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Posted By: richiebee My first BIAB song - 12/08/12 04:24 PM
I'm really enjoying using BIAB. It really does inspire. Here's my first track that I'm working on - its a work in progress, but at a point where I'm happy to share what I've got so far. Even though I've replaced all the original parts with my own sample libraries, the MIDI data is largely intact from the original, using C_POP as a basis except...

Drums were replaced with custom patterns based on Superior 2.0 included MIDI files.
Acoustic Guitar was custom programmed by me using RealGuitar 3
Solo sax part performed by me using an EWI, and Samplemodeling Tenor Sax

Other sounds...
Piano - NI New York Piano
Bass - NI/Scarbee Bass
Electric Guitar - Real LPC
Guitar/Bass effects - NI Guitar Rig 5

All put together in Cubase.

Lyrics by a friend of mine.

Just figuring out my next move. I want to get the vocals re-recorded - the girl who did these is capable of much better - she was sick on the day we recorded these, but I wanted to get a scratch vocal down anyway. I'm thinking of changing the key of it so that she can sing it all in her chest voice because the interval leap makes it a little too obvious when she switches. I'm not even sure if that's possible, not being a singer myself.

I also want to re-do the drums, but the changes will be fairly subtle.

Then it needs mixing properly...

I acknowledge BIAB as the key factor in getting this song to where it is. Definitely the strongest song I've ever written.
Posted By: jptjptjpt Re: My first BIAB song - 12/08/12 05:19 PM
Nothing wrong with this one. I like it.

BIAB is very inspiring. I love it.
Posted By: boehm Re: My first BIAB song - 12/08/12 06:49 PM
I like it as is.
I'm looking forward to your improvements.
Very good start in this forum.

Posted By: austin51 Re: My first BIAB song - 12/08/12 07:15 PM
Nice effort. I like the song. It's in pretty good shape. A little mix here and a little tweak there and you got it.
Posted By: seeker Re: My first BIAB song - 12/09/12 05:36 AM

Enjoy the music and vocals. She did a nice job
of the song.

ditto on other comments, jptjptjpt comment was also true.

Thanks for sharing, and look forward to more of your music!
Posted By: dcuny Re: My first BIAB song - 12/09/12 08:58 AM
Lots to like on this track - upbeat vocals and instruments, happy lyrics... And tambourine!

The fingerpicked electric distorted guitar works well, but the strummed distorted chords at the beginning seem a bit out of place. I think it works much better on the acoustic.

I'm not sure I've ever smelled "tropical scents in the air" at a beach on the mainland, but I'm being nit picky today.

There are a lot of words in the song, and they feel a bit rushed in places. I'd be tempted to trim a syllable or two.

All in all, it holds up well to numerous listens - nice work!
Posted By: Skyline Re: My first BIAB song - 12/09/12 09:48 AM
There's the the makings of a good song there. I really liked the guitar and sax parts, nice. I found I wanted to listen to it a few times.
The lead vocal is nicely in tune but I agree with your thoughts that it's a bit head-voicy and what with the fasetto move gets strident and doesn't match the 'genre' of the rocking backing of this song. The drums could maybe come forward a tad in the mix.
Posted By: ROG Re: My first BIAB song - 12/09/12 10:03 AM
Hi and welcome to the forums.

Really good song and I actually thought she sang it well in that key.

The track holds up well as it is, but if I was to suggest anything it would be to add some instrumental phrases, guitar or sax for example, in the longer gaps between the vocal lines. The other possibility would be some backing vox (ooh/aah} in the chorus to emphasize the pick-up from the verse.

Of course, all this is subjective and it's an excellent first submission.

Posted By: Kemmrich Re: My first BIAB song - 12/09/12 11:51 AM
I think she is a really good singer. You need to add backing vocals to match the intensity of all the other instrumentation. It seems like a well put together tune. very nice. So what is still BIAB? Ha, ha -- it looks like you replaced everything. So will just use BIAB as a composition tool? Nothing wrong with that approach, of course.
Posted By: Tano Music Re: My first BIAB song - 12/09/12 03:59 PM
I liked this alot as it is, really good movement and overall feeling...only suggestion I would make is to create some kind of short instrumental phrase that you can insert, maybe at beginning, or at breaks--or use it to polish up the ending..something to sustain the melodic theme throughout. Thanks for sharing.
Posted By: Pat Marr Re: My first BIAB song - 12/09/12 07:49 PM
I agree with the points made by others, but I also wanted to make a callout to your chord structure.

I like it!! it made for some very nice transitions... and the breaks and general flow of the song show some real effort was put into the song.

I think a longer anticlimactic ending would enhance the song

To my ears the vocals got pitchy toward the end, as though the tempo was too fast for her to get a good breath. Perhaps one solution would be to punch in each verse individually so she doesn't have to maintain such a relentless exercise in breathing and control.

All in all, though, my scales weigh heavily in the direction of BRAVO!! WELL DONE!!
Posted By: cubanpete Re: My first BIAB song - 12/09/12 08:01 PM
Hi, I might be in agreement with some of the points made by others before, but I just wanted to welcome you to the showcase and to say, 'what a way to make your debut to the forum"! Wanted to hear more of the sax, but maybe next time. Good work!

Mike B.
Posted By: eddie1261 Re: My first BIAB song - 12/09/12 08:02 PM
I wouldn't do much outside of slowing it down 4bpm. It is so fast that


Looking forward to hearing the final mix on this. Once you get things balanced a little better it will be a very good piece.
Posted By: Sundance Re: My first BIAB song - 12/10/12 01:39 AM

There are a lot of words in the song, and they feel a bit rushed in places. I'd be tempted to trim a syllable or two.

Posted By: Guitarhacker Re: My first BIAB song - 12/10/12 02:02 AM
nice job...

I use BB now almost exclusively for writing and trying out musical ideas.

I kinda was halfway paying attention.... let it play.... nothing sounded out of place... it sounds like a nice pop song.... the mix needs some work but it's a WIP so no crits there.... Love the singer's voice, I'll bet she is awesome when she's not sick.
Posted By: Tommyc Re: My first BIAB song - 12/10/12 01:12 PM
Cool Song!
Posted By: floyd jane Re: My first BIAB song - 12/11/12 02:46 PM
Enjoyed it. Nicely done. Great singer. Welcome to the forum. Look forward to more.
Posted By: richiebee Re: My first BIAB song - 12/12/12 06:01 PM
Thanks for all the comments... I agree with most of them, including the number of words in the song! Believe it or not, there were actually MORE words than this when we started, and I had a whole bunch cut already. I think its singable live (just!), and don't feel guilty about splitting up the last three choruses when recording to get them to sound more relaxed. I'll probably end up using some of the lead lines to create harmonies. I'm planning on adding a bit of sax in the intro, as it does appear to be missing a focal point, though I don't really want to make too much of it.

BIAB has really made me think about chord progressions in a very different way to how I've thought of them before, and I think it makes for a much more interesting progression.

MIDI parts for piano, electric guitar and bass are all as they came out of BIAB except for some extension/stretching of dynamics in the piano.

I'm reluctant to reduce the tempo, but I'm going to give it a try.

Thanks again for all comments and perspectives. Always good to get fresh ears on things.

Posted By: richiebee Re: My first BIAB song - 12/29/12 10:33 PM
We got to record the final vocal part last week. It wasn't what I'd call 100% successful, but I think it sounds a zillion times better than it was. I've made a few other minor changes to the song since first posting too.

I'm posting the song as it originally came out of BIAB using a pre-existing style, and my own chord progression -

...and as it is now -
Posted By: Noel96 Re: My first BIAB song - 12/29/12 10:49 PM
Hi Rich,

Wow! What a great sound. I don't know how I missed this the first time around but I'm glad I caught it on the return trip. The song, arrangement and mix are happy, upbeat, and positive.

Well done!

P.S. The singer is fantastic!
Posted By: Brian Scarratt Re: My first BIAB song - 12/30/12 06:32 AM
Hi Rich ,love the song ,sounds as good as whats on the radio if not better ,certainly flows and the singer is awesome, right girl for a very good song and very enjoyable ,Brian.
Posted By: Steve Young Re: My first BIAB song - 12/30/12 10:51 PM
Welcome to the forum! I missed this one earlier, but I am glad I heard it today! Some good points on the thread, but still sounds good to me.

Posted By: MountainSide Re: My first BIAB song - 12/31/12 01:29 PM
Really liked the "final vocal" mix, nice tight playing and great vocals!
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