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Posted By: dcuny After Yesterday (Instrumental) - 07/03/19 02:43 PM
After Yesterday (Instrumental)

Noel posted a kind response my last instrumental, which reminded me it was time to do something new. Since I'm continuing to be fallow on the lyric front, I decided to make another instrumental, and - unlike my usual process - try to get it out the door quickly.

So I fired up BIAB and went through the various styles. I liked what I heard in the _RISING.STY demo, so I loaded it up, and altered a bunch of the chords so it wasn't a complete copy. wink

I then added electric piano, acoustic piano and fiddle, and exported the audio tracks to Reaper.

After listening to the fiddle part, I decided not to use it, but pilfer some of the ideas to help work out a melody, as well as keep some of the idiomatic fiddle feel when playing the violin part. I played the violin part on my EWI, and ended up pitching it up to a higher register.

The cello was also played in with the EWI. It's a fairly simple part, basically following the bass with some stepwise motion between roots. There's not really any interplay between the cello and melody, mostly because I was hurrying to get things done.

To make it more interesting, I decided to give the middle to the guitar. The steel string wasn't working, so I ended up using a nylon string.

In contrast with the melody, I wanted the guitar part to have space - basically arpeggios and a bit of linear movement. I ended up reworked it quite a bit. I'm not entirely happy with it, but it'll do.

I like to have variety in instrumentation, so I ended up giving the initial part to the flute. That led to reworking the dynamics of the initial section so it could stand out better. I ended choosing a single measure that wasn't too busy from the original drum part, and looped that. To add a bit more texture, I added some percussion loops.

In the intro, there was an irritating "thump" from one of the instruments. While soloing the parts to track it down, I decided that I really liked the sparse sound, so that's why the intro comes in as quietly as it does.

I didn't do that much finessing of the sound. I used EZMix and Izotope Neutron on some of the instruments, and the Lurrson Console for mastering. There's also a stereo widener.

I didn't mix on headphones, so it's quite likely I'll revisit the mix to fix some things there. For example, the fingerpicked guitar is panned a bit, but feels odd when it starts off. I may center it for the intro, and then shift it once the song's started.

I usually try to get a bit of interplay between instruments on the melody line, but there's not space in the melody line for that. Sticking with my goal of getting this done quickly, I left it as-is. But I may go back and rework the ending so there's some exchange between the violin and another instrument.

As always, comments of all sorts welcome!

~2474:Bass, Acoustic, Held Ev 085
~2505:Piano, Electric, HeldChords 085
2914:Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Folky16thsBrent Ev16 085
~2503:Piano, Acoustic, HeldChords 085
RealDrums PopPromiseEv16
Cello, Violin, Flute: Audio Modeling SWAM instruments
Nylon Guitar: Indiginus Renaxxance
Posted By: floyd jane Re: After Yesterday (Instrumental) - 07/03/19 04:28 PM

You do put a lot of thought into these things!! smile If I thought that much...I'd never get anything done! wink

The percussion is tasty. The opening flute is nicely played. It has "feeling".

The violin (starting at :53) has a bit of a "harsh" sound (on my monitors) - not the silkiness that I would expect...(particularly in comparison to the flute). It's a bit loud, too, compared to the rest of the mix. (The rest of the mix is really nice)

The nylon guitar section sounds GREAT! And plays some really nice stuff.

If the fingerpick guitar is one of the stereo RTs, an effective "trick" is to center the track and add a stereo widener (in Studio One it is called a biaural pan - which I set to 100% - spread as wide as it will go). It has a tendency to still let it "lean" a little to one side (usually right), but give a nice full sound across the stereo spectrum.

Too many thought, I know...

This is an enjoyable piece.

smile fj
Posted By: Jim Re: After Yesterday (Instrumental) - 07/03/19 05:28 PM
Such a soothing composition...
I really like the melodies...
Especially the violin part...
Nice touch!...
Now my question...
Since your goal was "getting this done quickly"...
Do you actually know how long you spent completing all steps you described in your post...
I think it would take me a loooooooooong time smile
Posted By: dcuny Re: After Yesterday (Instrumental) - 07/03/19 05:38 PM
Originally Posted By: floyd jane
If I thought that much...I'd never get anything done! wink

Yeah, over-analysis kills too many of my ideas. That's why I tried pushing this out quickly. smile

The violin (starting at :53) has a bit of a "harsh" sound (on my monitors) - not the silkiness that I would expect...(particularly in comparison to the flute). It's a bit loud, too, compared to the rest of the mix.

Thanks, I'll have another listen. I let Izotope have the final say on this, but I'll have my son help me out on the EQ tonight. I wanted a more "fiddle" sound, but shrill is never good.

If the fingerpick guitar is one of the stereo RTs, an effective "trick" is to center the track and add a stereo widener (in Studio One it is called a biaural pan...

Yes, it's an RT. I've intentionally panned it a bit manually, but after paring down the intro, it sticks out too much.

I'm using a stereo widener on the final buss, but I'll see what happens if I put it on the fingerpicked guitar.

I really like this guitar RT - it was the reason I picked the style in the first place. The A ⭢ C♯m move is lovely, and there's a really pretty E7 lick that didn't end up in this take.

Too many thought, I know...

No, this is the stuff I find most useful. laugh

Thanks for the useful feedback, and the nice words!
Posted By: dcuny Re: After Yesterday (Instrumental) - 07/03/19 05:55 PM
Originally Posted By: Jim
Since your goal was "getting this done quickly"...
Do you actually know how long you spent completing all steps you described in your post...

I think it was about 3 or 4 hours. I saw Noel's post, and decided that I wasn't going to respond to it until I had posted another instrumental. I set midnight as my deadline, and decided that it would be OK if the mix was "good enough", especially since I wanted some feedback on this.

Thanks for listening!
Posted By: rsdean Re: After Yesterday (Instrumental) - 07/03/19 09:21 PM

This is an excellent composition. You have a great arrangement and great mix. I thoroughly enjoyed this.

Posted By: Ember - PG Music Re: After Yesterday (Instrumental) - 07/03/19 09:23 PM
I always really enjoy hearing about the process people use when creating things. Thanks for taking the extra time to share that with us.
Posted By: TuneMonger Re: After Yesterday (Instrumental) - 07/03/19 11:38 PM
Really nice, no surprise I thought the flute sounded best, but the others were good as well. Guitar was terrific, I'll have to look that RT up. Came together nicely.
Posted By: Tangmo Re: After Yesterday (Instrumental) - 07/04/19 04:37 AM
I really enjoyed this. The melody line is "simple" but very well grounded and isn't afraid to repeat a phrase. It felt right quickly which is kinda the point with a good melody even as it continues to surprise. The instruments sound good and work well together to give this a very "pub-like" feel. Nicely done.
Posted By: Tangmo Re: After Yesterday (Instrumental) - 07/04/19 04:38 AM
I really enjoyed this. The melody line is "simple" but very well grounded and isn't afraid to repeat a phrase. It felt right quickly which is kinda the point with a good melody even as it continues to surprise. The instruments sound good and work well together to give this a very "pub-like" feel. Nicely done.
Posted By: Rob4580 Re: After Yesterday (Instrumental) - 07/04/19 06:32 AM
Totally agree with Floyd this has plenty of feeling.
catches attention and keeps you listen.
This is a really great production. Rob
Posted By: F.M.M. Re: After Yesterday (Instrumental) - 07/04/19 10:31 AM
hi david great job I like the nylon guitar sounds awesome on this the tone is awesome eric
Posted By: Janice & Bud Re: After Yesterday (Instrumental) - 07/04/19 05:47 PM
At the risk of redundancy that is a GREAT instrumental.

It held our attention as well as any instrumental posted in quite a well.

It nailed, IMO, the melody - certainly melodic enough to be rich and interesting but not so much that one gets lost or distracted in complexity.

Both of us found the production backstory beyond the little ditties we mostly come up with.

The RT's and your fine touch on the rest of the tracks add up to a great listen.


PS If you have Neutron 2 there is a preset that we like for fiddles of all genres named "Solo Violin" and is located under the orchestral section. We use it as is only adding a little verb.
PPS floyd mentioned the stereo expander...we use one also (the Imager from Ozone 8 adv). And as he mentioned it works very nicely guitars and for us also on pianos.
Posted By: Robertkc Re: After Yesterday (Instrumental) - 07/04/19 09:44 PM
A lovely flowing melody embellished by the nylon guitar and flute in particular so well.
Really enjoyable music!

Posted By: Deryk - PG Music Re: After Yesterday (Instrumental) - 07/05/19 11:42 AM
Wow - this is stunning! Very lush, and fantastically well textured. Everything about is pleasant to the ears. I was originally waiting for a singer to come in - but truthfully, it doesn't need it. It holds plenty of weight as an instrument.

Thanks for sharing smile
Posted By: Steve Young Re: After Yesterday (Instrumental) - 07/05/19 12:25 PM
Very, very nice, David! Well mixed, well arranged. Very easy to listen to. Nice changes, and great job with the instruments!

Posted By: dcuny Re: After Yesterday (Instrumental) - 07/05/19 03:58 PM
Originally Posted By: rsdean
This is an excellent composition. You have a great arrangement and great mix. I thoroughly enjoyed this.

Thanks, Bob!

I've always enjoyed your songs, so I'm glad I could return the favor! smile
Posted By: dcuny Re: After Yesterday (Instrumental) - 07/05/19 04:00 PM
Originally Posted By: Ember - PG Music
I always really enjoy hearing about the process people use when creating things.

Thanks, Ember. I appreciate you taking the time to listen.

I'm also a fan of backstory - it's nice to be able to pick up a tip, or just get some motivation.
Posted By: dcuny Re: After Yesterday (Instrumental) - 07/05/19 04:02 PM
Originally Posted By: TuneMonger
Really nice, no surprise I thought the flute sounded best, but the others were good as well.


When I first got the SWAM flute, I was pretty disappointed with it. But after tweaking the various parameters - mostly adding more vibrato and harmonics - I'm pretty pleased with the sound.

I appreciate you listening!
Posted By: dcuny Re: After Yesterday (Instrumental) - 07/05/19 04:08 PM
Originally Posted By: Tangmo
I really enjoyed this. The melody line is "simple" but very well grounded and isn't afraid to repeat a phrase. It felt right quickly which is kinda the point with a good melody even as it continues to surprise.

Thanks, Tangmo.

Simplicity is something that I constantly have to work at. There's a temptation to make stuff more complex than it needs, and I sometimes forget that people don't want to work that hard listening to music.

Fortunately, one of the factors for this song was that I had to be able to play it on the EWI, so that helped. wink
Posted By: dcuny Re: After Yesterday (Instrumental) - 07/05/19 04:08 PM
Originally Posted By: Rob4580
Totally agree with Floyd this has plenty of feeling.
Catches attention and keeps you listening.

Thanks, Rob!
Posted By: dcuny Re: After Yesterday (Instrumental) - 07/05/19 04:12 PM
Originally Posted By: F.M.M.
great job I like the nylon guitar sounds awesome on this the tone is awesome

Thanks, Eric!

I love all the instruments from Indignus, because they sound great and are really playable. The Renaxxe is one of my favorites. I try to make the guitar parts something that I could actually play on the nylon string... if I practiced more. whistle

To some extent, these instrumentals are just excuses to finally use the cool instruments that sound really neat. I assume that lead guitar is sort of like that, too.
Posted By: dcuny Re: After Yesterday (Instrumental) - 07/05/19 04:41 PM
Originally Posted By: Janice & Bud
At the risk of redundancy that is a GREAT instrumental.

Hi, J&B!

I'm glad to hear from you. laugh

It nailed, IMO, the melody - certainly melodic enough to be rich and interesting but not so much that one gets lost or distracted in complexity.

Thanks! I was thinking that this time I'd add a proper bridge, but I guess the guitar part served that function.

Both of us found the production backstory beyond the little ditties we mostly come up with.

Hey, you aren't allowed to say anything bad about those "ditties"!

The measure of the success of a song often has little to do with the work that went into it!

Then again, sometimes stuff percolates forever and finally comes out. So it's hard to measure, right?

PS If you have Neutron 2 there is a preset that we like for fiddles of all genres named "Solo Violin" and is located under the orchestral section. We use it as is only adding a little verb.

If it's the same one I tried, it didn't seem to have much effect. The EQ seems to give it a bit of a lift, but I couldn't hear much. My ears aren't that good at hearing detail, so there's that.

These days, I figure if I can't hear what the effect is doing, I should probably leave it off.

I'm not entirely sure what sound floyd was expecting from the violin. I was sort of leaning more toward the fiddle when I first played it, but that was in a lower register. In the higher register it's a sweeter sound, but I've set it so that as I play louder, it moves the bo toward the bridge, so it gets a bit harsher. I like the change in expression, but that's probably the timbre he's talking about.

With that in mind, I've done some tweaks to the violin, and will probably put out another mix when I get a chance. But first I need to be sure the new version is actually better. wink

PPS floyd mentioned the stereo expander...we use one also (the Imager from Ozone 8 adv). And as he mentioned it works very nicely guitars and for us also on pianos.

Thanks! I'd actually already had a stereo expander in the chain, just before the mastering plugin. But I'll definitely look at using it at the instrument level in the future.

The guitar RT track was panned a bit (on purpose), but I went back and fixed that in the intro (in the as-yet unreleased mix).

Since - on top of that - the RT was recorded a bit off-center, I panned it a bit to re-center it, and then ran it through the stereo expander. I routed that off to another buss, so I could control the panning.

Hrm... sounds a bit like gluing something back together, and then hitting it with a hammer again. blush

But increasing the stereo spread emphasizes the squeaks in the RT. That's not intrinsically bad, but spreading them over the stereo field isn't best.

Plus, widening the spread changed the perceived volume, and then I started tweaking other instruments as well.

I just need to make sure I didn't make things worse in the process of making them better. wink

Thanks again!
Posted By: dcuny Re: After Yesterday (Instrumental) - 07/05/19 04:42 PM
Originally Posted By: Robertkc
A lovely flowing melody embellished by the nylon guitar and flute in particular so well.

Hi, Robert.

I'm glad you enjoyed it!

It's nice to be able to "show off" the lovely sound of some of these instruments. smile
Posted By: dcuny Re: After Yesterday (Instrumental) - 07/05/19 04:44 PM
Originally Posted By: Deryk - PG Music
I was originally waiting for a singer to come in - but truthfully, it doesn't need it. It holds plenty of weight as an instrumental.

Thanks, Deryk.

The singer was waiting for the lyricist, but since nothing was there, he picked up the EWI instead. wink

I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for the nice words.
Posted By: dcuny Re: After Yesterday (Instrumental) - 07/05/19 04:45 PM
Originally Posted By: Steve Young
Nice changes, and great job with the instruments!

Thanks, Steve!

Good to hear from you, and I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks for the encouraging words! smile
Posted By: BlueAttitude Re: After Yesterday (Instrumental) - 07/06/19 08:45 AM
Very nice!

I love the melody you came up with, very memorable, and the EWI sounds great. Also like the changes and the arrangement.

Thanks for the production notes, an interesting read!

Enjoyed the listen. Second listen actually, I listened yesterday but didn't have time to comment.
Posted By: edshaw Re: After Yesterday (Instrumental) - 07/06/19 10:02 AM
Just great, David.
Posted By: jannesan Re: After Yesterday (Instrumental) - 07/06/19 11:10 AM
Very nice tune, like a movie theme with longing mood, reflects very well that soundcloud picture. Would be interesting to know what happened yesterday smile

I like the interplay of the nylon and the fingerpicking guitars. The flute melody is especially beautiful. For this kind of gentle instrumental, the drums sound bit hard in the "B" section to my taste.

Very interesting to read your backstory, I never polish details that much, maybe I'm just satisfied for less smile

Posted By: Greg Johnson Re: After Yesterday (Instrumental) - 07/06/19 06:25 PM
Very pretty tune David!! Acoustic guitar and cello work beautifully! To me, the snare is too aggressive for the feel of the song. I think I'd like more of a chuga-chuga shaker feel. Wonderful composition!! Take care. Greg
Posted By: Torrey Bliss Re: After Yesterday (Instrumental) - 07/07/19 03:53 PM
That's a wonderful use of those realtracks David! The mix/production is fabulous! Thanks, Torrey
Posted By: dcuny Re: After Yesterday (Instrumental) - 07/07/19 07:28 PM
Originally Posted By: BlueAttitude
Very nice!

Thanks, Dave!
Posted By: dcuny Re: After Yesterday (Instrumental) - 07/07/19 07:28 PM
Originally Posted By: edshaw
Just great, David.

Thanks for stopping by and listening, Ed. smile
Posted By: dcuny Re: After Yesterday (Instrumental) - 07/07/19 07:31 PM
Originally Posted By: jannesan
Would be interesting to know what happened yesterday

Yes, but that would require me writing lyrics. laugh

I like the interplay of the nylon and the fingerpicking guitars. The flute melody is especially beautiful. For this kind of gentle instrumental, the drums sound bit hard in the "B" section to my taste.

I appreciate the feedback. What drums should sound like is elusive! Thanks goodness you didn't hear the first mix of the drums. wink

Thanks, Janne!
Posted By: dcuny Re: After Yesterday (Instrumental) - 07/07/19 07:33 PM
Originally Posted By: Greg Johnson
To me, the snare is too aggressive for the feel of the song.

Thanks, Greg!

If I ever get that elusive second mix nailed down, I'll see what I can do.

I appreciate the thoughtful feedback!
Posted By: dcuny Re: After Yesterday (Instrumental) - 07/07/19 07:34 PM
Originally Posted By: Torrey Bliss
The mix/production is fabulous!

Thanks, Torrey! laugh
Posted By: PeterF Re: After Yesterday (Instrumental) - 07/07/19 08:57 PM

I think most of the technical work has been commented on so I just had a pleasant listen.
Nicely done - pretty melody and a well put together.
Good work.

Posted By: Scott C Re: After Yesterday (Instrumental) - 07/11/19 08:40 PM
This a lovely song flute is so nice with guitar. Excellent listen
Posted By: David Snyder Re: After Yesterday (Instrumental) - 07/11/19 10:10 PM

Very pretty David! I love what you did the guitar here.

The strings are super cool as well.

Great job!
Posted By: dcuny Re: After Yesterday (Instrumental) - 07/11/19 11:22 PM
Originally Posted By: PeterF
I think most of the technical work has been commented on so I just had a pleasant listen.

Thanks, Peter.

I confess - I've done exactly the same thing on many a thread. smile

I'm glad you enjoyed the listen.
Posted By: dcuny Re: After Yesterday (Instrumental) - 07/11/19 11:28 PM
Originally Posted By: Scott C
This a lovely song flute is so nice with guitar.

Thanks, Scott!

As I mentioned before, I'd been pretty unhappy with the sound of the SWAM Soprano flute when I first got it - although the Alto flute is pure loveliness.

But adding in more vibrato, and bumping up the harmonics seems to have gotten it to where it's the sound I was looking for. It's amazing what lovely toys we get to play with these days. It's too bad my playing on the actual flute never came close to this! wink

Thanks for stopping by and leaving a note!
Posted By: dcuny Re: After Yesterday (Instrumental) - 07/11/19 11:36 PM
Originally Posted By: David Snyder
Very pretty David! I love what you did the guitar here.

The strings are super cool as well.

Thanks, David!

It's always good to hear from you.

I haven't quite figured cracked the code on the violin, but it's hard to go wrong with the cello.

I've played various instruments with the church choir - guitar, bass, cajon... But whenever I ask the choir director what instrument to play, it's always the same thing: cello.

That's on the EWI, of course. My actual cello playing is considerably less desired. wink
Posted By: Crossroads Re: After Yesterday (Instrumental) - 07/13/19 09:56 AM
Wow, David, this is just stunning.

Lovely melody, fantastic arrangement, great sound (like Tommy wrote: great nylon guitar tone). A wonderful listen !!!!


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