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Posted By: F.M.M. As lightning in the east and as in the West - 07/03/20 01:21 PM
Hi guys I put this chord progression together in scaler 2 open chord progression in biab and choose style and real tracks and tweaks then to bandlab for final mix me on guitar solo thanks for lisening and comments Style is _HAZARD.STY (Hazard Hard Rock Gallop Gtr Solo)

RealTracks in style: 2611:Bass, Electric, UptempoSoul16ths Ev16 100
RealTracks in style: 1530:Guitar, Electric, Soloist PopPower Ev 120
RealTracks in style: 1685:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopPromiseCrispPulsing Ev16 100
RealTracks in style: 1685:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopPromiseCrispPulsing Ev16 100
RealDrums [in style:MetalHalfTimeHat,SloppyHat: a: Halftime Snare, HiHat b: Snare, Sloppy HiHat
A little different from your usual.
It's easy to hear why the style is called hard gallop.

The bass and drums certainly keep that feel going all the way through.

We like it and, of course, your playing and tone!

Thanks J&B
Nicely done!! A little more of a rocker than your usual fare, but very well played and enjoyable!! Take care. Greg
Eric, I have only heard your guitar tone in a smooth jazz setting before but it sound great here! Very nice job on this! Thanks, T
Nice to hear more edgy sound from you, enjoyable chording, great painting with the guitar, the galloping horse could take a break for a moment somewhere, but I enjoyed its ride anyway.

thanks greg for the kind words eric
Very cool backtrack. Some very creative guitar lines with some very interesting chord changes. Love the guitar in your avatar
thanks torrey for the kind words eric
thanks janne for the kind words eric
Eric can play anything with that axe! Super chops and mix. A little more R&R than your other songs. I loved it.
thanks scott for the kind words eric
Hey Eric,

Something a little different from you! I like it.

Man, I just love your tone!
I would have liked a bit more variety in the backing track, but that tone and guitar playing?

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