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Posted By: Will Rockwell Better - 01/08/19 08:15 PM
Posted By: rayc Re: Better - 01/09/19 07:08 AM
it's a cool song and a good story too.
A couple of nits...
The 12 string riff is too loud.
The intro is a little too long.
Vocally you remind me of Jim (James Whilde) Lee of Slade - he has a similar tone & phrasing, (and he has a superb solo album).
The female vocals are cool too.
Posted By: Jim Re: Better - 01/12/19 02:43 PM
Another cool song...
However that switch to bluegrass at the end kind of threw me...
Good writing.
Posted By: bluage Re: Better - 01/12/19 03:51 PM
Dear Mr. Rockwell...

"Better" is the kind of song that I believe "could make a difference" in the way people think if enough of them listened to it. Your message is clear, the lyrics are committed to a visionary idea of America, and your music is interestingly orchestrated and arranged.

Did I hear a sitar in the instrumentation? Also, the bridge does an excellent job at distinguishing itself from the verses, musically speaking. It truly enables a listener to "cross over it" with a heightened expectation of what comes next.

The outro also was an exciting departure from the verse structure. The increased tempo, the prevalence of the fast-picked banjo in the mix, all combined to send the song "out" with a joyous, postitive-sounding feeling of revival and renewal.

This is an excellent song production in every way that musically knowledgable people could recognize, including your urgent vocal.

Thumbs-up, sir!

LOREN (a.k.a. "bluage")
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