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Posted By: MikeK Some good News for a change - 10/08/10 08:54 PM
So, some good news for a change: my Blues tune with Mack Sanders Moonlight Shuffle has been picked up by Sirius Radio.

Just wanted to share a bit of good news

BIAB instruments:

RD's, Bass and B3.
Just used a bit of verb... mixed it all in Sonar PE.

Posted By: Marty Wittmann Re: Some good News for a change - 10/08/10 10:10 PM
Hello Mike,
Love the tune. Very well mixed and great vocals. Congrats on Sirius picking up the song. Good choice for them.
Posted By: MikeK Re: Some good News for a change - 10/09/10 06:58 AM
Thanks, Marty! Much appreciated!

Posted By: Pat Marr Re: Some good News for a change - 10/09/10 12:06 PM
this is very well done! Your vocals and guitar are perfect for the song. And the parts from RB are merged so seamlessly that without knowing you created the song with RB, I would never have guessed.

So how does one go about getting picked up by sirius?
Posted By: MikeK Re: Some good News for a change - 10/09/10 03:51 PM

this is very well done! Your vocals and guitar are perfect for the song. And the parts from RB are merged so seamlessly that without knowing you created the song with RB, I would never have guessed.

So how does one go about getting picked up by sirius?

Thank you very much, my friend.

Well,l how do you get picked up? As you know, commercial radio has gone stale for quite some time. Believe it or not, there are a couple of producers (one from NPR, the other from CBS) very interested in my little radio shows on Saturday nights. They are looking for fresh talent and seem to think that my show is the one to find it. Anyway, that's how my tune and a few other artist's tune were picked up by mainstream.

It's always been my dream to do something of the Independent community and seems to finally work. Myself included.

Posted By: Shockwave199 Re: Some good News for a change - 10/09/10 06:33 PM
Great Job Mike! It's amazing the different avenues that can get you where you want to go these days. Good for you! Much continued success for you!

Posted By: MikeK Re: Some good News for a change - 10/09/10 09:16 PM
Thanks so much, Dan!!!
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