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Posted By: Rustyspoon# Latent Substances - 11/08/20 12:52 PM
Hi Folks!
The Showcase seems a little empty, so I decided to add my November contribution to fill in the gap smile It is not a serious tune by any means. I had a pleasure dancing with seasonal flu recently, perhaps this is a product of that relation bonded by Nyquil. Thank you for listening!

Latent Substances

Stale coffee on a table, milk got funky in a fridge
Cockroaches in the kitchen playing bridge
House flies shaving legs and tightening garter belts
Cellar spider in tuxedo serving them cocktails

Tiny puncture leaking in a worn respirator
Those are magical and lucid dreams of an old exterminator

Wolves are singing Rigoletto under pale moon
Coons are eating crème brulee with a silver spoon
Beaver chewing fine tobacco, reading local Times
Vicious rabbit stopping turtles, issuing traffic fines

That prescription bottle dropped by a hiker by a white pine
Those are beautiful and magic dreams of a spiky porcupine

We-the animals of sacred forest, must unite to stop our common enemy
humanoids...Who are ravaging our land and bringing havoc to our safe

Rooster barking on a roof: woof-woof
Cow is singing like a cat: meow, meow
Pigs are manicuring hoofs, ducks are playing Golf-Croquet
Happy family...

Ohh that open can of gasoline - shouldn't be left open in trunk
That beautiful and strange dream of a rancher in a barn.

Tech stuff:
921:Bass, Acoustic, Bossa Ev 110
3261:Cello, Rhythm CelticReelChoppingNatalieAB Ev16 110
923:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm BossaFreeComp Ev 110
2715:Guitar, Nylon, Background SwingBrent Sw 110
1155:Organ, B3, Rhythm Reggae Ev16 100
RealDrums:BossaTerryClarke^2-a:Brushes , b:Blastix

Synths of Halion + Kontakt. Recorded in Cakewalk.
Posted By: floyd jane Re: Latent Substances - 11/08/20 01:14 PM

Another incredibly imaginative musical composition.

Truly seductive musical bed. Weaved together perfectly.

A lyric like a Grimm fairly tale. Extraordinary.

Love the vocals.

Exceptional mix. Delicate.


Posted By: Janice & Bud Re: Latent Substances - 11/08/20 06:25 PM
Whoa! Janice commented immediately that this could be a screenplay for a Tim Burton movie, e.g., Beetlejuice.

Then she further mentioned that she is reminded of Maurice Sendak's books with his illustrations and use of animals as characters.

So what a video this would make!

Everything about this is superb. Vocals, aforementioned write, the band, the arrangement and whatever we didn't mention smile

Creative to the max!

Enjoyed it.

Posted By: rayc Re: Latent Substances - 11/08/20 10:32 PM
Hallucination of a cough syrup sipper.
REALLY good fun and an other indication of the steam punk Kafkaesque world you so beautifully illustrate.
Musically? FABULOUS.
Posted By: PeterF Re: Latent Substances - 11/09/20 01:29 AM

Amazing, so incredibly evocative. You have a truly unique and compelling style.

Very clever indeed.

Posted By: Gary Weder Re: Latent Substances - 11/09/20 08:21 PM
Hi Misha.
Witty , creative , unique , entertaining irreverent humour. No shortage of superlatives to describe your brilliant music.
Ohh...and your accent is really cool. grin
Posted By: Tano Music Re: Latent Substances - 11/10/20 12:00 AM
Misha...I think I have to run to the liquor store and get a pint of vodka, then guzzle it down, and listen again--just to get the full measure of your visions. So creative, totally free (on the lyric side) of convention--love it. I can never figure out where you're going with each succeeding line--both on the story side and the music side--it's all so unexpected. I especially liked the voice doubling that you did -- octaves?
Posted By: tommyad Re: Latent Substances - 11/10/20 12:03 AM
Trippin on NyQuil. Next time read the directions for the correct dosage. Very imaginative and very well put together. One of the most creative pieces ever posted here. Bravo, Tom
Posted By: jptjptjpt Re: Latent Substances - 11/10/20 12:37 AM
Wild. The vocals and lyrics and music all meshed so well. Excellent writing. I love your accent on this and all your songs. Very unique. Great production. Bravo!
Posted By: BlueAttitude Re: Latent Substances - 11/10/20 12:35 PM
Hmmm, I think I'll need to try that NyQuil approach myself!

Very creative as usual, and lots of fun too.
Posted By: CaptainMoto Re: Latent Substances - 11/10/20 12:51 PM
That was KILLER!!!!

Very enjoyable listen.

So imaginative and mystical.

Those lyrics conjure up a vivid elution.
The music is a perfect highway for the traveler following your journey.

Loved It!

I do have an issue..........
You said the place was empty.................yikes!
I've only been here a few months and I'm amazed at the amount of talent on display (yours included).
I can hardly keep up with all the great song here.
If it was any busier I'd be overwhelmed.

Posted By: jannesan Re: Latent Substances - 11/10/20 12:58 PM
Fun listening, very visual cinematic story with a strong message, "can of gasoline - shouldn't be left open in trunk" nice line to leave something for the listener's imagination smile Creative combination of instruments from different styles.

Posted By: cliftond Re: Latent Substances - 11/10/20 03:12 PM
Misha, this was very good, crisp and tight, vocals and instruments, you did an excellent job on this song!!! Cliff
Posted By: Scott C Re: Latent Substances - 11/10/20 11:39 PM
What a cool song Misha. I got a chuckle out of the title. I knew it was going to be a fun song. The backtrack was just awesome. The vocal and lyric was just stellar. Very cool effects. I am with Janice and Bud on this one. What a cool track this would make in a Tim Burton movie. Well done
Posted By: Ezekiel's Storm Re: Latent Substances - 11/11/20 10:24 PM
Misha, what can I say that I haven't said before.

Whenever I am feeling smug about a lyric I wrote, I read yours and eat a piece of humble pie.

What a wild ride:

"Rooster barking on a roof: woof-woof
Cow is singing like a cat: meow, meow
Pigs are manicuring hoofs, ducks are playing Golf-Croquet
Happy family..." Hahahahhahahahaaaaaaa!
Posted By: Crossroads Re: Latent Substances - 11/12/20 10:46 AM

that's the kind of madness I really dig - awesome lyrics wrapped in the perfect song. So funny - I promise that I will return to that song several times. What a gas...

Take care,

Posted By: Rustyspoon# Re: Latent Substances - 11/12/20 02:58 PM
Thank you for listening and you support! Vocals were attempt to regain voice after flu, but I accept your kind words.
Beetlejuice! LOL! Yeah, I love Beetlejuice. Actually I re-watched it a few months ago. My son got scared and left the room, but I stayed for the show. Thank you for your support!
Hallucination of a cough syrup sipper. smile smile That would make excellent aka title. Thank you for listening and fun comments.
Thank you for giving this time and your feedback!

Gary, thank you for listening and your support!
Thank you for listening and your awesome comments! This one was kind of a "freeform" doodle smile Doubling is mostly octaves.
Yep, unintentional trip to pharma wonderland. Thank you for listening and your support!
Thank you for listening and your kind comments!
It is a wonder potion smile Thank you for listening and your feedback here and on SC!
Thank you for giving this time and your kind comments!
I was sarcastic about showcase. It is booming with new material. I hardly can keep up listening myself smile It is a good thing that people do creative things instead of sitting depressed by TV 24/7.

Thank you for listening and your fun feedback!

thank you for listening and your support!
Thank you for listening and your supportive feedback here and on SC!
Ezekiel's Storm,
I read about your "timing" situation, thank you for finding some to listen and comment on this!
Thank you for giving this attention and your support!

Posted By: Birchwood Re: Latent Substances - 11/18/20 12:48 PM
Hi Misha,

While I was visiting Mexico and saw strange things overthere, I couldn't have dreamed you come with a song that surpassed all that easily!
What a beautiful surrealism you used in your lyrics and how nice did it fit in this song. Your vocals did very well here to emphasizes this effect. I agree with Gary Weder and Jptjptjpt your accent sounds great here.

Your instruments sounded so bright and crisp or whatever words you can use for this sound of the instruments or backtrack. You have improved a lot on that.
I asked you before, how does these ideas for your songs come to you? Is there still a lockdown in your city? Can you visit liquor shops?
Where have you been before writing it?
No, forget it, I am telling nonsense. You made a very cool song and I love it.

Till next song!
Posted By: Rustyspoon# Re: Latent Substances - 11/30/20 04:32 PM
You probably had diluted tequila or not enough of it. That's all smile Welcome back and thank you for you fun and inspiring feedback!

Posted By: musician17 Re: Latent Substances - 11/30/20 05:27 PM
This is phenomenal. One question: how on Earth did you get the idea to write something like this? It works, though - no matter how you got the idea for it :-) So well woven together, in every single way. Well done - a small masterpiece in its own way and in its own right.
Posted By: TuneMonger Re: Latent Substances - 11/30/20 11:35 PM
If this is how creative you are in English, I'd love to hear how much more you would be in your native language. Very fun and definitely original. Nice job.
Posted By: furry Re: Latent Substances - 12/01/20 07:37 AM
Hi Misha congratulations on a brilliant song, loved it.
Posted By: BabuMusic Re: Latent Substances - 12/01/20 12:26 PM
Hahaha. Bonded By Nyquil. Great title, huh? Sick song, man. haha. From "Cockroaches in the kitchen playing bridge" to The "strange dream of a rancher in a barn" this sound like a 60s commercial for Nyquil. If it has that kind of an affect on the senses, it's surprising that it stays on the shelves. Really cool tune, Misha. There are some really catchy parts, but we all worry about contagions these days. Still, I caught the bug. Thanks for spreading.
Posted By: Greg Johnson Re: Latent Substances - 12/03/20 09:07 PM
LOVE IT!!! Sounds like a description of my college apartment! Wonderful prosody and vocal delivery! A Top Notch production!! Take care. Greg
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