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Posted By: rayc A New Years' Return. JUDITH A W.I.P. [Resolved] - 02/08/24 03:27 AM
I've been "away" for a few weeks and have finally returned home.
I left this song suddenly and need to get back to it.
Judith Said
I'm working on the lyrics and so far have the verses sorted though not recorded.
The backing has BIAB drums, organ & solo acoustic guitar.
I play the nylon classical, electric and bass guitars. I entered the Mellotron sounds via a midi in real time & the other just as midi data.
I added the melody via MIDI editor and ran that through a flute VSTi.
The chorus melody is pretty dense but I had/have a feeling I'll be using quite a few words but I can always cull.
Your thoughts, suggestions and critiques are most welcome.
I'll get my ear atuned to listening to the current crop tomorrow.

Sounds like you've got something good started there! The busy percussion/drums contrasted with the nylon string is a different combo than I'm used to hearing, but I like the sound! I really like what you're doing with the bass! You are playing some demanding precise patterns there. A lot of folks don't realize how hard it is to get those notes perfectly placed on time in a busy pattern like that but you nailed it! It will be interesting to hear this as it progresses!
Take care, TB
Posted By: PeterF Re: A New Years' Return. JUDITH A W.I.P. - 02/08/24 04:21 AM
Not much to add at this stage, its a good solid backing, and the bass part was very good.
Interested to see where you go with it.

Posted By: BabuMusic Re: A New Years' Return. JUDITH A W.I.P. - 02/08/24 02:30 PM
So gad to see and hear you back, Ray. I really like the bass. Yeah, I can imagine an lot of lyrics will be needed to fill that captivating melody. I really enjoy hearing your songs develop. This, like Peter says, it's ready for the insertion of the proverbial fork.
Posted By: B.D.Thomas Re: A New Years' Return. JUDITH A W.I.P. - 02/08/24 07:35 PM
Sounds like something that could have come from the prog rock era of the 70s.
That's a good thing.
I don't think you should add too much lyrics to the already busy background track.
I could imagine that a lyric that jumps in and out (similar to Jethro Tull's "Thick as a brick") would work quite well.
Posted By: rsdean Re: A New Years' Return. JUDITH A W.I.P. - 02/08/24 07:49 PM

This sounds excellent. Love the sounds you are getting here. Also, some really great guitar playing!

Look forward to hearing the final song.

Posted By: DC Ron Re: A New Years' Return. JUDITH A W.I.P. - 02/08/24 09:06 PM
Ray, welcome back! Everything sounds great to my ears. Like the bridge(?) at 1:40 and the dynamic build to the ending.
Posted By: Birchwood Re: A New Years' Return. JUDITH A W.I.P. - 02/10/24 01:25 PM
Hi Ray,

Hope you had a nice holiday!
I listened to your song 'in progress' and I think it has very nice elements in it.
The nylon, for example, gave me a somewhat melancholic feeling, and I like that.
The other instruments you used could stay, but not the drums.
I didn't like these busy drums. They disturb that melancholic feeling,
And all the time I could hear Judith sing what she wants to say..

From the middlepart of the song I would change the song into a heavier sound.
With heavier guitars that accentuate the chords (one chord per bar), with that busy drum coming in.
Then Judith can sing louder with long outbursts. And that nylon comes back in there at the end.
Just a thought...

I'm pretty sure you won't follow my brilliant advice, so I'm very curious to see what the final song will sound like,
Posted By: floyd jane Re: A New Years' Return. JUDITH A W.I.P. - 02/11/24 08:02 PM
A solid track at this point.
Very Cool Bass n Drums!!!

Posted By: dcuny Re: A New Years' Return. JUDITH A W.I.P. - 02/13/24 05:53 AM
Hi, Ray.

A promising start!

But... the flute (much like your vocal) is very much in the back of this track, to the point where it's almost not there.

Hopefully in the final track the vocal will be more up front.

Looking forward to what comes next.
The melody is lovely and smooth, so I'm expecting a softer pop sound. However, I have a feeling that you will be going in another direction. grin
Instrumentation sounds good to me, especially your guitar work.
This is quite a lovely palette and cornucopia of musical sounds. I like the way everything sounds so far and I find the texture and the internal movement of the music to be very pleasing.

I'm looking forward to seeing how this process ends up.
Posted By: vicarn Re: A New Years' Return. JUDITH A W.I.P. - 02/14/24 03:44 PM
Hi Ray.
I'd like a tad more kick drum and maybe there are too many mid frequency instruments but time will tell,
even if Judith's not, at the moment.

I like what you've got so far Ray. Sounds like a good mix to me, and I like the way the guitar and drums fit together - kind of unexpected. I'll be interested to hear it when it's completed, it's sure a good start.

Posted By: MarioD Re: A New Years' Return. JUDITH A W.I.P. - 02/15/24 12:13 AM
Ray, you have a super bed for your upcoming vocals.
Loved that nylon string and the bass - excellent.
Posted By: Al-David Re: A New Years' Return. JUDITH A W.I.P. - 02/15/24 06:06 AM

You've laid down a terrific foundation! I like that it's more driven than much of ypour work - more up-tempo, more emphasis on the bass and percussion tracks. Can't wait for the rest of it! You've whetted my ears for more!

BTW, that bass line is special - really, reall nioce!

Take care,

Posted By: Scott C Re: A New Years' Return. JUDITH A W.I.P. - 02/22/24 02:19 AM
Guitars were excellent Ray. Song sounds like it progressing along very well. Really liked the instrument selection..
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