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+++ Waveform Free V12 by Trackion +++

Tracktion has released V12 of the Waveform Free DAW. Waveform Free works with Linux, Macintosh and Windows.
The world’s best, fully featured, completely unlimited free DAW for all music creators.
I had a squiz...looks A LOT like Reaper and one needs to BUY expansion packages to get full functionality.
The bandlab Cakewalk thing is "free" also but I'm not sure it's "crippled" in the way this one is.
Cakewalk is exactly what used to be SONAR Platinum but much improved.
Cakewalk by Bandlab is not crippled in any manner. The software began as the top-of-the-line version of Sonar, Platinum. Cakewalk can use any 64 bit third party accessory a user may have acquired with Sonar.

One reason a user may want to upgrade from Sonar to Cakewalk is the Cakewalk program has received four years of fixes and improvements since the last version of Sonar was released. It has become a very stable DAW. There have also been some major enhancements such as an arrangement track.

The main reason I posted about the release of Waveform 12 is it works on Windows, Macintosh and Linux computer operating systems. Cakewalk is only available on Windows.
I used Cakewalk Pro Audio 3 WAY back and liked it but moved to Reaper for collaboration reasons. Reaper was a quick learning curve and a much better program but that Cakewalk experience was over a decade ago. I tried the online ties version and didn't like it much, if at all.

Waveform 12 looks interesting but I'm not looking for change nor am I inspired by their business model.
Originally Posted By: rayc
I used Cakewalk Pro Audio 3 WAY back and liked it but moved to Reaper for collaboration reasons. Reaper was a quick learning curve and a much better program but that Cakewalk experience was over a decade ago. I tried the online ties version and didn't like it much, if at all.

Waveform 12 looks interesting but I'm not looking for change nor am I inspired by their business model.

BandLab (the "online version") is an entirely different animal. Not anything CLOSE to Cakewalk.
Good for them, I suppose.


Re: Bandlab have you used it? I logged in to the bandlab samples one time and grabbed some cool loops and stuff but used it in Cakewalk.

To me Cakewalk is mind-bogglingly cool for free.

I see this on bandlab:

Does it do more than this, for example???

Band in a box has beats and loops too, but unlike this, you can actually change chords every once in a while.

What do you think of it? I am curious.
Originally Posted By: Byron Dickens
Originally Posted By: rayc
I used Cakewalk Pro Audio 3 WAY back and liked it but moved to Reaper for collaboration reasons. Reaper was a quick learning curve and a much better program but that Cakewalk experience was over a decade ago. I tried the online ties version and didn't like it much, if at all.

Waveform 12 looks interesting but I'm not looking for change nor am I inspired by their business model.

BandLab (the "online version") is an entirely different animal. Not anything CLOSE to Cakewalk.

REALLY? Golly gosh & who'd a thought?
Now, exactly how do I suck eggs?
An eerily familiar business model. Give the platform away for free.... sell the stuff that you really need to make it work as "add on/extra" packs.
Originally Posted By: David Snyder

Re: Bandlab have you used it? I logged in to the bandlab samples one time and grabbed some cool loops and stuff but used it in Cakewalk.

To me Cakewalk is mind-bogglingly cool for free.

I see this on bandlab:

Does it do more than this, for example???

Band in a box has beats and loops too, but unlike this, you can actually change chords every once in a while.

What do you think of it? I am curious.

Only thing I have ever used BandLab for is to jot down some ideas on my phone while I was out and about.
i tried a previous version of wf,,,i thought for free who can complain. you dont have to buy the expansion paks..just replace with freebie vst plug ins.

however just a couple of reasons i still am a big fan of reaper is...

1. i can record in flac thus saveing loads of disk space when 'roughing out a song idea'.
(wish realband had this.)
2. the flawless reaps runs not only my vst plug ins but also pg dx plug ins which i use a lot.

fwiw i was a very early adoptee of reaps at v 0.99 and , like other early adoptees was sending product feature
ideas to the developer often.
at the time i was..'ridiculed' by some muso
well now of course reaps is used the world wide.
but let me say i love bb and realband too. so my preferred combo to do songs is bb/rb/reaps. playing to strength of each
. continues to bug me why many musos in the world dont take the time to delve into realband and its very deep strikes me many people faced with actually haveing to do a deep dive into a product like realband just dont bother, so they miss a LOT imho. mini rant over...lmao

happiness to all.

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