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Hello, everybody

This is my first post as for instrumental tunes.
I wrote this song for a video movie of an amateur director in the same city about 2 years ago.
Comments encouraged.
Have at it.

Best Regards.

Shigeki Adachi

Title: 冬の恋人たち (Translation: Lovers in winter)


Style Instruments are :
RealTracks in style: :Bass, Acoustic, PopWaltz Ev 085
RealTracks in style: :Guitar, 12-String Acoustic, Strumming FolkRockWaltz Ev 150
RealTracks in style: :Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming FolkRockWaltz Ev 150

Style is HRPORK34.STY
Style MIDI Instruments are :
Bass (49) assigned to Contrabasses,
Piano (47) assigned to Harp,
Guitar (45) assigned to Strings2,
Strings (50) assigned to Strings3,

Style is alberti.STY (Bar Settings: Time Sig to 3/4)
Acoustic Piano (1) assigned to Concert Piano,

Other instruments (Strings1-main melody, French Horns, Oboe) by myself.

All instruments played with EastWest symphonic orchestra except Concert Piano played with Steingberg The Grand.
Hi Shigeki Adachi,

This is stunningly beautiful music.

Unless my ears are leading me astray, it seems to me that you've written this in sonata form (i.e. ABA). The Strauss-like waltz tempo is absolutely delightful. I find it hypnotising. As I sit here listening, swaying and smiling, inside my mind, I see men in tuxedos and women in long flowing ballroom dresses elegantly twirling in partnership around the dance floor.

I really love the cycle of fifths chord progression and key change in the bridge. Also, when the oboe enters the mix in the latter A-sections the effect is very haunting; a beautiful counterpoint melody.

I've listened to this about twenty times now (I have repeat on while I type) and with each cycle through the music, I find myself caught up in the flow and mesmerised by the beauty of your melody and harmony. Those melodic suspensions are superb. In addition, you've invented such a sophisticated and stunning chord progression that seamlessly flows with aural elegance. I'm a huge fan of the I6/4-V7-I perfect cadence at the end of the A-sections.

In a word..... ワオ!!!!

Most enjoyable and lovely music - made me think of Merchant Ivory romantic period movies.
Top class production.

Shigeki Adachi,

Stunningly Beautiful!

You do things with BIAB that I cannot even begin to imagine.

The arrangement is a delight. The mix is elegant.

Brings to mind movies of the past - starring Audrey Hepburn, generally...

Simply beautiful!

Excellent ...|
Really beautiful! Wonderful mix. Great job on eq-ing the guitars. Sound perfect!!

Great job on everything. Loved the melody. Sounds like a film score of the highest magnitude.

Very pretty indeed!

Rob & Anne-Marie
This is absolutely gorgeous! Great job, and the mixdown is so well-done and precise. I agree with Noel, too, the oboe is wonderful!
BEAUTIFUL!!!! Sounds like a musical score to a very dramatic film. The interplay between the string melody and the french horn is so very sweet. The ONLY thing I would change is to add a little more reverb. It is a grand melody and I think a little more space would give that a little more accent. WONDERFUL Shigeki !!!!! Take care. Greg
Hello, Noel

Many thanks for taking the time to listen and comment.
About twenty times! Such heavy rotation! I'm so glad!
Your comments make me so happy.
You love classic music very much.
I'm also a huge fan of the cycle of fifths chord progression and the I6/4-V7-I perfect cadence.
Thank you again, Noel

All the best,

Shigeki Adachi
Lovely and what Noel said (I think).

"I wrote this song for a video movie of an amateur director....."

This would be fitting for a pro director! Romantic and lovely and very reminiscent of the classic B&W films that Janice so loves.

This is a remarkable showcase of your talent and the power of BiaB.

Thanks for sharing!

Beautiful song. very relaxing listen Well done
Mr. Adachi, I am in love with your song. I am a huge video game RPG music composer fan, especially the likes of Nobuo Uematsu and Yasunori Mitsuda. Your music reminds me of their early work which is -extremely- hard to achieve since that was their prime.

I could hear this song being appropriate in some of the most critically acclaimed RPGs. Possibly visiting a town at the beginning of an epic journey.

When the Horns played, and then the Oboe came in, I was floored. I love it.

Great work! Can't wait to hear more. smile

For me this one is your best. Beautiful melody and great ensemble
of instruments. Very nice.

Hello, Robert, floyd, David, Rob & Anne-Marie, Will, Greg, Peter, Janice & Bud, Scott, Mat, Sergio

Thank you very much for taking the time to listen and comment.
And many thanks for all the positive feedback!
I much appreciate your kind comments and your continuous supports.
I am so encouraged by them.
I am very happy you all like this melody and its arrangement.
I would like to continue to do my best and post my songs again.
Thank you again to all.

Best Regards,

Shigeki Adachi
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