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Happy New Year!!! How is everyone? I hope you will all continue to make stunning music throughout 2021, to keep us all sane :-) Special thanks to PG Music for having created such superb means for us to make music through and with! and to all the incredible musicians on these forums, who create it all!

Here's my first effort of 2021 - a small, instrumental track. I hope to write more of these in due course - hope that this is the first of a few more, though let's see what happens.

I hope you like it :-) - but all comments are very much welcome. Thanks for taking the time to listen!

****** Song Summary *************
Title: Mary - 4 January 2021
File:Mary - 4 January 2021.SGU
Key=C , Tempo 85, Length (m:s)=3:45
No intro. 76 bar chorus, from bar 1 to bar 76. Repeat x1 chorus
No Melody
No Soloist track.
Song is saved with Volume, Pan, Reverb, Chorus, Bank0,
Style is _TACTFUL.STY (Tactful Gentle Indie Guitar)

RealTracks in style: ~700:Bass, Electric, PopHalfNotesPush Ev 085
RealTracks in style: 1837:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm PopModernGrooveHeld Ev16 075
RealTracks in style: 3656:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm IndieGentlePush Ev16 080
RealTracks in style: 3329:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm LoungeFunkSwells Ev16 080
RealDrums [in style:Shaker & Tambourine [Multi]
Well done!
Happy New Year!

This is in search of lyrics for sure.

Happy New Year, James.

What a nice and most tasteful start into the New Year. That's a really beatiful listen - really enjoyed it.

All the best,

You have the hang of BIAB alright.
about a third of the way in I was wondering what a lead instrument might sound like there.
Just for variance. Maybe an acoustic guitar or alto sax.

Uplifting, instruments played well together, nice job!
Thanks everyone. It does need a melody, perhaps ... but I wanted to leave it to people's imagination, for now at least. I will reflect on it :-)

Thanks for listening and for your kind and insightful comments!
A pleasant, relaxing track, James...
Happy New Year James. You are off to a great start. Lovely song
There are a couple of chord changes that have become signature to your style.
They are present with this piece too.
Nice work as usual.
Happy New Year, James. It IS/WAS an honor to meet YOU. I always like the changes in your songs, and, man, you always pick the best players.
James, I also hear those changes Ray mentioned that are part of your "sound".
A mellow and hopeful feel to this-nice to sway along to.

Wow. I didn't expect such a positive response - thank you so much. Yes, I know exactly what you mean by those chord changes! Trying to step away from them if I can, but - when push comes to shove, so to speak - I tend to revert to what I know :-) Regardless, if you like them, then that makes me feel brilliant :-) And, it goes without saying - the honour to meet you all is all mine.

Thanks and Happy New Year!!!
Hi, James !

I think your tune
is a very sweet one and
I really liked those sweet
chords and the progression of them !

James ...

I think you already know how much I enjoy your work. This is an example of why that is so. Although soft in the mix, that rhythm guitar really drives this song in its gentle way.

You shouldn't be so surprised this song has earned so much praise - it's all deserving. I know I'm in for a treat anytime I click onto one of your songs. Thanks for the pleasure! Wishing you everything good in 2021.

Alan & Di
Thank you ever so much, Dani, Alan and Di. You're being ever so kind and I'm grateful for your words - as you know, there's nothing like the feeling of a song being appreciated after having worked hard on it ... and the fact that it's appreciated by musicians of your incredible calibre is the cherry on the cake. Again, thank you! Have a much better 2021 - may you be healthy, happy and musically creative throughout it!
Hello James, this is a nice soothing track, that needs so lyrics put to it, I love the modulation!!
Thank you ... so glad you liked it! Your and everyone's taking of time to listen to my efforts is truly appreciated!
Nice. It flows like a gentle stream.

Good work! Smooth instrumental. I think it is ready for lyrics.
Thank you for sharing.

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