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Posted By: Keith from Oz Caveat Emptor - Let the Buyer Beware - 02/18/22 03:32 AM
Hi Everyone,
I'd like to share a nasty experience that happened to me over the last couple of weeks.
I have a HP laptop, SSD with Win 10, about 3 years old that I use exclusively for BIAB.
I used it on Sunday, and on Monday I tried to turn it on - Nothing!!
It would not turn on.

I'm not a tech-head, so in desperation I pressed every button on the keyboard to no avail.
Since moving our business, I am 30 kms (20 miles) from my regular IT shop so I decided to let a local IT company have a look at it. The guy said it would take a couple of days - no problem.
After a week I hadn't heard from them so I rang & they said they're looking at it and trying to solve the problem.

After another few days I rang again and was told that the laptop was dead and couldn't be repaired. I went to pick up the "corpse" the following day and was told that they had tried everything but couldn't get the laptop to respond and to throw it in the garbage.

I wasn't happy at the prospect of having to buy a new laptop so on the off chance I took it to my regular IT shop 30 kms away.They had a quick look and within 2 minutes they had it up & running.
The problem?
The battery was flat!
Apparently there was a small connection problem where the AC power cable connects to the laptop, but giving it a little jiggle fixes it.

I'm not generally an angry or spiteful person, but I felt like taking it back tho the first place and telling them how incompetent they are. In hindsight I don't believe they even looked at it.

The first incompetent IT company charged me $25.00 to inspect it (fair enough - every business should be paid for their time) and my regular IT guy who fixed the problem said "no charge - it only took me 2 minutes and you've spent a lot of money with us over the past 20 years."

Lesson learnt.

I'm just glad that the first guy wasn't my doctor, otherwise I'd be six feet under pushing up daisies. frown

The moral; If you've got a tradesman/contractor/repairman that has served you well in the past, stick with them.
Caveat emptor - let the buyer beware.
(sorry it was so long, but I feel better now that I've shared it)
Posted By: eddie1261 Re: Caveat Emptor - Let the Buyer Beware - 02/18/22 11:39 AM
I would have taken it back with it running and demanded they give me a refund. And if the declines, as I was walking out I would have stopped at the front, tapped on their plate glass window and mused "I bet this window is really expensive to replace. Hope nothing ever happens to it." Let them worry about me coming back and shooting it out for a while.
Posted By: Don Gaynor Re: Caveat Emptor - Let the Buyer Beware - 02/18/22 06:45 PM
A longtime friend does computer repairs and has a sign prominently posted:

"I can repair it even if it takes every penny you have!"
Eddie, I'll make sure that by spreading the word among friends & acquaintances that they will lose a lot more than the $25.00 - or the cost of replacing a window.
What's the saying about revenge being best when served cold?
I have 6 computers, between business & personal; they may have gotten all of my business if they hadn't ripped me off & lied to me.
Originally Posted By: Don Gaynor
A longtime friend does computer repairs and has a sign prominently posted:

"I can repair it even if it takes every penny you have!"

Love it Don smile

I saw a funny sign in an auto mechanics workshop some time ago; it said:

Hourly rate $40.00
If you want to watch $50.00
If you want to help $90.00
Hourly rate depends on your attitude...
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