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The sax in this is BIAB's, I have moved it around a bit in my DAW to weave it in but it shows what can be done.
The slide guitar is me btw

The colour of October (I'm only barely surviving)

Every day of my life
I see your face in every stranger
And it hurts me when I think
That I never saw the danger

Every night you're in my dreams
I guess that's not really surprising
As October leaves hold on
I'm only barely surviving

All the music in the summer played for us
And the words drew a vivid tattoo
But I always seemed to be leaving you
And the rabbits, they've gone too

Well I'll wait for you now
With wishes and expectations
And I hope maybe one day
We'll encounter the right situation

Even now you're in my dreams
I guess that's not really surprising
As October leaves are falling
I'm only barely surviving.

© S W Jones Oct 22nd-23rd 1978 Updated 2021

Style is _MARTIAN.STY (Martian Old British Folk Rock)

RealTracks in style: 2903:Bass, Acoustic, BluesyPopByron Ev 100
RealTracks in style: 3361:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm BritClassicRock70sHeld Ev 110
RealTracks in style: 2935:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm FolkPulse8thsFintan Ev 110
RealTracks in style: 2930:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm FolkRock8thsBrent Ev 100
RealTracks in song: 416:Sax, Tenor, HipHop Rock Sw 100 (Bluesy)
RealDrums [in style:Rock90s with Cowbell [Multi]
interesting...the big chords from the acoustic seem at odds with the sax's smoothness.
Then again I like the arrangement except for the sax.
Your vocal melody is good and the vocal probably is too but, man, you bury your vocals in more FX than I...and I'm a REAL undertaker.
Cowbell, well, all jokes aside, it works.
This is really a good song. Personally I liked the effects on your voice. Your backing tracks were very good with one exception. To really nitpick many of the last notes in some of the phrases that the sax played sounded cut off. They just stopped. Trailing off in volume would make them sound much better IMHO. Note that this is just my opinion and others may not agree.

I really liked this song.

I love the melodic structure of this one! Vocals sound good too! It's an interesting combination of instrumentation and I would have to listen a few more times before I would say if it all works for me or not! Overall a pretty good tune! Thanks, Torrey
Excellent tune. Good job on the vocal. Well done
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