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Posted By: critter Problems with Mixcraft Pro 6 - 03/06/15 02:43 AM
I've had Mixcraft for two years with no problems, until I wanted to upgrade to Pro 7 the new one that just out. Granted I did buy a box dvd from Guitar Center. Anyway, I tried to do the upgrade and I got a pop up saying I wasn't registered, which I am, all the codes are on the dvd sleeve. I contacted them thru e-mail and was told that I had bought it through a box store so they sent me new codes for registration, well now nothing is working, because of the code issue!! I have been going back and forth with them for a week and still no solution. Now here is the question. Does anyone use Reaper?? I have been playing with it for a while now, does anyone out there use this?? If so let me know. The only thing I really like in Mixcraft is the G-Snap pitch correction so instead of upgrading I could spend the money on the Reaper DAW. It works just as well I think

Posted By: DrDan Re: Problems with Mixcraft Pro 6 - 03/06/15 10:13 AM
Reaper is free to download and free to use for the first month and has been my DAW of choice for the past years. How is it you have never tried it???

Do your self a favor and start using it today. It also has a pitch correction plugin.
Posted By: jford Re: Problems with Mixcraft Pro 6 - 03/06/15 03:11 PM
G-Snap pitch correction is free also; you can download it separately and use as a VST in any VST-enabled DAW.
Posted By: Guitarhacker Re: Problems with Mixcraft Pro 6 - 03/07/15 09:54 AM
Cakewalk is selling their new Music Creator 7 DAW for $20.... I used their earlier versions of MC as my main DAW for many years.

At that price... if your OS is W7 or W8, it's a no brainer..... I use XP so it won't even install. I can't say enough good things about the Cakewalk 'beginner" level DAW's for their functionality and most importantly, ease of use. I used several really nice plug ins with MC that I continue to use now in X1e. With full VST compatibility, all the good plugs will run in MC.
Posted By: rockstar_not Re: Problems with Mixcraft Pro 6 - 03/07/15 11:11 AM

The folks at Acoustica/Mixcraft are good people - they should be able to get you sorted out. I would start there and on their forum:
Posted By: dcuny Re: Problems with Mixcraft Pro 6 - 03/08/15 05:29 AM
Originally Posted By: critter
Does anyone use Reaper?? I have been playing with it for a while now, does anyone out there use this?? If so let me know.

A number of people on the forum use Reaper, myself included.

As you're probably aware, it has a built-in pitch correction VST called ReaTune. If you select the "Correction" tab, you can choose "Automatic pitch correction" and pick a key (or pitches), and it'll automatically apply pitch correction.

There's also a "Manual Correction" mode, which has "Manual correction" and "Track pitch" options. If you choose "Track pitch", it'll show you what pitches you're actually singing, and you can draw line segments into the window on the notes you want to correct. I find this works much better for me.

You can find a video explaining it here.

You might have read about complaints on this forum that support for MIDI editing in Reaper was weak, but that's been corrected.

What you won't find in Reaper are a bunch of free loops, or free VST instruments. It'll support loops (ACID or not) VSTis and DXis, but it really doesn't come with any libraries of sounds like some other DAWS.

Did you have any particular questions about Reaper? Really, there's nothing particularly magical about one DAW or another. It's more a matter of finding something that fits your workflow. I happen to really like Reaper, but I can see why others are passionate about the DAWs they use. And hopefully, you can resolve the issue you've got with Mixcraft.
Posted By: critter Re: Problems with Mixcraft Pro 6 - 03/09/15 02:02 AM
I worked it out with back and forth e-mails, because I got the program from Guitar Center the codes on the disc sleeve would not sync with them so they gave me new codes. It worked on my windows 7 machine but would not work with the windows 8.1. Finally we got it to work. I have a lot of projects in there and didn't want to lose them. All is well now. The Reaper daw works well too, have been playing around with it and like it too. Mixcraft has some shortcuts I prefer though, maybe just because I have used it for so long. I would recommend Reaper.

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