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Posted By: Jim Fogle Hard Days Night - The Beatles - 08/22/14 10:58 PM
The movie, "Hard Days Night" was recently restored and released again to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the original release date. Concurrently, the movie soundtrack was also restored by Giles Martin. Here are some interesting tidbits concerning the title song and soundtrack.

1. The soundtrack is the only Beatles music to win a Grammy award (best movie soundtrack).

2. The soundtrack is the only Beatles album not distributed by EMI/Capitol. United Artists own the movie and soundtrack rights. Despite this, EMI/Capitol released seven of the songs as singles.

3. Both the soundtrack and songs were originally released as mono recordings.

4. The soundtrack was the first Beatles album that did not include any cover songs.

5. The title song was composed, rehearshed, recorded, mixed and sent off for mastering in less than one day. The movie title was chosen in the evening, and John Lennon tasked with writing the song. The song was presented, fleshed out and practiced the next morning. That afternoon it was recorded and mixed and sent off for mastering.

6. The opening chord is a sound combination of Paul's Hofner bass, George's 12 string Rickenbaker, Ringo's snare, John's 6 string acoustic and piano by producer George Martin.

7. The title song's guitar break includes double tracked acoustic and electric six string guitars played by George Harrison and John Lennon and single piano notes played by George Martin. The piano notes were recorded at half speed then played back at normal speed.

8. Mystery surrounds one music selection used in the movie. Ringo is listening to a song on the radio while riding on a train and a fellow passenger yells at Ringo that the radio is too loud. The song was found as a 45 second music selection on a reel of audio tape amongst other master tapes from the movie but there are no details. Nobody has ever claimed an association with the music.
Posted By: gibson Re: Hard Days Night - The Beatles - 08/24/14 03:26 AM
Phil Collins of Genesis was in that film also

in this clip

Posted By: Jim Fogle Re: Hard Days Night - The Beatles - 08/24/14 06:06 PM
My understanding is the Phil Collins audience clip didn't make the final cut. He tracked down the out-take several years afterward and was given the clip as a gift.

I'd sure love to see any other out-takes floating around.
Posted By: gibson Re: Hard Days Night - The Beatles - 08/25/14 06:16 AM
Well I didn't know that thanks. Great film tho'
Posted By: AudioTrack Re: Hard Days Night - The Beatles - 08/25/14 01:04 PM

It's always great to learn about what went on behind the scenes.

Fascinating story

Thanks for sharing
Posted By: 90 dB Re: Hard Days Night - The Beatles - 08/26/14 01:53 PM
The scene in the makeup room before the TV show also featured David Langton, who Anglophiles will recognize as Richard Bellamy from "Upstairs, Downstairs".

Then, there was the one schoolgirl on the train, also known as Pattie Boyd, or Mrs. George Harrison, Mrs. Eric Clapton, and in song as..."Layla".
Posted By: Al-David Re: Hard Days Night - The Beatles - 10/01/14 09:47 AM
All very interesting! Thanks, everyone, for the great little tidbits!
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