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Posted By: furry Windows 10 update woes - 10/03/16 09:33 AM
Anyone else suffering the after effects of windows 10 anniversary updates ? Have you managed to fix them ?
Posted By: gibson Re: Windows 10 update woes - 10/03/16 09:46 AM
Not me but try this thread Thank you Microsoft frown
Posted By: furry Re: Windows 10 update woes - 10/03/16 12:25 PM
Thanks, have replied
Posted By: Don Gaynor Re: Windows 10 update woes - 10/04/16 12:01 PM

I dragged my feet on upgrading from Win 7 to 10 until last week. There usually are lags in drivers whenever a new OS is released and I had finally gotten 7 tweaked to perfection.

Last week I started having serious issues not related to OS so I decided to upgrade. (Windows 10 is still free to disabled users).

I'm still learning my way around but I'm liking it a lot. The absence of a START button is only a minor inconvenience.

Posted By: sslechta Re: Windows 10 update woes - 10/04/16 12:29 PM
Originally Posted By: Don Gaynor
The absence of a START button is only a minor inconvenience.

Hey Don, this tool has been updated for Windows 10. I use it on all of my PCs since it's a big deal for me to have the Start button. smile

Classic Shell Start Menu
Posted By: Don Gaynor Re: Windows 10 update woes - 10/04/16 12:44 PM
Originally Posted By: sslechta
Originally Posted By: Don Gaynor
The absence of a START button is only a minor inconvenience.

Hey Don, this tool has been updated for Windows 10. I use it on all of my PCs since it's a big deal for me to have the Start button. smile

Classic Shell Start Menu


Now I'm curious.

Why is a START button important?

Posted By: sslechta Re: Windows 10 update woes - 10/04/16 01:52 PM
More out of habit. I guess if you are comfortable in starting apps from the start screen, there is no need. I just like the one point to start from and expand menus too. Old habits.....
Posted By: jford Re: Windows 10 update woes - 10/04/16 02:55 PM
I use StarDock's Start10 on my desktop to give me back my start menu. It's not free, but only $5.00. I've been very happy with it.
Posted By: Larry Kehl Re: Windows 10 update woes - 10/05/16 11:52 AM
I use Classic Shell also, becasue it gives me a lot of configuration control and access that MS makes you work (hard sometimes) to find, - you can customize to have more stuff one click away instead of hunting it done.

I also use Powertoys and set up the "god mode" folder shortcut as well.

I LIKE to be IN CONTROL of my computer - not the other way around

Posted By: jazzmammal Re: Windows 10 update woes - 10/05/16 12:27 PM
I guess I'm just a simple guy who likes things simple.

My Win 10 boots to my desktop and all my shortcuts are right there just like 7. If I want access to the internals of my system all I do is right click the Windows icon in the lower left of the taskbar and it's all there. Easy peasy. If I left click that icon up pops all the stuff I most frequently use if I want to do something that way.

For me anyway, I don't get why someone needs any kind of add on to somehow "control the computer". I have full control already. At least as far as stuff I've been doing with Windows for the last 20 years. If I want to search for any file, the Explorer icon is right there in the taskbar like it has been since XP. I click on it and search. I'm not missing anything in 10, it works exactly the same as Windows always has for me.

After the install the only thing I had to Google was how to get to the control panel and that's when I found out about right clicking the Windows icon. After that, no issues at all.

Posted By: Larry Kehl Re: Windows 10 update woes - 10/05/16 02:28 PM

Different strokes. Also I'm not pushing this free tool, these two examples are the ones that non-power users may like to have (back):

1. When you click the native Win 10 Start do you see, or have access to this simple list,

"Recent Items" (you had it in win 95, 98, XP and 7)-..... no.

I use my computer for a lot of stuff besides music and being able to see and open the last database, statistics analysis file, or two/three Word docs, spreadsheets, PowerPoints (yea I make and edit a lot of briefings), last couple BIAB songs or Sonar .cwb's because a few days later I forget WHAT I called it - or WHERE I put it.

Yea I could open the parent app and look in its "Most Recent" list (but not always) - that kind of "go find" is the "adventure game" hunt I was alluding to that I like to avoid (memory is the first thing to go?) if possible.

2. With Classic Shell "Start" replacement tool it's just one click to get to the Control Panel - and then I have ALL CP items listed in one total view (faster access to RS-232, Network, SOUND, ... settings).

With Win 10 native it goes Start -> Settings -> find your sub-menu -> THEN maybe find the old control panel/admin tool thing you need, or run Windows search.

my hobbies, besides music, in things like electronics, and my consultant work requires I muck a lot with registry (funny - the most recent was to overcome a Cakewalk install issue!),also a lot of config/reconfig of LAN & WAN and company HW and SW so I need access to things most users don't care or even know about.

Posted By: sslechta Re: Windows 10 update woes - 10/05/16 03:44 PM
Yeah, same for me Larry. Love recent items separated by app in the Start Menu. And to pin specific documents for that app that are regularly used.
Posted By: MarioD Re: Windows 10 update woes - 10/05/16 05:23 PM
Bob, I am another simple guy who agrees with you. I do not have a problem with Win 10. It just took me a while to figure out where they had moved things, but I did find them.

I find right clicking on the start button has saved me a lot of time as my music computer is off line 99% of the time so I disable my Ethernet card when it is off line. Right clicking on the start menu is a lot faster then my old method of clicking on my computer/manage/device manager.

Posted By: jazzmammal Re: Windows 10 update woes - 10/05/16 07:48 PM
Larry and Sslechta, everything you guys just mentioned are already there. Maybe you installed these other apps before checking it out?

R click windows icon, see Control Panel and click it. Everything is there full screen, if some items are off the screen, that's your screen resolution.

L click windows icon and all your recent activity is there along with the latest doc's you've opened. Just click on one and go...Or,

Click on Explorer icon and all your recent docs are there too in addition to everything else from My PC which is all your drives. There's also a directory there that displays the different drives you've recently accessed like the PG drive, any other external drives, etc. If you need to search for one specific file just click on the drive it's hiding in and type the name in the search box in the upper right.

And, this still may not be the fastest or best way to do stuff. It's just what I've learned in the last few months by simply doing what I normally do. I'm almost certainly missing some better ways to do these things that are built into 10.

Oh, don't forget Cortana. Cortana opens Edge and displays whatever website you asked about. I also tried "display directions from here to there" and that popped right up too just like using your phone. Now that I'm writing this I need to check that out more. Here's a start:

Look the last two items:

•Find facts, files, places, and info.

•Open any app on your system.

These alone could solve a lot of issues folks might have using 10. If you have a mic enabled just talk otherwise type into the box. Maybe I'll stop using the shortcuts on the desktop and just let Cortana open whatever I need opened.

Posted By: Don Gaynor Re: Windows 10 update woes - 10/05/16 10:02 PM
Originally Posted By: MarioD
Bob, I am another simple guy who agrees with you. I do not have a problem with Win 10. It just took me a while to figure out where they had moved things, but I did find them.

I find right clicking on the start button has saved me a lot of time as my music computer is off line 99% of the time so I disable my Ethernet card when it is off line. Right clicking on the start menu is a lot faster then my old method of clicking on my computer/manage/device manager.


That's been my experience too, Mario. Everything is still there, it may take me awhile to find it while in the learning curve.

I have been noticing my computer becoming sluggish but my boot time today was a screaming 47 seconds. I've never seen such fast boot-ups with Windows 7/64.

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