocal coach" with references to work with you. A pro vocal coach NOT a "voice teacher". A real pro vocal coach will tailor your sessions to fix problems and refine your own singing style as opposed to just learning breathing, scales, etc. The cost will be worth it as the real pro vocal coach will help you be the best you personally can be in the least amount of time. You'll do the work and approach singing with the same professional mindset as you do with perfecting your guitar chops - which I believe from what you said is what you want to do.

Once you add a vocal to a song - whether the singer is you or somebody else - that vocal now carries that song. The majority of people listening will focus on the vocal.

I disagree with some here who say your vocal songs can be somehow expendable or lesser just because you are foremost an instrumentalist. This is a singles oriented world now. There are no designated album cuts any more. Once you step up to the mic people have expectations. You're going to take heat for doing it from all the critics regardless. You don't have to be the reigning Ms Golden pipes but you can be the best singer Sandra can be with your own confident style.

Ask around and find yourself a real pro vocal coach who's working or has worked with other budding artists who have label deals and go from there.

All the best,

Posted By: CeeBee Re: Is my singing any good? - 02/20/12 08:00 AM
Hi Sandra,
For someone who doesn't sing that was pretty good. I agree with Mitch, pick your key carefully for your voice. This one was a shade high, although with coaching you will get those high notes without straining. You guitar playing indicates that you are disciplined and strive for perfection. I don't think you need to go the perfection route on vocals. Vocals are for expressing emotion, and unfortunately tend to tire quickly. When playing a string instrument, breathing is not of paramount importance, when singing it is. Do your own singing, you are plenty good enough for that, and dont worry about the CD. The studio is full of gimics that even top singers rely on. But be careful of being too perfect, gypsy swing, like blues, is not about perfection but emotion. For an example of someone who can’t sing listen to Paolo Conte. He can fill concert halls with his gravel voice, and his CDs are pretty good too. In a world where singers tend to sound the same, a bit of gravel (Tom Waites) and especially emotion (Joe Cocker) and uniqueness (Amy Winehouse) are what brings success. It’s not the voice that determines success, it’s the singer. Go for it.
Posted By: ROG Re: Is my singing any good? - 02/20/12 09:27 AM
Hi Sandra.

I don't think you've you've got anything to worry about.

Singing is largely about confidence and, hopefully, the encouragement you've got from all these comments will help to provide that. Don't be scared of those high notes, pile on even more expression and you'll have a great recording.

Posted By: mglinert Re: Is my singing any good? - 02/20/12 11:04 AM

I agree with many of the posts above (Mac, Mitch,..)

A couple of points to bear in mind.
- this is a particularly challenging tune to sing, so it's perhaps unfair of us to assess you on it
- if you plan to sing live you would not want the singing to distract you in any way from your primary skill as a guitar player.

Good luck!!

Posted By: George Nelson Re: Is my singing any good? - 02/20/12 01:07 PM
Hi Sandra,

I think you will do OK once you have sorted out the glitches in your voice.
Many others have given advice to you.
I would offer a practical advice (it worked for me - I think),
If you are using headphones when you are singing take one side of the headphones off your ear.
You may be surprised to hear the difference that can make.

Just go for it. What have you got to lose.

Best regards
Posted By: Sandra Sherman Re: Is my singing any good? - 02/20/12 02:44 PM
Thank you folks for all your good advice and I totally appreciate your honest replies!

As an excuse (LOL) I have to say though, this was the first and only vocal take on that recording. I haven`t yet practised the song either. And I also didn`t have it run through some pitch correction thingie (as you can hear;-))
I did this on purpose, because this is the level I would perform live (right now), so I wanted to know if there`s potential to keep going or if it`s a complete fail.
But since I`ve got a couple of months till the recordings and first live gigs with that set, I think I can handle it.

I totally agree with Mike and some others that say my singing doesn`t meet my high level of guitar playing. But I think in a couple of months I will be able to sing good enough for the purpose intended.

Posted By: Mac Re: Is my singing any good? - 02/20/12 04:17 PM

But since I`ve got a couple of months till the recordings and first live gigs with that set, I think I can handle it.

I totally agree with Mike and some others that say my singing doesn`t meet my high level of guitar playing. But I think in a couple of months I will be able to sing good enough for the purpose intended.


Sandra, I KNOW that you are able to do it!

Listen to others, but always listen to your own inner voice a bit more intently as you have the taste, knowledge. muscial experience and above all the built in pursuit of excellence standing behind you.

Ahd always remember this:

The professional musical critic is never a working musician. Rather, they are typically made up of people who tried to be and did not succeed. So they find work writing critiques instead *grin*. As a matter of fact, I tell my masterclass level students to look forward to that first bad review. It is a rite of passage.

Not many people know that when Frank Sinatra first started out in New Jersey, he sang so badly and out of tune that he had to beg his mother to purchase a PA system so the local bands would hire him (they typically needed the PA for the "other" female singer on the same gig). He kept at it. He took singing lessons. He got better. Obviously.

Posted By: Mike sings Re: Is my singing any good? - 02/20/12 05:13 PM
Right on, Sandra.

Find a good vocal coach. He/she can help you learn to use and train your vocal instrument. You might want to contact Corinne Morini. She is a vocal coach in Vienna, using the EVTS method. EVTS is an innovative system for developing masterful control of the human voice.

I don't know Corinne Morini, I found her when I did a search on the EVTS international site for an EVTS instructors in/near Vienna.

Make sure you feel comfortable with your vocal coach. This will make the training much more beneficial. Go for it!

I will be looking forward to listen to your upcoming album.
Posted By: Tommyc Re: Is my singing any good? - 02/20/12 05:52 PM
I like your voice as is, Google Vocal Fry and maybe try that if you want to add more to what you already have!
Posted By: eddie1261 Re: Is my singing any good? - 02/20/12 06:05 PM
Just stop and think about how many "singers" can't sing at all... start with Mick Jagger. Move to Rod Stewart. God, Stewart's voice is like nails on a blackboard. That screaming quality.... Whole bunch of people got famous because of the band behind them without being able to sing. That first take was better than a lot of people I hear right now.

You have ZERO to worry about. As you practice and improve from a very good starting point, it'll all work out.
Posted By: DrDan Re: Is my singing any good? - 02/20/12 11:20 PM
I like to think I can tell a capable vocalist in the first couple of notes they sing. It is the same quality element that every gutarist searches for, I am sure you have also. It is Tone! Hard to define but you know it when you hear it. You either have it or you have to work a long time to get it. In your case I heard a hint of it. Thats a good thing - it can develope and grow with practice and instruction.

The thing I see here in these reviews "reading between the lines" is folks trying to tell you that to be a good vocalist you have to love to sing. If you force it or fake it, it won't work. Good luck.
Posted By: Westside Steve Re: Is my singing any good? - 02/21/12 01:54 AM

Thanks! What does "phonics" mean?

It's that mythical bird that rises from the dead.......
Posted By: Keith from Oz Re: Is my singing any good? - 02/21/12 02:27 AM
No Steve, that's "Phenics"
Posted By: carkins Re: Is my singing any good? - 02/21/12 02:34 AM
As others have commented, you have a good voice that just needs some fine tuning.

The first part of the process is learning the correct physical techniques to smooth out any rough spots and a vocal coach may be the best and quickest way to get that done.
There may also be useful articles and videos on the Internet.

The second part of the process is mental, building your performance confidence so that your apprehension doesn’t cause you to tense up your vocal chords and restrict your range.

One technique to try is to start each vocal session by saying to yourself :
“OK let’s have some fun with this song.

“Let’s really get into the feel of it regardless of whether it’s “Perfect” or not”,
Some times perfection can also be very boring to listen to.

“I am now going to act and sing like the singer I want to be (visualize your favorite singer) performing in a place I’ve always dreamed off.”

Really believe in the song and want to project that feeling out to the audience with your singing.
Picture yourself singing like your favorite singer on stage, with all the emotive gestures.

Smile! Play with the song, trying different presentations.
It’s all part of the “fun factor”.
It loosens you up so your technical training can shine through.

That’s one of the reasons, I believe, we all sound so good in the shower.
All that apprehension is washed away, leaving us to enjoy the process of singing.

The great singers, regardless of their voices are also great entertainers. Their voice is only part of the package.
Surprisingly, many have said that they are not immune to stage fright but they have learned to overcome it and go out there and give a great show.
The mental aspect is just as, if not more than important than their vocal ability.

Always keep in mind that unless you are recording a live club performance for your CD, you have as many takes as it takes to get it right in the studio.
And you have lots of tools to tweak them.
The best part of any take can be cut and added to another best part until you get the result you or your producer wants so that helps take some of the pressure off.

Hope you find some of this useful and look forward to hearing your CD.
Posted By: Westside Steve Re: Is my singing any good? - 02/21/12 09:57 AM

No Steve, that's "Phenics" [/quot

No Keith, that's a city in Arizona...

Posted By: carkins Re: Is my singing any good? - 02/21/12 01:38 PM
Check out this video I found and others on youtube:
Take The Stress Out of Recording Vocals in the Studio

Best wishes,
Posted By: rharv Re: Is my singing any good? - 02/22/12 12:21 AM
You're good enough to know where you're at. What I noticed was the reverb; it distracted and that's a common trap. Don't spend time trying to do anything to the vocals. If you want to learn to sing start recording yourself singing and *listen* to it. Don't add anything, just focus on the performance. You'll start hearing what you need to work on. I would spend a bit of time doing this combined with lessons.
Stop and listen to what you just sang. Don't just keep singing it over and over, that will develops muscles but little technique.

I started this with my daughter and it helped her a lot. Just listening to herself honestly (very little FX) helped her to learn her range, when she needs to think about pitch and when she can just sing it.

Have fun though, don't be hard on yourself, just listen and learn. Then do it again.
Posted By: PRearden Re: Is my singing any good? - 02/22/12 03:28 AM
Ignore all haters. Sing!
Posted By: bluenotes Re: Is my singing any good? - 03/04/12 04:45 AM

I've listened to your sample 4 times now. And it's so obvious that you can carry a tune, so that's good -- but don't fear that your voice lacks a certain "perfection" of sorts.

You might just need to embrace the "Übung macht den Meister" concept when it comes to honing your voice, and the impression you want to make, vocal coach or not.

I retrieved some youtube examples of female singers who you might want to listen to.

(I hope this is okay with the rules & regs?)

Karen Carpenter's lone-ish vocal for "Masquerade"

The full album version:

Fiona Apple, Extraordinary machine recorded

Fiona singing it live:

Phoebe Snow singing Harpo's Blues

Janis Ian has a higher register than you, but this might be illustrative:

Basia sings higher & lower, instructive vocals

Tracy Chapman sings Fast Car live

Norah Jones' Cold Cold Heart, live

... and Come Away with Me

These female singers may not represent your style, but hearing their takes on those tunes might offer something in the way of practice.

Posted By: Don Gaynor Re: Is my singing any good? - 03/04/12 03:27 PM
Sandra, you have a very unique voice (don't read great) and it might be best and easiest to capitalize on that uniqueness rather than to concentrate on a major voice make-over. I heard Janis Joplin (as well as Louis Armstrong) in your voice and they did passably well, commercially speaking.

I, too, sensed you "poop out" toward the end. Correcting that will only come with time and breath/diaphragm control. You always have your voice with you so sing constantly. You likely have music going through your mind constantly judging from your mastery of the guitar. Now just "voice" those mental melodies any time of day or night.

Breath/diaphragm control can be practiced by singing into a lighted candle. You can see cause and effect of various diaphragm controls. Great practice for any singer. Try different volumes without blowing out the candle. Also excellent for controlling plosives.

All the best to you.
Posted By: Wyndham Re: Is my singing any good? - 03/04/12 11:18 PM
Sandra, I have a bit of a different take on your voice. I think it's great but for different reasons. I also think you have something that others have lost in their quest for recording contracts and all that pwerfection. It's hard to express but you have the soul that comes out in your singing.Very few ever have that.
Look back on the different groups like the Kinks and you find singers that wanted to create something new. There was a freshness in their voices that can't be found today.
Look at Janis Joplin's career. You can hear the pain in her songs, same with Joe Cocker,and 99% of the early rock & roll as well as the Blues singers of the Southern USA.
I would PAY to see you sing, but the plane tickets a bit of an issue.
My advice is let it all out, you have something to say, push your way to the front and say it. It's about you creating images with your voice that we all experience and you can voice those feeling for us, you have it, use it.
Do it, I would but I can't.
Posted By: Don Gaynor Re: Is my singing any good? - 03/04/12 11:46 PM
I have listened then re-listened. I think that I have identified that voice...Marlene Dietrich. She sang cabaret-style during the 1940s war years. That is something worthy of striving to attain.
Posted By: rockstar_not Re: Is my singing any good? - 03/05/12 01:51 AM

As most have stated - sing away. Tune down 1/2 to a full step, it will make a world of difference particularly on those higher 'afternoon' phrase enders. Right now, you are straining to hit the last note on 'noon' - Ask your coach how to 'open up' on those notes - right now, I picture your chin extending and your head tipping back on that note. Try to practice keeping the chin in lower.

For the purpose of the couple of songs either live or on a CD, it will not bring down the quality - it will be something that will entertain and break up the monotony of a solid show of wordless gypsy jazz. I once got to hear John Jorgensn live, about 15 meters from the stage, and even though he is a master, it got to be quite boring after 4 or 5 songs. The singing and lyrics put an entirely different feeling into gypsy jazz. Make sure the lyrics tell a story. The history of popular music is ripe with examples of singers much much worse than your voice, but they were great storytellers. One could argue that nearly the whole of country music singers, with some rare exceptions, actually have terrible technique, but again they are great storytellers. Work on your facial expressions, gestures, interaction with the nearby audience members, etc. just as much as you work on what little is left for vocal technique. Your audience will love it. Most of all, have fun - that will shine through above all.
Posted By: Don Gaynor Re: Is my singing any good? - 03/05/12 02:39 AM
What Scott said! Develop your image. I tell about Streisand's nose job. That minor flaw was "Barbara" and gave her "character!" Don't polish ALL the rough edges.
Posted By: eddie1261 Re: Is my singing any good? - 03/05/12 03:35 AM
You know, Don, I told her that very thing in a private message. Marlene Dietrich was SMOOOOOOKIN' hot in her time. The sultry, seductive kind of voice....

I think she sings just fine. All about picking music that suits the voice rather than trying to make a voice fit the music.
Posted By: Don Gaynor Re: Is my singing any good? - 03/05/12 02:51 PM
Eddie, GMTA! Great Minds Think Alike.
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