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Posted By: Deej56 Edelweiss (Hey Now) - 03/27/22 08:43 PM
Hi, folks:

I’ve been far more absent from the board than I’ve wanted the past couple of months, but I’ve finally had the opportunity to spend some time checking out some tunes these past few days. I’ll just say it’s a privilege to be a part of such a great community of talented artists. Just wonderful music!

Unfortunately my musical efforts have been sidetracked of late, mainly due to multiple trips these past couple of months cross county to visit my ailing Dad (who, God bless, is finally at peace). And, beyond that I’ve been in a bit of a songwriting slump, having not penned any originals in more than a few months. So I used what time I had to re-mix some past songs and post two new “albums”—one a solo effort and the other featuring collaborations with John Vaughan (under the band name Kendal Bays)—most all of which you’ve heard here. Still not professional mixes, but hopefully respectable enough.

At any rate, given the aforementioned slump, I decided to revisit some older tunes. I wrote and recorded this song—“Edelweiss”—four years ago, before I discovered BIAB. There is folklore associated with this scarce, short-lived mountain flower—how young men would dare to climb the mountains and cliffs on which they grew to gather them for their intended and prove their love. The song is a bit of a tragic take on that folklore (or that was the intent, at least).

Not sure if it’s appropriate etiquette but for those interested in listening to the original (and quite flawed) acoustic version, I’ll provide a link to it. If nothing else it hopefully demonstrates the power of the BIAB software—don’t know what I’d do without it!

I’m still not sure the mix on the new version is quite where it needs to be, but I’ll trust you will all point me in the right direction. Thanks in advance for the feedback.


Here’s the song (BIAB Version):


Here’s the original acoustic version:

Acoustic Version

Here are the Lyrics: Actually, given the length of my post, I’m going to refer you to the SoundCloud lyrics if you’d like to read along. But I can add them back in here if folks find that more helpful.

And here’s the band:

RealTracks 2743: Bass, Synth, AltHipHop8ths Ev16 085
RealTracks 1581: Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm Folkie16ths Sw16 085
RealTracks 802: Guitar, Electric, Rhythm SouthernSnappyGritty Ev 090 (B:8ths)
RealTracks 688: Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopPromiseGritty8s Ev16 100
RealTracks 1037: Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm NorthernRockBallad Ev 065
RealTracks 3621: Guitar, Electric, Rhythm AmbientBalladArp Ev16 065
RealDrums: RockHardLA^1-a:Snare, HiHat , b:Snare, Loose HiHat
Additional Guitar: Deej56
Posted By: Ezekiel's Storm Re: Edelweiss (Hey Now) - 03/27/22 09:11 PM
BIAB Version: This grabbed me from the get-go. Hypnotic rhythm. Your vocal is one of your best. Emotional and resonant. BGVs are just awesome.

I revisited the acoustic version. Both good. I don't have a preference.
Posted By: Mark Hayes Re: Edelweiss (Hey Now) - 03/27/22 09:47 PM
Man, this is intense... and NOT the song from "The Sound of Music". I am enjoying this song very much.
Posted By: CaptainMoto Re: Edelweiss (Hey Now) - 03/27/22 10:38 PM
Your absence has not diminished your ability to deliver!

This is wonderful!

Fantasist write, perfect band and as always, terrific vocals!

This has such a classic but yet fresh sound, I love it.

So well constructed and performed.

Did I mention the mix?.....It's excellent!

Posted By: bloc-head Re: Edelweiss (Hey Now) - 03/28/22 12:58 AM
What a cool song! Excellent delivery.
Intriguing lyrics...
Posted By: rayc Re: Edelweiss (Hey Now) - 03/28/22 02:06 AM
fabulous song & INTENSE indeed.
Personally I'd want some more meaty Neil young/Crazy Horse guitars in there as well but that a druther - what you have is fabulous.
Posted By: Birchwood Re: Edelweiss (Hey Now) - 03/28/22 06:45 AM
Hi Deej,

A cool rhythm, wonderful vocals and very nice theme!
You made very creative lyrics on that theme. when reading "Edelweiss" I feared a parody on the Sound of music song, but you made a very swinging song. I enjoyed it very much, but that's nothing special; I always enjoy your songs.

Posted By: BlueAttitude Re: Edelweiss (Hey Now) - 03/28/22 07:22 AM
Listened to your BIAB version. Excellent!
Posted By: musician17 Re: Edelweiss (Hey Now) - 03/28/22 07:23 AM
Good song!!! Dark and brooding, musically, excellent lyrics. The versions are different, both good, the BIAB version is more meaty, that's all. The backing track in the BIAB version sounds a little like what I would expect from an Eminem backing track :-) ... but it works!

If I'm to be 100% honest, I would say that I miss hearing more vulnerable songs from you. Songs like "If You Stay", "If I Stop Loving You" or countless others where you just break our hearts with that kind of vulnerability. However: just because I prefer those doesn't mean that this other kind of song isn't great, too - it really is, and I really admire your versatility - you're not a "one-trick pony" at all, which is brilliant. It's just a preference thing, though: when I think "Deej", I think "Prayer to the World", "If You Stay", "I've Got The Moon", even (so much kindhearted humour in that one, whilst still staying vulnerable), etc. etc. etc.

But you keep doing you. It's like saying I prefer cakes; of course I would, but if I ate ONLY cakes, that wouldn't be good at all, either :-) ... and it does NOT mean that, just because it's a different kind of meal, it's not at least just as good! So you keep treating us with whatever you enjoy doing, at any given time, of course ... just don't forget the vulnerability, from time to time? ;-)

Bravo :-)
Posted By: floyd jane Re: Edelweiss (Hey Now) - 03/28/22 10:55 AM


For my money, this is one of the BEST things that's ever been posted in the Showcase (and that's a very high bar - there is an amazing amount of top quality music that hits here).

An excellent write. Excellent.

I agree this is your BEST vocal ever. Killer.

LOVE the BAND. Amazing use of BIAB. And the mix is flawless.

This is a hit.

Posted By: PROJECT M Re: Edelweiss (Hey Now) - 03/28/22 11:33 AM
Hi David
The BiaB version is extra class.
Especially because of your great vocals.
The sound is also excellent
Really very well done.
Many greetings
Andi ;-)
Posted By: RnAM Re: Edelweiss (Hey Now) - 03/28/22 11:41 AM
A great song.
Both versions are beautiful, but the acoustic version is more energetic. It grabbed us more than the BIAB version.
This might be, because your voice in the acoustic version is louder and more "in front".
It may also be because of the difference in music of both versions.
The contrast between the powerful vocals and guitar music of the acoustic version makes it more intensive than the BIAB version.
But.... it's only a matter of taste!
Lovely vocals.

Rob and Anne-Marie
Posted By: Brad Williams Re: Edelweiss (Hey Now) - 03/28/22 03:15 PM
Great song. Original, unique and very captivating. The way the melody worked with those vocals kept me on the edge of my seat waiting to hear the next sounds coming my way. Great job.
Posted By: Deej56 Re: Edelweiss (Hey Now) - 03/28/22 09:28 PM
Ezekiel, Mark, Cap’n, bloc-head, rayc, Hans, Dave, James, Floyd, Andi, RnAM, and Brad:

Thank you all for the listens and kind words. There’s always that little bit of doubt and second-guessing before I let something fly . . . so pleased that this seems to have hit the mark. A few quick responses to some of your feedback:

Ezekiel and RnAM: I’m OK with the acoustic version for the most part . . . but it’s really not a great production . . . might have been the fourth or fifth song I recorded once I started recording. I’m a marginal guitar player, and at that point I don’t believe I knew how to EQ or pan, so it could be much better. I do think the vocal is a bit more . . . intimate, perhaps? . . . and maybe that’s what RnAm is picking up on as well.

rayc: Well, I did experiment with some electric solo RTs . . . but nothing seemed to really fit, often making the song a bit too busy. And given there are so few musical breaks between the vocals, it wasn’t working for me. But I get where you’re going, and a more ingenious producer than I might have found a way.

James: I’m sure the vulnerable songs will come in time . . . though right now I’m wishing for just about for any song to come, LOL. They will, as they always do . . . I hope. :-)

Stay safe and stay well all.

Posted By: musician17 Re: Edelweiss (Hey Now) - 03/29/22 02:46 AM

Don't mind me, of course. I am just yapping, really, lol. You do you - not least because you know exactly what you are doing, with every song. I don't want to praise too much or anything, but this is honest from me: when I will have at least half your standard in songwriting, never mind singing, we can give my ramblings some more credence, perhaps :-) . Thanks for your patience with me :-)
Posted By: animarorecords Re: Edelweiss (Hey Now) - 03/31/22 05:15 AM

I listened to your BIAB version first.
The guitar riffs played throughout are very distinctive and fit this song.
Your vocals are really great.
They make this song very emotional.
The acoustic version is also very nice.
Enjoyed my listen a lot.

Best regards.

Shigeki Adachi
Posted By: BabuMusic Re: Edelweiss (Hey Now) - 03/31/22 09:15 AM
Outstanding passion in your voice, Deej. What a strong song, and I think the mix is flawless. So sorry to hear of your loss of your dad. That's tough, but the influence and love lasts a lifetime. SO glad you're back, and this is a wonderful gift you brought us.
Posted By: AudioTrack Re: Edelweiss (Hey Now) - 03/31/22 10:20 AM
Musically intriguing, and lyrically very cleverly composed.

I was quite entranced with the underlying rhythm that bonded everything perfectly.
Posted By: MarioD Re: Edelweiss (Hey Now) - 04/01/22 12:49 PM
IMHO the BiaB version is your best to date
IMHO so was the acoustic version

A paradox for sure as both are excellent on their own, totally different but equally fantastic

All I can say is keep up the outstanding work
Posted By: Derochette Re: Edelweiss (Hey Now) - 04/01/22 04:23 PM
Hi Deej56,

I like your voice which lends itself wonderfully to your musical instrumentation. This is a very well done composition. Excellent, I really apprecied it.

Kindly regard
alias JaniJackFlash
Posted By: dcuny Re: Edelweiss (Hey Now) - 04/02/22 01:45 AM
Thanks for the backstory. The lyric "I'll fall for you" takes on a different meaning.

Love your voice (as always), and it's an amazing write. I think the BiaB version is better than the acoustic, but the acoustic version is no slouch either.

Excellent song!
Posted By: lambada Re: Edelweiss (Hey Now) - 04/02/22 01:50 AM
Yup, I liked this. It reminded me of Uriah Heap and Crowded House (I guess because of the lyric). All very well produced, written, etc etc.
Posted By: Scott C Re: Edelweiss (Hey Now) - 04/02/22 02:22 PM
Very cool groove on this song DeeJ. Excellent backing band and loved the vocal and lyric. Well done.
Posted By: Rustyspoon# Re: Edelweiss (Hey Now) - 04/02/22 07:14 PM
Both versions are good in their own way. Both share excellent vocal performance. Enjoyed both of them. Well done! Thank you for sharing.

Posted By: PeterF Re: Edelweiss (Hey Now) - 04/02/22 07:23 PM


Really accomplished song, vocally, musically & production wise.

Posted By: jannesan Re: Edelweiss (Hey Now) - 04/05/22 10:03 AM
I really like the acoustic version, it has very intimate feeling - the guitar and the singer feel very close. It just proves that a great song doesn't need a fancy arrangement and perfect mix, it's the song and delivery that count.
The BIAB version is truly different, but intriguing in its own way. The instruments and the sturdy rhythm create a lovely ambient bed and together with the amazing vocals reminds me of The Waterboys.
Anyway, the composition is very strong and haunting. Lyrics are romantic and beautiful.

Posted By: Janice & Bud Re: Edelweiss (Hey Now) - 04/05/22 01:02 PM
Firstly, no need to sell yourself short regarding mixes. They are good as is this one.
So there. smile

We liked the dark ominous feel in the melody and the band.

Great vocals ... all of them. Cool harmony arrangement.

Thanks for the backstory about the lyric ... and an engaging lyric it was.

Well done!


PS We agree that the vocal might be a bit more intimate on the original but the new version's arrangement takes it to a new place.
Posted By: Deej56 Re: Edelweiss (Hey Now) - 04/06/22 08:01 PM
Shigeki, Marty, AudioTrack, Mario, Derochette, David, lambada, Scott, Misha, Peter, Janne, and J&B:

Thanks so much for the listen and kind words. I’m surprised by, but very appreciative of, the positive reception on the acoustic version. I never quite gave it much due (largely because my musicianship skills are limited), but glad it has resonated.

Stay well all!

Posted By: rsdean Re: Edelweiss (Hey Now) - 04/07/22 07:34 AM

You have an incredible sound... Love both versions - It's a joy to listen again to one of your creations.

Posted By: Deej56 Re: Edelweiss (Hey Now) - 04/12/22 09:16 PM

Thanks for giving this one a spin and for the great feedback. Hope all is well in your world!

Posted By: Noel96 Re: Edelweiss (Hey Now) - 05/04/22 10:34 AM
Hi Deej,

I listened to the full-production version quite a while back, but I never got around to passing on my comments. Tonight, I listened to the acoustic version and I'm equally blown away.

Your full-production presentation is extraordinary! In fact, the graphic below could have been my face as I listened. (I came across this just today as I was working through some Korean online and it seemed appropriate to include it in my reply to you.)

You have the knack for creating top-level, professional songs. Your writing, arranging, performing and producing are brilliant. I sincerely envy your talents!

All the best,
Posted By: Guitarhacker Re: Edelweiss (Hey Now) - 05/04/22 10:41 AM
Excellent work!

I was expecting a nod to the SOM version but this is totally original and hits the right things. I listened to both versions and they both have a unique POV to offer on the song.

I like it.
Posted By: Al-David Re: Edelweiss (Hey Now) - 05/04/22 01:25 PM
Hi Deej ...

Well, I can think of no superlatives that would do this production its proper respect and credit. I cannot find a single, solitary flaw. It sparkles but a bit on the dark side at the same time. I agree with Floyd that this is your best song to date and one of the very best in the 10 years or so I've been here. Any true musician would be proud to have this in their copyrighted catalogue. Splendid in every way!

So sorry to hear your dad passed. But sometimes it's the best thin. I hope that was his case. Condolences from Di and me.

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