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Posted By: mpmcgeehan Cinnamon Bay - My 1st song ever with BIAB - 03/18/19 01:42 PM
I didn't even realize this was on YouTube. Came across it the other day. For my very first song ever with BAIB - before Real Tracks - it's not too bad. I think I recorded it in 2007 or 2008 - Real Drums had just been introduced so I was so excited about that. But for all MIDI, I thought it came out pretty well and really shows how far BAIB has come when compared their software today. Don't ask me what style it was, cause I don't have the file's long lost.

I used to go to St. John a lot in the US Virgin Islands, so I am singing about a real place. Hope you enjoy.
Posted By: Jim Re: Cinnamon Bay - My 1st song ever with BIAB - 03/18/19 02:28 PM
Don't worry about what style it was...
Its just a great sounding song...
I think I can feel the sultry breezes of Cinnamon Bay...
Nicely done...
Look carefully...
What other old treasures will you find?
Midi is/was great for a lot of things (and terrible for others).
You seem to have chosen extremely well and got the things it was great at.

Sounds good to me anyway.
Very nice song. I like the sound and the vibe of this song. Well done!

Posted By: furry Re: Cinnamon Bay - My 1st song ever with BIAB - 03/18/19 10:13 PM
LOVELY song Michael. Nice vocals, and excellent arrangement. Looking forward to hearing more
Michael, that sounds fantastic! Such a smooth vocal and sound! Very professionally put together and a work to be proud of! Thanks, Torrey
Nice work on this, Michael smile Nice and upbeat and some really good progressions here. Your vocals are also top notch. The whole flows really well, and the chorus is perfectly catchy.

Wouldn't have thought it was a first one - thanks for sharing wink
Cool dreamy, tropical sound!! Strings are really pretty...nice accents! This sounds really good but it would be interesting to hear with all the new stuff available in BIAB. There is a really pretty nylon acoustic RT by Brent Mason which would probably work great. Nice stuff!! Take care. Greg
Lovely song. Such a nice vocal. Very cool backtrack. Thanks for sharing the song.
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