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Posted By: MarioD Why I'm not around much anymore - 09/05/19 12:27 PM
As you probably have noticed I haven't been around much. There are a number of issues going on here right now. First my C drive crashed. I tried to reinstall using the latest Acronis upgrade. Like before it failed to reinstall; I am through with Acronis. So I purchased a 1TB SSD and started reinstalling everything. About 90% through that my wife fell and broke her hip. She was 65 miles (96.5 kilometers) away and was taken to a hospital in Buffalo NY (71 miles (114.3 kilometers)) that specializes in bone breakage; the Buffalo pro sports teams go there. But it as a 1.5 hour drive one way. She is now in physical therapy in Brockport NY, a mere 6 miles (9.7 kilometers) away.

My sons and I are rebuilding our homes entering steps so they accommodate a walker. Tomorrow I have people coming in to replace a couple of windows. I have our driveway rebuild scheduled for the following week but I may have to cancel. I'm looking into having our bathtub replaced with a shower and I may have to look into a stair lift for her, depending on what the therapist suggests. Thus I have a ton on my plate so if I don't respond to any questions please be patient.

PS - I'm ready for a good drinking bing wink grin
Posted By: Janice & Bud Re: Why I'm not around much anymore - 09/05/19 12:41 PM
Life indeed. We’ve been there more than once.

Best to all of you and we hope your wife is rapidly on the mend.
Posted By: DebMurphy Re: Why I'm not around much anymore - 09/05/19 12:49 PM
Best wishes to you and your family!

Posted By: Pat Marr Re: Why I'm not around much anymore - 09/05/19 12:55 PM
Wow, that is a lot on your plate!

I am impressed by the way you are withholding nothing that would enhance your wife's comfort, even though its all VERY expensive! You are a remarkable man, my friend. Do what you must, we'll be here when you get back. Thanks for keeping us informed.
Posted By: Don Gaynor Re: Why I'm not around much anymore - 09/05/19 01:20 PM
Both you and Linda are in our prayers.
Posted By: Charlie Fogle Re: Why I'm not around much anymore - 09/05/19 04:04 PM
Sorry to hear about your wife's accident. Praying for the both of you.
Posted By: Guitarhacker Re: Why I'm not around much anymore - 09/05/19 04:24 PM
Wow.... when it rains it pours.... take it one day and one step at a time. Do the things that need doing first, and do them first. Everything else can wait.

We'll probably still be here when you get back.
Posted By: Notes Norton Re: Why I'm not around much anymore - 09/05/19 06:06 PM
Mario, I hope your wife heals quickly and completely.

Posted By: Ember - PG Music Re: Why I'm not around much anymore - 09/05/19 06:33 PM
Sorry to hear you have so much going on in your life at the moment. Life can get hectic, but I am sure you and your wife shall find your stride and all will be well again in time! For now, you are both in my thoughts and I hope she has a speedy recovery. It sounds like she is getting the care she needs which is great!

All the best.
Posted By: Tangmo Re: Why I'm not around much anymore - 09/05/19 06:46 PM
Don't sweat the small stuff. Love to you both.
Posted By: Teunis Re: Why I'm not around much anymore - 09/05/19 06:47 PM
Take care of yourself and you wife. Hope it all works out fine.
Posted By: Hugh2 Re: Why I'm not around much anymore - 09/05/19 08:28 PM
Hi Mario,
Add my thoughts and prayers for your wifes full recovery.Keep yourself well too.Hoping that some new musical sounds will come to mind through this otherwise bad experience and the technial issues will quickly be solved urs H
Posted By: sslechta Re: Why I'm not around much anymore - 09/05/19 08:35 PM
Sorry to hear about all the things you're going through at the moment sir. Good luck in making a quick comeback!
Posted By: MarioD Re: Why I'm not around much anymore - 09/05/19 09:28 PM
Thanx all for your prayers and very kind words. You guys and gals are the best!
Posted By: Mike Head Re: Why I'm not around much anymore - 09/05/19 09:54 PM
Hi Mario

Thinking of you both, just do what you can when you can, and I hope your wife recovers soon.
Keep playing the music I know it helps at difficult times.
My very best regards to you both.
Posted By: Jim Fogle Re: Why I'm not around much anymore - 09/05/19 09:57 PM

I'm sorry to read about you're wife's fall. I'm glad she is in the recovery phase and scheduled to soon return home. My thoughts and prayers for everyone in your family. Recovery can be a stressful process so it's good to read you have a support system in place.
Posted By: 2bSolo Re: Why I'm not around much anymore - 09/06/19 10:50 AM
Sorry to hear you are going through this. Hope things get better soon.

Posted By: AudioTrack Re: Why I'm not around much anymore - 09/06/19 11:03 AM
Mario, best to you and your wife for a fast turnaround from your current situation.
Posted By: Deryk - PG Music Re: Why I'm not around much anymore - 09/06/19 11:03 AM
I'm sorry to hear about the hardships, Mario frown

Sounds like she is in good care - here's to hoping for a good recovery!
Posted By: jazzmammal Re: Why I'm not around much anymore - 09/06/19 12:53 PM
All of us regardless of age are one major health crisis away from a complete lifestyle disaster. The home I bought in a retirement community has a walk in tub in the 2nd bathroom and a wheelchair ramp both installed by the previous owner. I'm told it was $11,000 for the tub and $7,000 for the ramp a few years ago. He died the week before the ramp was finished and I bought the place from his wife. Right now I don't need either of those things but you never know...

You're a good man Mario my thoughts are with you.

Posted By: Noel96 Re: Why I'm not around much anymore - 09/06/19 09:10 PM
Hi Mario,

I'm so sorry to hear all that has befallen you. Please know that there I'm thinking of you here in Australia and sending lots of healing thoughts your way.

All the best,
Posted By: mkg50 (Mike G) Re: Why I'm not around much anymore - 09/07/19 02:43 AM
Hope things improve soon Mario. All the best from Australia.
Posted By: F.M.M. Re: Why I'm not around much anymore - 09/07/19 10:06 AM
hi marioD praying for good and accurate medical attention and speedy recovery hang in there my friend eric
Posted By: MarioD Re: Why I'm not around much anymore - 09/07/19 06:10 PM
Thanx everyone for your thoughts and prayers, I really appreciate them. My wife is doing very well in physical therapy. I will keep you updated.
Posted By: beatmaster Re: Why I'm not around much anymore - 09/07/19 06:58 PM
Good days will come.

You do sound like a Goodfella.
Posted By: edshaw Re: Why I'm not around much anymore - 09/07/19 08:09 PM
Gosh, Mario, so sorry to hear of your wife Linda's misfortune. Compared with the computer problem, it puts things in perspective. Please pass along best wishes and get well soon prayers from your cyber friend, here, and for yourself for everything you do so well. (Ed)
Posted By: furry Re: Why I'm not around much anymore - 09/07/19 08:09 PM
Hey Mario old friend, know what you're going through. My wife had a hip replacement last year, she's now got a slipped disc and severe sciatica. personally, I have pleural plaques which is mild asbestos poisoning, bronchial problems to name a few. We both can still laugh at each other though. You take care old friend and we'll look forward to hearing your music soon again
Posted By: Will Josef Re: Why I'm not around much anymore - 09/11/19 09:24 PM
Hi Mario,

I know what you are going through because I've been less active here for the same reason (accidents in close family). All my best wishes for you and your wife. I hope she will recover soon!

Take care!
Posted By: MarioD Re: Why I'm not around much anymore - 09/12/19 08:08 PM
GOOD NEWS - yes I had to shout!

The wife is coming home this Sunday, 9/15. I will be very busy with her for a couple of weeks but I just might find some music time soon. I hope to do some recording and listening to the forum members music.

Again I greatly appreciated all of the good wished and prayers from my Internet friends here. You guys and gals are the best!
Posted By: Charlie Fogle Re: Why I'm not around much anymore - 09/12/19 10:31 PM
Great news to hear Mario. Will continue to pray for fast healing.
Posted By: musiclover Re: Why I'm not around much anymore - 09/13/19 06:32 AM
Great to hear about your wife's continuing recovery Mario.

As regards Acronis (I have 2018) hate it, only user an older version 2010 which is simple and seems to work fine, Acronis latest version is just a overblown piece of junk from my experience with it.

Maybe Nacrium Reflect which has a free version might work better for you.
Posted By: jford Re: Why I'm not around much anymore - 09/13/19 02:34 PM
Mario - good news for your wife.

I've actually had no issues with Acronis 2018 (and have been using Acronis in various versions for the past 15 years or so), but it could be machine dependent (I use it successfully to image 3 of my computers, but I don't use it for regular backups, just full disk imaging - and even then, I use the Linux boot disk to do the image backup). I have also tested it enough to feel confident that I can restore from the image backup, although I have occasionally had to "fix" the boot sector after a restore (which is no big deal).
Posted By: MarioD Re: Why I'm not around much anymore - 09/13/19 04:44 PM
Originally Posted By: jford
Mario - good news for your wife.

I've actually had no issues with Acronis 2018 (and have been using Acronis in various versions for the past 15 years or so), but it could be machine dependent (I use it successfully to image 3 of my computers, but I don't use it for regular backups, just full disk imaging - and even then, I use the Linux boot disk to do the image backup). I have also tested it enough to feel confident that I can restore from the image backup, although I have occasionally had to "fix" the boot sector after a restore (which is no big deal).

I have had good luck with Acronis until the 2019 version. I always verify a full disk image and in both cases it was verified. But when I tried to use it it would not reimage the HD. Note I always used the Linux boot disk and the last backup I made was onto a new HD. I checked the HD after the reimage failure and there were no bad sectors.
Posted By: jford Re: Why I'm not around much anymore - 09/13/19 06:01 PM
That's good to know, Mario. I've been getting bugged to upgrade to 2020, but I'm happy with 2018 and since it works for me, I think I'll stay there.
Posted By: Shastastan Re: Why I'm not around much anymore - 09/24/19 12:21 AM
Hi Mario. It's great to know that so many good folks here wish you well. Also fantastic to hear that Linda is doing so well.

When I finally switched to win 10 from win 7, I used Acronis. It would not restore (thankfully, I have Carbonite). I had to contact my pc manufacturer. He led me through the bios and he discovered that my archival dvd was a bad disk! What a pita to reinstall all those pgm files. I know that you will get yours going again soon with your excellent computer knowledge, Mario. Now that I'm back, I'll try to check in here more often.
Posted By: musiclover Re: Why I'm not around much anymore - 09/24/19 04:43 AM
I just uninstalled ATI 2018 yesterday and installed ATI 2010 in windows 10.

ATI 2010 release 5.021 will work in 10 but later version for that year won't.

I do like to image within the program itself when windows 10 is running, and ATI was a total PITA, doing this.

Such a simple GUI in ATI 2010 and so far has been working fine.
Posted By: Danny C. Re: Why I'm not around much anymore - 09/24/19 08:14 AM
So sorry to hear about your Linda Mario, we are thinking and praying for you.

I am sending a DM

Posted By: Al-David Re: Why I'm not around much anymore - 10/30/19 03:47 AM
Mario ...

In my prolonged absence, I wasn't aware of your wife's issues. I read through the thread ... so glad to hear she is back home and on the mend. My wife's health issues are the primary reason I've been absent.

Wishing a full and speedy recovery for your wife and a little rest for you! Best to both of you ...

Posted By: Jim Fogle Re: Why I'm not around much anymore - 10/30/19 10:11 PM
Hey Mario,

When you get a chance, please give us an update on Linda's condition in this thread.
Posted By: MarioD Re: Why I'm not around much anymore - 10/30/19 10:38 PM
Originally Posted By: Jim Fogle
Hey Mario,

When you get a chance, please give us an update on Linda's condition in this thread.

She is home and making marvelous progress. She can climb the stairs in our split level home by using a cane. She uses a walker for everything else. She is in physical therapy twice a week. She isn't driving yet but we are taking short walks together. I still have to help her get dressed, get her most of her meals, and do everything else that she can't do: thus little time for music. She also now has a respiratory problem and an allergy problem that is being taken care of via many doctor visits, but things are looking up there also.

All in all everyone is amazed at how far she has done in such a little time. She does have a very positive attitude and that helps a lot.
Posted By: Jim Fogle Re: Why I'm not around much anymore - 10/30/19 10:47 PM
Thanks for the update. It reads like you have a lot to be thankful for. Tell Linda all of us are rooting for her.

Go Linda! smile
Posted By: Planobilly Re: Why I'm not around much anymore - 11/02/19 11:47 PM
Hi Mario,

Best wishes to you and your wife.

My wife Eva broke her hip some time back. It was a lot of work but we got through it.

I hope everything goes really well for you and your wife.


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