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Posted By: Russell DeMussel Download problems - 04/17/12 04:27 PM
Anybody here with Win7 have problems with the downloads stopping at around 2 to 14%. If you click on the pause button after it stops, then click on the resume button, it usually says the file can't be downloaded. This is the problem I ran into when trying to download Amplitube and Sampletank sounds. I actually had to download them on an older machine then transfer the downloads to this computer via external drive.
Posted By: Matt Finley Re: Download problems - 04/17/12 05:18 PM
No, and I don't think it's related to Windows 7, but we need a lot more info, such as:

What browser are you using, is it up-to-date, and do you use a download manager?

What kind of Internet service do you have? DSL, cable, dial-up?

Have you run Speedtest to see if you are getting the download speed you are paying for?

Do you have difficulty downloading from any other sites?

Is this a new problem? Does it always happen? Does the old computer ever have a problem?

Do you have plenty of space on the hard drive you download to?

If all else checks out, you could do a 'RUN TRACERT website' at the Start, Run prompt to determine where the bottleneck may be.
Posted By: ROG Re: Download problems - 04/17/12 05:25 PM
I agree with with Matt, plus-

If the older machine is on the same IP as the new one, this rules out some of the problems and focuses attention on the browser. Have you tried using a different browser?

Posted By: Pat Marr Re: Download problems - 04/17/12 05:28 PM
No problems at all here, Russ. Win 7 has been very dependable in general, and our family's use of the web is very DL intensive (wife and daughter watch a lot of HULU movies)

We had a speed problem for a while, but when I bought a newer router that problem went away.

Is your problem mostly involving IKMultimedia's web site? Can you stream video from Youtube and other sites without problems? or can you download files from CNET.COM ?

Are you hard-wired to your modem, hard wired to a router or is your connection wireless?

More information will help the gurus zero in on the problem
Posted By: Matt Finley Re: Download problems - 04/17/12 05:48 PM
Good ideas from ROG and Pat.

Russ, if you could do a test downloading the same thing side-by-side, or if not, one immediately after another, on the old and new machines, that would rule out everything but the local equipment.

And if you are using wireless Internet (which I detest because it sometimes has a mind of its own, but have to use sometimes), try unplugging the router for 30 seconds. Not a bad idea to do this periodically, like rebooting a Windows machine.
Posted By: Don Gaynor Re: Download problems - 04/17/12 06:43 PM
My router has a reset pinhole that you must insert a pen point or the end of a paperclip into. It's not marked RESET so it's easy to overlook. I seriously doubt if it's related to Win 7. It has been the most rock solid OS I've ever had.
Posted By: Noel96 Re: Download problems - 04/17/12 07:24 PM

Have you tried downloading with a different browser as Rog suggested? If you're presently using IE, download Mozilla Firefox and try that (it's free).

Posted By: eddie1261 Re: Download problems - 04/17/12 07:30 PM
I wouldn't reset your router unless you are very familiar with resetting teh security type and such. I WOULD plug your computer directly into your CAT5 coming from whatever internet service hardware you have to bypass your own router as a troubleshooting step if you do suspect your router. You never said if you even have a router in the mix, did you? I only skimmed the thread.
Posted By: Pat Marr Re: Download problems - 04/18/12 12:52 AM

My router has a reset pinhole that you must insert a pen point or the end of a paperclip into. It's not marked RESET so it's easy to overlook. I seriously doubt if it's related to Win 7. It has been the most rock solid OS I've ever had.

it's my understanding that resetting the router that way is more of a RESTORE TO FACTORY SETTINGS... which means that the password and username default back to the values known by every school kid, allowing them to log in as admin and get your WEP key, then steal your bandwidth even if you thought it was protected.

However, just turning it off for a few seconds then back on again refreshes it without resetting the system password.
Posted By: Matt Finley Re: Download problems - 04/18/12 01:03 AM
That is correct. There is a difference between cycling the power and waiting 30 seconds (which preserves your settings), and pressing that reset button which requires you to go into the router software and set the password, encryption, parental controls, access times etc.
Posted By: furry Re: Download problems - 04/18/12 09:02 AM
Russ, I've had problems sometimes downloading files from here, quite often solved simply by turning off your firewall. Windows firewall & zone alarm were the two worst offenders.
Posted By: Russell DeMussel Re: Download problems - 04/23/12 06:44 AM
Ok. Here's what I'm running. And it all worked in the old XP machine:

Win7 (naturally)
IE that comes with the computer
I'm hard wired to the router into the modem thru Ethernet port

Our laptops, my old E-Machine and wifie's computer are wireless. No problems there. It's just this machine.

How I solved the problem was to download the program on my old E-Machine to a USB drive, plugged the USB drive into this computer and installed it from there. Worked perfectly that way.

You may have a point about IE being the culprit. I have Google Chrome on my old machine and that's what I used for a download client. Guess I need to re-install that program again.

Thanks for the ideas guys.
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