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"Elephants Always Develop Great Big Ears"
" Every Acid Dealer Gets Busted Eventually"
"Even After Dinner Giant Boys Eat."
"Eat All Day Get Big Easy"
"Every Adult Dog Goes Bad Eventually"

fell free to add for guitar or other musical concepts like

Every Good Boy Does Fine or FACE
Actually, that would be "mnemonics".

I just named my strings John, Paul, George, Mickey, Darrell and Darrell.

glad I'm not a piano tuner!
You can tuna .....

never mind!
Let's see now...
End A Dire Group By Execution
Exceptional Animals Drive German Beetle Engines
Electrocute All Dreamers, 'Groovy Baby' Enthusiasts
Each American Digs Groovy Beatles ELps!
But I use alternate tunings quite a bit - now what?
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