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Posted By: George Ireton Should I buy this midi keyboard? - 08/19/14 03:39 PM
I am not sure if this is the right forum category to post such a question as this. Please feel free to move it or let me know.

I am very new to biab and am a guitar player. I also can use the keyboard (chords) but not performance level. I read where a midi sequencer can be a great tool for biab and entering melodies etc.

There are soooo many keyboards out there at so many price points, I am a bit overwhelmed. Now to the problem at hand.

There is a local furniture consignment store here that just happens to have a couple of 88 key M-Audio keyboards. A no frills one (Keystation 88 ES) and one with all the faders etc. They only want $40 each for them because there is no pedals, power supplies etc. I have seen the simple one (used) at the music store for $200.

So do you think I should take a risk and get those, in the hope of finding the pedals and power supplies? Will they work (drivers) with my Windows PC? Thinking about re-selling the simple keyboard just to cover the cost of buying both, thereby getting a free one! Always good.

What think ye?
Posted By: Ryszard Re: Should I buy this midi keyboard? - 08/19/14 04:28 PM
Do it, George. You can get power supplies at Radio Shack if you can't get OEM parts. Generic expression pedals start at around $15. Wish I'd seen them before you—I'd like to step up from my M-Audio 49-key jobbie. Good luck!

Posted By: Charlie Fogle Re: Should I buy this midi keyboard? - 08/19/14 04:32 PM
If they are in working order, I would buy them. Power supplies and drivers can be obtained for both most likely. Power supplies for certain.

Posted By: George Ireton Re: Should I buy this midi keyboard? - 08/19/14 04:46 PM
Howzat 49 workin' out for ya' Richard? You can have the 88 for what I pay $40 (or less if I can get it)plus shipping.
Posted By: Ryszard Re: Should I buy this midi keyboard? - 08/19/14 07:31 PM
I'm interested, George. Let's get in touch by phone or email. I'll send you a PM.
Posted By: MarioD Re: Should I buy this midi keyboard? - 08/19/14 08:02 PM
You can get a power supply for it here:

And the pedal for it here:

For $40 is sounds like a good deal.

One thing to consider is that if you want control over MIDI at sometime you will need a MIDI controller with faders and knobs. Those are how you get more realistic sounding MIDI. But if you only want to input notes and have a mod wheel and pitch bend this is a no-brainer IMHO.
Posted By: rockstar_not Re: Should I buy this midi keyboard? - 08/19/14 10:53 PM
George, I had an M-audio Oxygen 49 keyboard, that I did NOT like - the feel of the keys was too spring loaded. The cheapo Casio keyboard I bought for my kids has a better key-feel.

Either one, even without the power supplies is going to be a good deal. The keystation 88es has semi-weighted keys. Not sure about the other keyboard. Which one feels more natural to you? I would go with that over any other aspect of either one. The Keystation 88es has mod and pitch bend wheels, which are quite handy. I don't buy any keyboards without them, which has kept me away from entire brand offerings (Korg for example).

Which model has 88 keys and all the knobs and sliders?
Posted By: George Ireton Re: Should I buy this midi keyboard? - 08/20/14 12:27 AM
Rock star, The one with all the toys is the Pro88. Thanks for your good advice. I know very little about all this. I do know it is a bargain tho, and expect to learn all the details about using this as I go.
Posted By: George Ireton Re: Should I buy this midi keyboard? - 08/20/14 12:27 AM
Gracias my brotha' Mario.
Posted By: rockstar_not Re: Should I buy this midi keyboard? - 08/20/14 01:28 AM
Keystation pro for $40 is a great deal. Period. You can probably turn around and sell it on eBay for many times that price if it's actually working.

You might even be able to part the thing out for $40. If you lived near me I would come help you check it out.
Posted By: George Ireton Re: Should I buy this midi keyboard? - 08/20/14 12:04 PM
You have a great songwriter in Colorado Springs. John Swayne. I plan to record a few of his songs. See:
Posted By: Guitarhacker Re: Should I buy this midi keyboard? - 08/20/14 03:07 PM
Great deal on those things.

You should not have to worry with drivers as they should be recognized. If not, just grab the needed drivers from the manufacture's web site.

88 keys rock..... I have two 61 key keyboards. One is in a closet and I use one of them on rare occasions in the studio.
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