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Posted By: Don Gaynor Memories are all that I have left - 01/09/21 08:22 PM
Highly recommended; three older sisters who would fight over which of them would get to "style" my hair.

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Posted By: Le Miz Re: Memories are all that I have left - 01/10/21 01:54 AM
My goodness you were a cute little boy!

Reminds me of photographs that professional photographers displayed in the window to entice customers.
Posted By: musiclover Re: Memories are all that I have left - 01/10/21 09:35 AM
Great Picture Donny, isn't it great to have those memories.

nice little dog as well, you remember much about it?
Posted By: Don Gaynor Re: Memories are all that I have left - 01/10/21 10:54 AM
Yes, his name was Pepper and he was quick to nip probing little fingers. Now, how would I know that?
Posted By: Al-David Re: Memories are all that I have left - 01/10/21 10:29 PM
Hello Don ...

So glad to see you posting something. Was worried about you for a while. And yeah, you were a handsome fellow in the making back then!

Di and I wish you nothing but the very best in 2021. We think of you often and throw you in our prayers quite frequently. God Bless ...

Alan & Di
Posted By: Don Gaynor Re: Memories are all that I have left - 01/10/21 10:52 PM
Al and beautiful Di,

I so appreciate being thought about. Such things seem to be written in the sand, soon to be eroded away and forgotten.

A bunch of great professional musician friends organized a fabulous Hootenanny in my honor but I hate to provide a link without first getting the necessary permissions.
Posted By: eddie1261 Re: Memories are all that I have left - 01/11/21 02:19 AM
Very popular songwriter and performer for many years here in Cleveland had a lyric that says "All you get to keep are the memories. You gotta make the good ones last." I have lived that for a long time.

As well as this one, called "My Last Day On Earth."
Posted By: Jim Fogle Re: Memories are all that I have left - 01/11/21 03:56 PM

Great to see you're back in the forum. You were missed but many thoughts and prayers were with you.
Posted By: Danny C. Re: Memories are all that I have left - 01/11/21 05:18 PM
Welcome back Donny.

re: Memories, I think Tom Waits' tune "Gonna Take It With Me When I Go" my be IMHO the best. I know from a personal POV I'm gonna take many of the happy moments we shared on my visits with you with me when I go.

You are Awesome Possum!
It's amazing to hear from you, Don smile Last message on here regarding you had us all really worries..

Hoping the best for you, may 2021 bring nothing but the best!
Posted By: Don Gaynor Re: Memories are all that I have left - 01/12/21 12:16 PM
Thanks for your encouragement, Deryk. Much appreciated.

In fact, Callie, in an effort to maintain US/Canada relations, is teaching me Canuck-speak and I have learned a few common phrases already.

To wit: "Keep your stick on the ice, eh!"

"We'll 'ave another round of Blue, eh!"

"Wayne Gretzky for king, eh?"

"That'll be three blue and two pink Loonies, eh?"

Note that "eh" is used to end every sentence, eh?

My parents were both ( yes, two were required back then ) so I claim my rights of poetic license to poke a little fun at our wonderful neighbors to the North.

Just yesterday, our news reported that riot squads from British Columbia were quickly on the scene in Olympia, Washington to help calm that crazy scene. Who could ask for better, more loving neighbors?

I have told of a family in Port Coquitlam, that turned their entire beautiful home over to my family of six without charge so we could attend an International Convention of Jehovah's Witnesses in Vancouver. They were not JWs.
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