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Posted By: Bawb Adjusting Settings From Afar??? - 02/25/20 03:30 PM
I'll apologize ahead of time if this sounds kinda dumb...

If I posted a song with the vocals, would it be possible for someone to tell me what settings need to be tweaked?

Or possibly remix it?

I'll just swallow my pride and admit it, I haven't the proper skills...
Posted By: Noel96 Re: Adjusting Settings From Afar??? - 02/25/20 05:58 PM
Hi Bawb,

There are a number of highly skilled people on these forums who would jump in and give some thoughts regarding what they hear and how to improve it.

People have done this many times over the years. The Users Showcase or Songwriting forums are where most of such posts have occurred. This forum is just as valid, though.

Posted By: MarioD Re: Adjusting Settings From Afar??? - 02/25/20 06:30 PM
I would put the song as well as each individual track up on the free Dropbox. With each individual track one can mix them in a different way than you did. The whole song could be helpful in that one could use effects like compression and EQ to help it.

If you only want to distribute the song then IMHO this forum would be better then Soundcloud. YMMV.
Posted By: Bawb Re: Adjusting Settings From Afar??? - 02/28/20 10:44 AM

So this is what I was able to come up with last night. (I only had a short time as I haven't had time to breathe lately). So yeah, it's still a work in progress...
Posted By: Jim Fogle Re: Adjusting Settings From Afar??? - 02/29/20 11:41 PM

I listened to your song and you're vocal is way too low in comparison to the instruments. Here is one way to fix it:

Set the volume to all the tracks to zero. At the loudest point in the song raise the vocal volume level to as high as you want it to be. Then set the drum volume so the drums sound right. Then add the bass making sure the bass doesn't hide the vocal or drums. Then blend everything else in.

Once you set the vocal volume level at the loudest part of the song don't mess with the vocal track volume level. If you can't hear the vocal then either the last track you added is too loud or frequencies are clashing.
Posted By: Pipeline Re: Adjusting Settings From Afar??? - 03/01/20 04:04 AM
Great song, I like the vocals better than the music but the vocals are down the hall in the background.
Bring the vocals to the front and bring in some other instruments, maybe some guitar solos so it's not the same all the way through.
You have so much potential there, will love to hear it after a bit more work.
Posted By: rharv Re: Adjusting Settings From Afar??? - 03/01/20 11:04 AM
I agree with others, vocals are buried, and once boosted will probably have too much reverb.

Don't be afraid of pushing your voice to the forefront, it's the focus of the song.
Personally I'd try putting a compressor on your vocals to bring them out ..
This is a simple compressor with a couple vocal presets -

(found at, stashed for safe keeping)
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