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This isn't a song about how to raise's more about what you want them to see as an example

Got to be a better way (revised)
J.Kenney © 2017

You say it's no surprise
people ain't good at acting wise
fussin' and fighting
Been that way since the dawn of time

I see it clear as day
let me add it’s sad to say
Getting while the getting’s good
Spreads around the cost
but there’s hell to pay

I said no no no
there’s got to be a better way
Think of all the little children
who hear all the things we say
everything comes around, careful now,
we’re teaching them how to play


I said no no no
there’s got to be a better way
Look at all the little children
who hear all the things we say
everything comes around, careful now,
we’re teaching them how to play

As far as I can see
It rolls on back to you and me
Picking’ up the pieces
when we drop the ball
But that’s your call

It’s easy to forget
The time you felt your first regret
cold and scared and lashing out and all

I said no no no
there’s got to be a better way
Think of all those little children now
who hear all the things we say
everything comes around, careful now,

sayin no no no
there’s got to be a better way
Look in all those little babies eyes
They hear everything we say
everything comes around, careful now,
we’re teaching them how to play
released May 25, 2017

Style _AcBiz2. Sty : Slow Blues

Bass - 536 Bass, Acoustic, Pop Sw 120
Guitar - 613 Guitar, Resonator, Background Hank Sw 130
Drums - RealDrums Jazz Brushes
Mandolin - 610 Mandolin, Rhythm Chop Sw 120
Guitar 2 - 609 Guitar, Resonator, Background Roundup Sw 120
Guitar 3 - 1984 Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm EZListening Sw 85

I can't find reference to the harmonica's sorry

What a tune, jyonks! This one is very well produced, and I love the choice of instruments - especially that harmonica! Definitely getting a classic country sort of vibe on this one. Thanks for sharing - you should be proud of this one!
That was a fun listen! Your voice sort of weaves around the note in a sort of relaxed, Dylan-esque way.

This is the epitome of a great lazy song that just takes its time. The mix is impressive. It sounds so good, I actually double-checked to make sure you were really using BiaB!
Love that harmonica,

boy, this is more laid back than a Jack Johnson song

very nice mix as always

cool song, John


Very high praise that you had to check to make sure I was using BiaB Thanks

Very cool tune. Heard a hint of Roger Miller in the tune. Excellent vocal, dobro and harmonica were cool. Well done.
A fun song. A great mix, arrangement and production as well. Top notch at every level.

Enjoyed it from start to finish.

Ahh yes....the elusive "better way." May not find it but about always worth chasing.

The whole laid back vibe works for the write and vocal -- and works well at that.

As Janice says the lyric sings.

And the mix sounds great on the monitors.


Thank y'all very much

Excellent real tracks mix, nice style and very well sung.
Very nice, John.
I passed that link along.
Very nice, laid back production. Vocals sound great.

Well done!

Originally Posted By: dcuny
That was a fun listen! Your voice sort of weaves around the note in a sort of relaxed, Dylan-esque way.

This is the epitome of a great lazy song that just takes its time. The mix is impressive. It sounds so good, I actually double-checked to make sure you were really using BiaB!

We couldn't have said any better than David did. What a laid-back, easy listen! Loved it!!!

Alan & Di
Thanks allot guys.....this is my favorite version of this tune....I made a different one earlier that was made with a real funky beat
I enjoyed the listen, John. Nicely laid back and easy on the ears! As others have said, the harmonica was great. Really well put together!

Really cool song man!!
What a great vibe!! Nice, laid back song with a cool message. Just creates a great mood. Love it!! Take care. Greg
I really love the harmonica in this one! Also just the way the overall song sounds is quite amazing. I can easily see this being on a country radio station. It has that nice soft twang to it and is also easy to listen to at the same time. Good job. <3
Wow! Im in the presence of greatness.
This would be a hit anywhere.
Loved it.
I enjoyed your song, it had a good message and a great sound.
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