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Hi All!

I always value your input and constructive ideas.

This song was written by a friend of mine, all the instrumentals were created with real band (A lot of editing and pasting, but got it the way I want it)

Let me know what you think and if anything should be changed .. taken away or added.

Hey Danny, I thought this song was great!! You did a good job with the Real Instruments. I also thought your vocal was right on. The words told the old story Christ on the Cross. Thanks for sharing. occ
Hi Danny,

Great song with a timeless message. Good vox and good mixing and good use of the Real Tracks/ Instruments.

Don S.
All I can say is WOW! !

This is one super mix. Great vocal man.

That is one fantastic job on cutting and pasting realtracks!
Ready for the radio, man.

Take it to the world!


very nice song. Great vocals!, nice touch on the thunder. What instruments did you use? Sounds like bass guitar, fiddle, and a finger-picked guitar.....oh and thunder My Realtracks didn't have a thunder instrument, is that an upgrade?

Ready for the radio, man.

Take it to the world!



Big Song, Big Vocal.

Excellent mix and vocals.

Stirred up some emotions

Great job
Hey Don S, MarioD, Mac, Danny C and Powderman ... Thanks for taking the time to listen to the song and for the kind words. I am faving fun with realband and glad this one turned out okay. Was afraid of adding the thunder to it....and I am always afraid of adding too much of the fiddle (my favorite of the real tracks)

Hey Tcaylor, you heard right, I used:
electric bass (RT366)
finger acustic (RT364)
Fiddle (RT409) and Fiddle (RT624) I cut and pasted between the two to get the right sound

On the chorus I added a strumming guitar (RT368)

As for the thunder, a few days ago, we had a bad storm here in florida and I thought about this song and decided to attempt and record the thunder that seemed to be right on top of our home... I added a little echo and dehissed it and it seemed to turn out okay. Do you think it is too much?

Thanks again!
Immaculately performed and recorded Danny, and well worth all the editing, etc.
An impressive piece of work to be very proud of! Thanks for sharing.

Nice job Danny,
Excellent use of the tools and more importantly, you have achieved the ultimate goal.....Making the listener want to hear it in its entirety...... And more!

Well done buddy!

Very nice Danny.
Artful is a word that comes to mind.

Hey All,

Thanks for listening to this song. I think I will stop pondering on what to change and leave it as is....and move on to the next one....

All my best to each and every one of you!
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