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For the last several days, when I go to the PG Music forums on my iPhone, it does not remember me and I have to login each time. This is new behavior.

Once I enter the first letter of my username, the rest of it pops in, and my password is filled in. Even though I check the checkbox to "Remember Me", it does not.

Anything change on your end a few days ago?

in case it's helpful

Delete Individual Cookies From My iPhone
...and I thoght Apple's designes are easy and intuitive to use... confused
I tried deleting the PG Music cookie; thanks but unfortunately it did not cure this problem. However, I did get to blow away quite a few other cookies, so it was worth the effort!

I should add to the problem statement that I close all apps frequently (double click home button, swipe up app). If I don't do this for Safari, it does remember me. However, to save the battery, I always close apps when done. Until this gets solved, I will just leave Safari running as it is not a heavy draining app, comparatively.
Matt, just some info to help you with your troubleshooting, I tested with my iPhone and did not have a problem with Safari remembering me. I most often visit the forum using an iPad with Safari and the same operating system as the iPhone and have noticed no recent problems.
Thank you, Keith.

The puzzle deepens.
It's getting deeper! About half the time on my android phone I have to log in. ?? Later, Ray
When I'm at the office I get the same thing. At home I use Firefox but the office uses IE and of course has a robust firewall and lots of AV going on.
We have an off site IT company and everything has to go through them so I'm not about to ask them about this.

I've given up trying to post at work, probably a good thing anyway, lol.

Could you please let me know if the problem is fixed for you?
In my case, sorry, no.

I like to close all apps to conserve battery power, then click the Off button to put the iPhone 5S to sleep.

I have made an icon on the home screen of the Forum page for PG Music.

In the past, I could click on this icon and be taken to the list of forums, and be already logged in. It also remembered my preference of certain forums I have minimized, such as the international section.

Now, if I leave Safari running in the background, I am still logged in. But if I close the app then go to the Forums page, I have to enter the first letter of my Username. Then the rest of the username and also the password field are filled in. I check the Remember Me box and login. But it won't remember me next time IF I have closed Safari.

Hope that is clear. Thanks Andrew.
Hi Matt,

Could you now (on your iPhone) go to MyStuff | Cookies, and click Expire Cookies. Then log back in and see if it is fixed.
I just did that, and no change. If I close Safari, I still have to log back in to the BIAB forum.

Last night, I completely shut down my iPhone, then restarted it. That didn't help either.

This is only a small annoyance, but it is behavior that changed. Thanks.
Are you sure that cookies are not being blocked on your iphone. I think the setting is in Settings --> Safari --> Privacy...

I wonder if there is a way to view individual cookies on an iphone to see their expiration. If so, I would like to see if the v7ubbt_myid cookie is there and what the expiration date of it is.
Thanks for staying with this, Andrew.

I see individual cookies (hundreds, ouch!) but there is no way to examine the contents. I do have one for but there is no cookie resembling v7ubbt_myid.

In the same area, I do have a setting for cookies blocked from third parties and advertisers. IOS 7.1 only gives you three choices for cookies: block always, never, or third party/advertisers. I have never changed this setting to my knowledge, and certainly not recently.

If cookies were blocked, would the site remember my data when I enter as little as the first letter of my username?

In the same area, I do have Do Not Track on, but again, it hasn't changed.

I see individual cookies (hundreds, ouch!) but there is no way to examine the contents. I do have one for but there is no cookie resembling v7ubbt_myid.

It is only showing you the sites that have cookies, not the individual cookies for each site. There may be a way to view individual cookies but I haven't tried it:

In the same area, I do have a setting for cookies blocked from third parties and advertisers

Right, that setting should not cause a problem, and doesn't in my testing.

If cookies were blocked, would the site remember my data when I enter as little as the first letter of my username?

It is not the site that is remembering this, it is Safari remembering form data.
I never got to try working with the iPhone's cookies. I upgraded to iOS 8 and the problem went away!!
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