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Posted By: Silverlock Wishlist item: Southern Gospel RealTracks - 03/23/09 04:32 PM
I sing in a mixed Gospel quartet, and I hope to use BIAB and RealBand to help generate tracks for us to sing along with. These days, we're doing a lot of Cathedrals and Gaither Vocal Band stuff. I just got the Southern Gospel style set (#20), but I wish there was a set of RealTracks I could use in addition.
I am not sure, but I was requesting for deepsoul, isn't that in the same style? If so, then I also add my voice here...
Posted By: Mac Re: Wishlist item: Southern Gospel RealTracks - 03/24/09 04:14 PM
There are certain RealTracks that can be mixed in with the Southern Gospel all-MIDI styles.


You could add a slide guitarist, guitar player, fiddle player, mandolin, even dirty B3 organ to the existing MIDI tracks.

In other words, don't view this as having to have a specified "RealTracks Style"...

I was experimenting a little last night and coming up with some good stuff. (I just got started with BIAB a few days ago, so I'm still in learning mode.) Being a novice at it, I just find it easier to find things that work well together if they are already bundled as a style.

I still have some more RealTracks sets I want to buy. This is fun and addictive and will probably eat up my budget.


There are certain RealTracks that can be mixed in with the Southern Gospel all-MIDI styles.

Sure thing, and I also did that from the first day I got BiaB, but more variation and dedicated styled realtracks wouldn't hurt. The other realtracks to combine for my ideas are pretty much limited as for one I don't want to use the violin or steelguitars, since I don't like to mix that with the sound I have in mind. In matter of fact I allready use gospel as a compromising style so even other styles of instruments playing around is a bit too much of a difference)The strumming accoustic I use yes, but that is about it. What I would like is some mellow (Ihope that is the right wordchoice) guitar picking slowly over the chords as you often hear in deepsoul. And besides, there are also plenty of jazz and country tracks, so why not add some other styles a bit more as well?
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