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Posted By: cooltouch Thankful for What I Have - 12/18/16 05:26 PM
This piece is on my Tears of the Healer CD. For lack of a better label, I've characterized it as "country folk." It has a long history. I composed the acoustic 12-string part back in about 1977, but for years and years, I could never think of a melody that sounded right with it. Fast forward a few decades or so and I decided to give Band in a Box's ability to generate solos a try -- see if it came up with anything interesting. Well, there were none generated that appealed to me per se, but on one occasion, BiaB limited its melody to a pentatonic scale, and that's when it hit me. Try writing the melody in pentatonic. Bingo! I came up with the entire melody in less than an hour. I decided that, being pentatonic and all, it was crying out for a harmonica part, so that's what I gave it.

The 12-string guitar actually isn't. It's my Fender Stratocaster running through my Roland GR-33 Guitar Synthesizer. That GR-33's 12-string patch nails it. The GR-33 was slaved to my DAW so I could import the MIDI file and 12-string voice into the DAW. The harmonica's part is 100% MIDI; it's voice was courtesy of my Roland JV-1010 synth. To get it to sound as natural as I could required that I edit the MIDI events, which gives one total control over the MIDI output. It was a lot of work, but it was worth it. All other instruments are MIDI and generated by BiaB. Their voices were courtesy of my Roland JV-1010 synth module.

If you're interested in more of the album, you'll find a link for it at the bottom right of the page.
Posted By: Torrey Bliss Re: Thankful for What I Have - 12/18/16 05:43 PM
Micheal, very pretty song! Perfect title for the feel of the song! You did a great job! As a side note, I would love to hear what a French horn would sound like in this ((I'm thinking Dan Fogleberg - Leader of the band type sound) but that's just me. Even so, it's great! Thanks, Torrey
Posted By: cooltouch Re: Thankful for What I Have - 12/19/16 01:06 PM
You mean, french horn instead of harmonica? Hrm... I love the sound of the french horn, but I wonder if it might overpower things a bit.

I've recently located the Cakewalk .wrk files for my composition projects. Unfortunately, when I load them up in Sonar, all I get is MIDI using the pretty awful MS Wavetable Synth. Still, I have a rhythm track to try the melody out with. Well, the french horn using this setup is indeed overpowering. Woodwinds, like clarinet, oboe, or flute, aren't too bad, though. I tried a bunch of different voices. Rhodes piano and vibes aren't bad. But still, I like harmonica the best.

Here's one of my tunes at Soundcloud where I made extensive use of the french horn. Horn ensemble even. No BiaB tracks, though, so I probably shouldn't even be mentioning it here. But I am mentioning it to show how I have handled horns in other situations.
Posted By: cooltouch Re: Thankful for What I Have - 12/19/16 01:12 PM
Hey Torrey, I just listened to a few of your tunes over at Soundcloud. Wow. Yours is some of the best stuff I've heard over there. I would love to find out how you get so much punch and volume out of your bass and drums. I maxed out the levels on my recordings and they still just sounded *bluh*. And as a result, some of my recordings just don't have the attack that I was after.
Posted By: Torrey Bliss Re: Thankful for What I Have - 12/19/16 01:49 PM
Thanks Micheal, on the mastering question, if you are using a daw like studio one like I do, I would put a final eq, compression and a limiter with the input gain on the limter set at about 2 in the master stereo track and make sure the limiter is last in the chain (some of the presets work fine for me) I also like to send my biab tracks seperatly to my daw and apply individual eqand compression on these tracks. On the French horn remarks I was thinking about using in places not as the dominant instrument. Thanks, Torrey
Posted By: cooltouch Re: Thankful for What I Have - 12/19/16 03:01 PM
Thanks for the response, Torrey. I have a copy of the free version of Studio One 3, and I've played around with it some. I like it because it is easier to use than Sonar.

I've been looking through a back-up drive I have for sound files and I've found some Cakewalk working files of my tunes. In fact, I've found the CW "bundles" which are the final mixdowns. I thought I'd find the individual audio tracks in the 'bun' files, but instead all they hold are the midi tracks and an audio file of the 'master.' Kinda disappointing. I think I've lost the individual audio files forever. Although I do recall making some backups of my hard drives to CD over the years. Still unpacking from our move, though, and I have no idea where they are. Problem with CW software though is the way it handles audio. It scatters snippets all over the place and trying to reassemble a file can become a daunting task.

Anyway, I'm gonna try loading the .wav file into Sonar -- or maybe Studio One -- and see if I can follow your advice. Maybe I can still improve the sound to the audio file as a whole.
Posted By: Scott C Re: Thankful for What I Have - 12/20/16 12:53 PM
I really like this. This could be the theme song for a movie or television show. Very well done
Posted By: Greg Johnson Re: Thankful for What I Have - 12/20/16 06:26 PM
Originally Posted By: Scottt709
I really like this. This could be the theme song for a movie or television show. Very well done

This has a score quality for me as well. Very pleasant music!! Love the melody! Take care. Greg
Posted By: cooltouch Re: Thankful for What I Have - 12/21/16 12:53 PM
Thanks for the feedback, guys. Honestly, I'd never considered this tune to have any score quality to it. Your comments open my eyes a bit to other possibilities. I've always thought of it as being pretty much a straight-up country-folk-pop tune, to be honest. I have a few other tunes I've written that I have always felt had more of a film soundtrack quality to them, but I didn't use BiaB or RealBand in their production, so I won't be mentioning them here. They're up on my soundcloud site, though.
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