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Posted By: John Lancelotte Blimey!!! What am I doing???? - 03/02/24 05:12 PM
First one. What do you think?
Posted By: Ronnie Fields Re: Blimey!!! What am I doing???? - 03/02/24 07:48 PM
Good song, kinda reminds me of a classic song from Eric Burton and the Animals, only faster, but still has that classic rock sound.
Posted By: John Lancelotte Re: Blimey!!! What am I doing???? - 03/02/24 07:55 PM
Thank you Sir!! I'm really made up that you like "Even Now."

It's a real amalgum of me, loops, BIAB and more me. I've tried to make it as "live" as possible and is non BIAB as I currently can.
I have 7 others in the pipeline, all very different. Mind you, it might take me months to complete them.

Once again, many thanks to you.
Posted By: MarioD Re: Blimey!!! What am I doing???? - 03/02/24 11:18 PM
Blimey! I think you are doing extremely well!
Excellent vocal.
Great mix.
I got a James Morrison vibe from this one, and that is a compliment. Of course he is singing with a different band and not the Doors.
Great song.
Posted By: John Lancelotte Re: Blimey!!! What am I doing???? - 03/03/24 07:41 AM
Many thanks indeed!
I really never expected the reaction I'm getting.

I really should explain more about the song and about me, I think....

The song is one of many uinfinished projects which existed before I aquired BIAB. I've been playing at open mic nights for about 8 years, with just me and a battered acoustic, (a Faith Venus).
I hear the whole band in my head, but rarely get the chance to play with others, (apart from a ten minute jam).
On most of my tracks, I'm playing keys, one of the guitars and singing. The songs are all writtem by me and recorded by me.
I try to minimise the BIAB parts, (but they allow me to get on with the real meat of the song). I should say what style I used, but I dont know... Having little hope for anything I do, I tend to write, arrange, play, record and forget. I just keep the written music and the .wav files.
Not ggod practise I know!!!
I think that's it, really.
Thanks again,
Posted By: DC Ron Re: Blimey!!! What am I doing???? - 03/03/24 09:54 AM
John, welcome to the forum! Cool the chugging guitar and the sparse arrangement. Has a very kinetic feel that really works well. You've done a nice job fitting BiaB in to fill out your live performance. Sounds like your on the right track!

FWIW, if you go to the memo field in BiaB, you can cut and paste the song info, including style and instruments, into your showcase forum posts.

Enjoyed the listen!
Posted By: Ezekiel's Storm Re: Blimey!!! What am I doing???? - 03/03/24 11:47 PM
I agree with Ronnie---I can some Eric Burden and the Animals too, plus a bit of late 70s/80s punk. Catchy chorus.
Posted By: John Lancelotte Re: Blimey!!! What am I doing???? - 03/04/24 05:56 AM
Thank you. Much appreciated.

Thanks too, to everyone who is taking the time to listen and comment. Please do continue as I have real doubts about my ability, and you folks are really helping me!!
Posted By: Al-David Re: Blimey!!! What am I doing???? - 03/04/24 06:29 AM
Hi John,

Welcome to the PG Music Forums Community. Good to have you in our midst. I've been here about 12 or 13 years and have had no disappointments. My music creation and production has improved immensely with much credit to this forum and its kind and helpful members.

I agree with all that's already been said. I'd slide it into that early to mid '6os rock era. Although I played Country music all my life, I'm a big fan of '60s Pop Rock music, Jazz, and Latin.

I think Van Morrison and The Animals are good references. Yet, you retained your own signature to the song. I enjoyed my listen very much. Look forward to more music from you.

Take care until next time,

Posted By: John Lancelotte Re: Blimey!!! What am I doing???? - 03/04/24 10:40 AM
Again, many thanks. Greatly appreciated!
I'm really glad folks seem to like what I'm doing.
Posted By: vicarn Re: Blimey!!! What am I doing???? - 03/04/24 01:26 PM
Good to hear you getting the hang of it, John.
Nice production and well mixed.

Posted By: BabuMusic Re: Blimey!!! What am I doing???? - 03/04/24 01:29 PM
Big welcome to the forum, John, and a terrific opening. Excellent use of BiaB. I imagine you at open mic, and am so glad you have this band to back up your songs. Excellent sounds and I like the harmony. Strong start, John. Keep 'em coming.
Posted By: John Lancelotte Re: Blimey!!! What am I doing???? - 03/04/24 07:55 PM
Once again I feel endebted to you for your responses to me. It's encouraging, even heartwarming. Thank you all.
Posted By: B.D.Thomas Re: Blimey!!! What am I doing???? - 03/04/24 09:08 PM
I'm a big fan of chugging guitars, so your song is right up my alley.
The vocals are good too. Reminds me of someone from the 70s, but I can't remember who it was.
Good stuff!

Oh, and welcome to the showcase, John.
Posted By: rayc Re: Blimey!!! What am I doing???? - 03/06/24 02:15 AM
A fab start.
The vocal may be a little loud - or needs a softening reverb.
That overdriven guitar on the right I assume is BIAB - it's not really a great sound for the song but it is in the neighbourhood. Some more auditioning in BIAB may give you a better or more appropriate one.
I think the song could be "driven" by your acoustic and that o'driven guitar moved back.
A fab start.
Posted By: John Lancelotte Re: Blimey!!! What am I doing???? - 03/06/24 05:41 AM
Many thanks you guys!!

RayC, thank you for those pointers. It's a fascinating experience, finding out what works, what doesn't and what "sits" in a genre.

Brilliant folks. I'm very grateful to you all!

Posted By: dcuny Re: Blimey!!! What am I doing???? - 03/06/24 05:42 AM
Hi, John.

Welcome to the forum. I enjoyed the song!
Posted By: laurent4114 Re: Blimey!!! What am I doing???? - 03/06/24 10:37 AM
A very good start. Rock well done
Posted By: John Lancelotte Re: Blimey!!! What am I doing???? - 03/06/24 10:38 AM
Many thanks, folks!! Very good of you to listen and comment. Much appreciated!

I wish Soundcloud would show me how to follow listeners, but I see no way to respond on the site.
Posted By: David Snyder Re: Blimey!!! What am I doing???? - 03/06/24 11:27 PM
Sounds nice!

A good solid piece!

Welcome to the forum!
Posted By: John Lancelotte Re: Blimey!!! What am I doing???? - 03/08/24 07:48 PM
I've put up a couple more for your inspection, please.
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