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Posted By: ROG Global Solo Button - 07/27/20 07:00 PM
It was a sad day when we lost the global solo button with the new GUI.
It was such a useful feature, I can't understand why it was left out and
it would be great to see it reintroduced sometime.

Posted By: rharv Re: Global Solo Button - 07/28/20 05:53 PM
In the bar at the top of the column of tracks is such a thing. It solos all selected tracks, just like the old one.
It's not gone, just moved.

Attached picture SoloButton.jpg
Posted By: ROG Re: Global Solo Button - 07/29/20 07:38 PM
Hey thanks, Bob.

Basically I do everything from the Bars Window and the Mixer, so I never use the Tracks window,
and I was expecting the Solo button to be on the Toolbar, where it would be available to all the windows.
I suppose opening the Tracks Window is still quicker than cancelling the solo on multiple tracks, but
I still think it would be better on the Toolbar where it was before.

Anyway, many thanks.

Posted By: Pipeline Re: Global Solo Button - 08/01/20 06:15 AM
I can make a floating always on top button or menu with AutoHotKey
but I can't see the Solo in the Track menu or a hotkey so I have no way to access it with AutoHotKey.
I might be able to add a hotkey for the solo button but then you need to edit the Delphi form to add it crazy

Attached picture PT-Bars-Solo.png
Posted By: ROG Re: Global Solo Button - 08/02/20 08:57 AM
Many thanks for the input - yes, I can see where you're going with this.

In the final analysis, I have a button on the toolbar for the tracks window
and then it's just one more click on the solo button and a click to close
the window again.

When I'm mixing, I tend to bring in each instrument in turn, using the solo
function. In a typical mix I might have 20+ tracks on solo, so three clicks
is still going to be much easier than de-selecting each track separately.

Thanks again,
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